I used to give the same warning to people in half made up German when loaning them my GameCube.
Despite that I still got all my Wind Waker saves wiped by a friend’s lil toddler bro in hindsight I probably should’ve checked he wasn’t using a defenceless child as a scapegoat
Even though your question is rhetorical, I have a number of friends who have worked for Musk companies and I have a valid answer. Musk the visionary inventor wouldn’t be involved with the moronic spooner, but Musk the industrialist is in charge right now.
Musk the industrialist longs for a world where there are vast numbers of unemployed starving in the streets with no safety net so that he can use “…or lose your job” as the final clause in every instruction to his employees, and there is no such thing as ‘labor code’ or ‘environmental regulations’ or ‘workplace safety regulations’ or basically anything else to slow him down. Pretty much everyone I know that has worked for him either found another job or is looking for one, and that is with the labor code keeping his demands in some sort of check. ‘Some sort’ because he pretty much treats such things as suggestions, not regulations. His lack of respect for law also gives him some common ground with the felonious spooner.
The governor of Illinois has renamed Lake Michigan as Lake Illinois, and declared that since Green Bay Wisconsin is vital to the defense of his state it will be annexed.
They set the synthetic voice to German but kept the text in English? Yeah, we played that game as well when our company got a license for such a service. Does anybody remember the product afterwards at all?
Huh? Lol. I used to do that as a child. Duckwalk! Let me try. Yup. Depending on socks and floor smoothness, I can still do it. Possibly with less elegance than in the video. Who is Edna?
She is very short and walks with a short, quick step. She is all business and is all about getting things done.
Edna was modeled after Edith Head, famous designer to the Hollywood stars
Here is a longer one where they sound like Edna and look like Edna from the back