Looks like Steve has been sneaking in and leaving Minecraft blocks around
First thought, that’s gonna be really awkward to salvage.
Then I realized…no fire…and the engines are running.
Yesterday I warped into a system and found myself in a “save the fleet from pirates” battle. My normal tactic is to fly some distance away, and let the pirates come to me - because I don’t want to accidentally hit one of the defenders - they turn into enemies if you do, and then you can’t win.
In this case, some pirates wouldn’t come and fight. When I went to investigate, I found that three of their ships were stuck to the freighter they were supposed to be attacking. It was quite tricky to shoot them, but not the freighter they were stuck to.
It seems NPC ships getting stuck to things may now be an issue.
In other words, they activated full collision detection for the NPC ships. before they could just fly through everything. It’s quite likely that it happened by accident, some false flag making it into the build somehow, but then I’d kind of expect it to be fixed already.
On the other side of things, it really feels like collisions with astroids is more ‘dramatic’ now.
I’m letting myself use the Boundary Herald in my permadeath playthrough & it gets belted & knocked way off course if you clip an asteroid at speed.
Is that a new thing?
I have hit a lot of asteroids. I do not recall ever being thrown off course by one
It would be, and a welcome one. I’ve always thought collisions were way too tame the way they were.
So that wasn’t just me being tired and bad at flying momentarily…
They’re very impactful, especially with that haptic feedback on PS5.
I just met a very nice korax named operator entity Azd at a trading Post. They and the others where sing, I joined in, then I went to ask for language help, but they just wanted to keep singing. So after some time he finally helped me with my language barrier, but then he wanted to sing some more. So now I have the highest rank with the Korax. Thanks Azd it will help a lot in my permadeath save.
New galactic craze…asteroid pinball. Get ship up to full speed and blast into the densest asteroid field you can find.
Sometimes when flying in your ship and going into photo mode, the algae/glowing foam likes to migrate.
Landing seems to fix it, most common after planet entry before landing as far as I can tell.
I decided to go hand pick some gamma root for bionic lure and came across this radioactive moon where all the gamma nodes had spawned lower than intended and peeked out of the soil (not in caves or anything, just coming in a few feet lower than their intended plot.
Reminded me of how they used to appear in the wild in 2016-2017, same as when we plant em.
I would love if they added a feature that your base plants become like the wild planet variants if you don’t come back to harvest them for a long time. Something crazy so it’s a fun surprise for the player whose been ignoring their farm for weeks and suddenly walks into an overgrown jungle when they run out of faecium
I’d only just pulled up to drop something into the post office real quick and the damn Clampers still got me
Why are they even out this late?!
It seems to me that Sentinel mechanics need a bit of work. Not only is the countdown timer bugged quite often, but this is on another level.
I mean, it makes sense for sentinels not shooting me when riding a companion. This though?
They’re just staring at me … menacingly.
The only one attacking me is the quadropod.
Apparently, sitting on a chair doesn’t make me invisible, but it … phase-shifts me?
Wasn’t even intentional - after a raid, I just wanted to check the cache next to the door before leaving, instead I triggered the chair. Couldn’t be arsed to stand up again, so I just sat there to see what happens. Welp.
Anywho, the other day I was working on customizing my freighter. Somehow, I ended up stuck between the floor and the bottom of a corridor. I could move around the individual corridor only. I thought, I glitched in here I’ll try to glitch out. Nope, I couldn’t do it. I am not very good at glitching. I thought I was going to have to call one of you for help. I tried creating a save point and reloading the game. Nope, now my save is stuck here.
What final worked was the teleporter I placed one in what I was calling the vent and one on top of the floor. And I was free.
Something I only discovered recently and only seems to appear when on freighter, in the general options menu, down the bottom, is the option to reset position in Freighter.
I like your method better though, more exciting and gives you agency.
My games water LOD is having a bit of jank time of it lately in photo mode
They’re having trouble getting accustomed to freighter life? Ya don’t say… These are the filtration ducts, recruit.
Did you train this one in?
Well, at least they feel only discomifted. God forbid they should feel discombobulated! (Even after years, I still can’t get beyond the fact this is an actual word, not just babble…)