Look, if I’ve said it to you Aussies once, I’ve said it a million times. Stop living in the future, I can’t do anything about that!
And I have the expedition it’s just, it’s
Look, if I’ve said it to you Aussies once, I’ve said it a million times. Stop living in the future, I can’t do anything about that!
And I have the expedition it’s just, it’s
Sure you can!
Come on, hop in.
Actually goatfungus save editor has all of the exp rewards in the latest update. I, however, avoided the mild temptation. I enjoy the expeditions.
As much as I love Dr Who, historically I just can’t trust a wooden box endorsed by the law, I’m gonna have to pass. It’s why the Doctors never been able to get any Irish companions, they run at the first sight of the thing
(As an aside, considering the times of the original series run I’m surprised an Irish terrorist planting a bomb in a police box wasn’t a side plot )
I’ve adequately prepared myself mentally for it coming at 2 because maybe DST will confuse everyone like it always does
Credits to @ThatBomberBoi
And just like that, it’s back to 1 Pm GMT
I decided to head out for lunch because it moved to 4 nooooooooo
Most interesting indeed!
Had to make a quick run for groceries. Making my chai latte. Will be ready in a few
Updated top post again to include the Dropzone locations, as well as the Milestone Overview and Phases, which has objectives and rewards shown.
Woohoo! Finished all the dropzones and just have a few milestones left to go back and clean up after work
Really loving the pacing on this one, and I’m sure lots of new players will enjoy the focus on action this time 'round.
I’ve noticed I’m only seeing sony players on planet and in nexus, discovery services are offline and the community kills milestone is at 0%.
I’m thinking because we’re still on 5.01 we might not be contributing to the tally
The contribution reward’s been in since 5.00, so everyones contributing already
It looks like we can do 150 submissions (150 kills from what I can gather) per day. The overall community kill goals are below.
Gonna be a lot of dead bugs to clean up, thats for sure haha. No wonder they called this carnage mode!
I made it to 900 resources in one burst…maybe I have been missing something. How do I do this? Geology Cannon or does it mean before my MT overheats? I am confused.
I haven’t gotten to it yet but I’m assuming mining beam on as many trees or rocks in a row before overheat or perhaps terrain manipulator to an ore like copper?
900 might be tricky with terrain manip so hoping it’s just mineables
I did this one on accident by getting in my ship and firing away at the ground resources. It’s surprisingly quick if you don’t let the weapons overheat.