Eissentam Center Adress?

Greetings fellow travelers, I was wondering if anyone has any portal address that’s close to the center of Eissentam. Friends of mine are just getting the game and multiplayer is most likely coming and I’d like to get back to them as soon as possible if that’s how it works.


You can only portal around your current galaxy and there is no going back a Galaxy. The CSFD has address for the centers up to 68th, except 1,3-6, 10, and 15. unfortunately. Your friends will have to catch up to you, or you could start a new save. Good luck.

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Found out the hard way last night. Just warping around star systems to realize I was really close to the center, so I grinded the last 10k light years and got to the center in no time. Only to find out I started over I a new galaxy. Rip my friends

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I’ve done that over 68 times going to 256


Check back with us later, maybe we can get the the center addresses they need to get caught up, by then.

[ETARC HUB]: Citizen Science Frontiers Division CSFD

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Sorry for the extreme late replay, Here is a portal address to the center of Eissentam.


In fact if you have 1 address to go close to a center it works in every system. I remember I used this address
to go throught 3 systems in an old game.

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So does that mean each galaxy is a clone of the others structurally?
Would a star chain or star cluster in one place in a particular galaxy look the same in another galaxy?
Does the pilgrim star app work in all galaxies?
I wonder if the individual systems are clones too?
Perhaps its only the individual biomes and planet types that change? Maybe not even that?

i’d say that portals are not procedural. Only number of planets in an system, the biomes, planet type etc… are.

And yes, the Pilgrim app works wherever you are.

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That doesn’t always work. I had an address that worked for 3 or 4 galaxies. But on the 5th it stopped working, and never worked again. The same portal address may not work in different galaxies.

@Mad-Hatter the galaxies are not clones of each other.

"According to game data manipulation, the procedural engine can generate up to 256 distinct-looking galaxies (using an 8=bit seed). It was originally believed that galaxies after the 256th would start looking like previously generated ones. However galaxy 257 Yilsrussimil Galaxy appears to be a new and unique galaxy like the previous 256. "


Good to know, thank you.

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Maybe, just maybe, IF multiplayer comes, they might implement a coop play where your friend can invite you to their session irrespective of what galaxy YOU are currently in - hopefully whatever you collect you can take back afterwards, and whatever you build will remain for others to see… The clock ticketh!

With regards to portals, everyone has pretty much explained things already.

  1. I believe the #systems in a galaxy is fixed for every galaxy
  2. I believe the structure of each galaxy is generated procedurally/randomly
  3. I believe that the portal address system is capable of generating more addresses than is required for any given galaxy

It is therefore my belief that MOST addresses will work in all galaxies, but NOT ALL addresses will have a valid location in every galaxy. This could be [to some extent] due to structural differences requiring a specific variation of the portal-addressing-system in order to be valid - Overall an address that works in galaxies 1, 2, 3 but not 4, 5, may still work again later in Galaxy 6 and so on… That’s my theory and i’m sticking to it until one of you CSD genius’ [i know you’re here!] proves it! lol.

I’ve experimented with galactic travel using portals. I made it to Ekwathore (#23) before I stopped. In my experience, portal addresses usually don’t work for more than one galaxy. You can still use a portal with an invalid address, and it might still get you close, but I’ve been dropped thousands of light-years from the intended location.

The problem is in the way the addresses are generated. The galaxies are split up by a grid, creating large blocks of space. These are given by the signal booster in the first three parts (XXXX:ZZZZ:YYYY). The last four digits seem to be a planetary marker and a specific location within a specific block. These are impossible to estimate. Last I heard, people were still trying to figure out how the last four digits worked.

I will note this is pretty old news, so someone may have figured it all out by now.