I want to get an idea of where everyone is in Euclid. Please list your Coordinates not your Glyphs.
I will then collate this information onto Pilgrim’s map so we can see the spread of our members.
Please reply with:
Mode: Normal - Survival - Creative - Permadeath
Please supply coordinates to your HomeBase only.
This is purely for the benefit of everyone and may even help the Tran-Galactic Highway out too.
Hey I’ll post my current base location for both my normal and survival saves when I get home. havent touched my permadeth since june. Might also post the locations of my starting system for survival since I still have the space station saved, jsut for shigs and gittles.
New base co-ordinates.
Mode: Normal
This is a neat idea @Oshoryu. I have been curious about the overall placement of everything “civilized” in Euclid. Will you be sharing this map (and if so where)?
Just like @toddumptious, I will share my coordinates when I get home for both normal ans survival modes (and with descriptive in-game/ RP names of the locations
Of course! The idea is to publish a separate map for all modes and would be interesting to see a heat map of players positions.
We might be closer than we think!
Markov’s Storm Haven (Capitol of the Markovian Empire/ Piushe Cloud)
Normal Mode PS4
Markov’s Survival HUB Embassy and Watchpost
Survival Mode PS4
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@LordMarkov I just so happened to come across a discovery of yours yesterday. I can’t remember the name but it was mighty close to spacing guild territory. I wish it still gave you the date of discovery 
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My survival base is about 2 freighter jumps towards the center from the spacing guild area.
I recently returned to the area for better availability for the Spacing Guild Visitor Center. I may have named it this week or back in April of this year. Of course while in the region of the Spacing Guild this week, I have been naming systems with the [TSG] prefix, but the planets with my prefix.
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