Green Titan Firework available now 60 QS
Hello games : burn bugs in the latest expedition with this sweet ass flamethrower for your mech; relive your favourite 40k or starship troopers moments!
Also hello games: in five to eight weeks. Maybe sooner if you kill enough bugs.
I have the arm and legs for installation in the expedition, but I can’t find them back in my normal game…
There is a bug where if you claim the minotaur upgrades in the expedition It blocks you from redeeming it in the normal save. If your save is affected, send in a report.
Only cowards leave the front line! Once a Liquidator, always a Liquidator. Only way out is by doing your part in a body bag! HOO RAH! You must have missed the oath, rookie. Now repeat after me.
The Liquidator Save is my only Save.
All Other saves are insubordinate Saves.
I love my Liquidator Save.
I will serve my Liquidator saves to the best of my abilities.
I cannot do my part until I remove all other parts.
I will delete all non-Liquidator Saves.
I will do my part!
There are many liquidator saves, but this one is mine!
I found out, that if I have both the liquidator and the hardframe legs installed, they both apply a bonus to jump time. I have the jump engine in a boosted slot, 3 s-rank boost upgrades, and the two legs gives me 8 seconds of air time. XD
The Air Jordan update
Too true XD
Can’t wait until the patch to colour em comes out
There’s new posters in the QS store ;0; When did they get there?
?ship parts available every day?
I like that two are for advertising two business opportunities, a scrap dealer and a local baker <3
That top one reminds me of the old slider puzzles. I have an urge to walk up to it and start sliding pieces around
Quite a while back when the Worlds update first hit, which is likely why it is not getting much renewed attention