Future Update Speculation

Well, just pointing out that the ancient ruins are pretty much the only part of the game that hasn’t been updated (yet). And the obvious inference that the likely place to search for ancient artefacts would be amongst ancient ruins.

There’s a whole debate amongst archaeologists, the museums community, and the heritage industry, regarding the advisability of restoring ancient sites / artefacts, or leaving them to decay naturally.

I could write pages exploring the debate, but at the heart of it is the strange belief that there’s some point in the past where history stops - and that’s the bit we should resstore / preserve.

It’s also tied into ideas of restoration, and the fact that modern restorers have often had little or no real idea what an original structure was for, or looked like, and have worked largely from their own fevered imagination - destroying much of the original evidence in the process.

Sites such as Knossos, Avebury, and Newgrange now make efficient theme parks for the tourists but bear little or no resemblance to the original stuctures - and we will likely never know the full story of the originals, becausee the restoration has destroyed the evidence.


I don’t feel a need to restore every little thing but, it would be a crime.to allow everything to slip into the land of forgotten things…that would be so sad.
Wondering when this update happens. Gonna be very busy this week. Today, I am going to a gathering and I am responsible for the pineapple upside down cake and homemade mac n cheese. I would be hunted down with pitchforks if I did not show up with the goods.


I fully agree. The question then becomes “Where do you draw the line?”


It also becomes a matter of this museum saying, we would like a pot and then another says, Hey! We want a pot too! and on and on it goes. At that point, do you say well, the museum over here can have a pot but people in other parts of the world are out of luck. Nope. Museums are a way for people everywhere to ‘touch’, (but please don’t really touch) the past. So that is a lot of museums and a lot of pots and so, we restore everything. It’s a money-making business in the end. But we all benefit.

Off Topic History Musings

I remember being in the Boyne Valley and at Knowth they had these artist illustrations of what the sites may have looked like when in use in centuries past. It had them placed so the view in the painting matched the actual view.

In the paintings all the hills in the background have fields divided by hedgerow, which I dont think came into effect until maybe the 1700s or thereabouts. I understood it was to give visitors an easier time to ground the paintings into the surroundings from an artistic point, but from a learning standpoint it could leave some people with the wrong impression about agriculture.

Couldn’t find an image similar to what it looked like but here is an image of Knowth, and basically it was almost like this except lower vantage point and there were little neolithic people going about their business.

It’s not so much drawing a line as it is drawing a big circle around “introduce new star type that only has retro classic NMS stuff” on a whiteboard of ideas. Thats something they could do to make everyone happy :wink:

I always liked how they preserved the original space stations in abandoned systems and it would be cool to see them do that with more things, I was kinda hoping they were going to do that with the previous space stations, maybe have a chance it could be those or the original stations in an abandoned system.

Britain really should give Greece back its shit though :stuck_out_tongue:


And Egypt… :smile: Can we just share?


And posted on FB


The triple emoji! Sean’s following the Worlds Part I emoji timeline relatively closely with this one… Not to mention PS is on sale for 60% again, now to see what tomorrow’s Steam sale gives us.


Could be related to artifacts. Artifact overhaul?


So there’s an apple event for the 9th of September. Wonder if we’ll get the Ipad / Iphone ports announced there? Doesn’t seem to line up with this :amphora: if it drops this week though…


Amphorae plural of Amphora.

This paragraph stood out

Lost city of Atlantis… i mean Glass…


Some of the speculation gets twisted into what one wants to believe.

Example: These are not urns, they are ancient vases. They carry such things as water. 3 jars minus 1 = Worlds 2.


Obviously this is a water container used to put out fires (LNF reference).



60% off on GOG, from 28/08/24 - 10/09/24


Arte… who?

Isn’t this the modern version?



What’s a Grecian urn?
About 20 Euros a day.


Pottery Planets confirmed :heavy_check_mark: :stuck_out_tongue:


I suppose Bertrand Russell’s teapot would be stretching the ceramic connection a bit.


I don’t know and won’t try to say because the burden of proof is on you. But as soon as you see that teapot, let us know.