Future Revealed Element Predictions

I don’t see a prediction thread yet for future elements so here goes, my personal ideas of what we could be seeing next

  • A way to talk to other players over large distances
  • New types of exocraft to ride on asteroids/comets
  • A large enough asteroid/comet to accomodate this, possibly in planet rings
  • Bases on asteroids, possibly
  • Derelict spacecraft / freighters to explore and possibly loot… possibly in space
  • A VR headset hologram (secretly hoping for this), the W/ARE headset thing might hint at this

I feel like landing on big asteroids will be a thing. They’ve mentioned it in the past, I believe. And with ringed planets, hopefully asteroid fields will be reworked.

Finding derelict mining rigs on big asteroids would be awesome!



I edited the title of the thread to include the word “Gameplay” to make it clearer and help it get more attention.

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was actually referring to the elements in the satcom dashboard, but fair enough :slight_smile:

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OH I see, sorry. Feel free to change it back, or I can.

Edit: Alright, sweet. Sorry for the misunderstanding! :sweat_smile:

there you go :wink:

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I think we will get some sort of video - probably the match to the audio we already have.

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That seems likely, though if there’s a video, I feel it would include much more than just images to accompany the audio, probably new mechanics or a complete graphical overhaul

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