Datamining (Maximum Spoilers)

There’s also a weird message of “Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass” if you do use an override, so it might be overriding Atlas access with Abyss access, potentially spreading Abyss control throughout the universe :eyes:

Maybe the unused abandoned station core dialogue references this too. That dialogue speaks about repairing the station cores. Maybe there’ll be a choice to fix stations captured by the Abyss, or to help it in its spread?


Hope they fix that gap :laughing:


That may be intentional window space If the other datamined parts are anything to go off on :eyes:


WAAAAAH! I have to go to youtube immediately and post a 10 minute video about how Sean Murray lieeeeeees! GRAAAAAAH!

(just kidding, in case it doesn’t come through).


no man’s sky next trailer with the window going inside the freighter…


End of the vid shows the datamined parts. :heart_eyes: Beeblebum


Uhhhh… How did he build a frickin’ elevator??


It is one of the new parts


There’s a base file somewhere with all the parts in this thread iirc, if anyone wants to load into the base and check the parts themselves.


Wow! Time travelling “back to the future,” I assume.



That link was placed for the incoming Freighter Base parts :wink: however, Expedition 6 and the 5th Worm decal should wrap up at the same time so maybe something new soon…like maybe the Freighter pieces? :thinking:


Oh, I forgot to give end times for these missions! The last community mission (CM 61) ends at the 4th of July last time I checked, We’ll probably see an update at or before then.


Hey Dataminers, I have a question that perhaps you, and only you, can answer. It’s more like a whole spectrum of questions, really. What can you tell me about respawn rates?

I know that at least some things grow back, like the tree growing through my base that keeps reappearing. I could probably even track that and get an idea of respawn rate for trees in a base. But is that representative of respawn rates for harvested trees everywhere? Rocks?

Do mineral deposits respawn, or once harvested are they just permanent holes in the ground? Can a knowledge stone ever be used again? How about artifact plaques?

I am very confident that I have harvested rusted metal off the same damaged container more than once, but the one I am most sure of was empty the second time. Do the contents respawn? What about other containers?

All of these questions probably have people who can answer them with their observations and anecdotes, but I am not much of an observations and anecdotes guy unless there is just no access to hard data. (Though if anyone wants to share anecdotes and observations feel free)

So, that’s the general area where I would look if I were a dataminer. (I am assuming that ‘dataminer’ is a term for what on another forum I frequent we call a ‘code jockey’…people who get real, definitive answers by examining the game code and seeing what is REALLY going on) Any answers appreciated.


I‘d also be interested. Previously, the answer was that a certain amount X of changes are stored. (Maybe they even meant separate buckets of changes - one bucket for terrain changes, one for base parts, one for opened containers?) And when that bucket is full, old changes are cast out to make room for more recent changes to be stored.
In that case, how long it takes for different elements to reset would depend on with how many elements in the same “bucket” that player interacts. In the experience of someone who hardly ever opens containers, they appear to stay empty “forever”, and someone who opens every container obsessively :wink: would actually notice them resetting.

— That was a theory I recall, is that how it works?

If so, it would make an answer difficult, because one cannot simply say “it takes one month”.


That sounds right.

This was related to the pre-Next bug that long-time players would experience. Interactable things (harvesters/portals/etc.) could become permanently blocked & unusable. The game would prompt for unrelated items to “unlock” them, but prevent actually doing so. Testing showed that back then all types of interactions were just being thrown into the same “bucket”, and that the bucket wasn’t properly cleaning out & resetting old entries when it eventually overflowed.


Huh. That’s an interesting theory and makes sense. There would have to be some sort of limiter on such a “change bucket” or it would just be an endless storage suck and ruin load times.


Posting here…dah lol

New English Strings found in code: Levitation Expedition

Leviathon New Icons


So these leviathan frigates dont seem to have the structure or size of the “ocean king” skeleton we can find in space. I wonder if the ocean king will be a future frieghter reward to go along with the leviathan frigates and living ships.

Edit: whoops! Meant to write this in the Future Update Speculation thread lol.


Polestar Expedition

Freighters getting an uplift!


English Strings

Snapshot 3.98 (Experimental - 8.12.2022) before the “BIG” update

Snapshot 3.99 (Experimental - 8.14.2022)