Build Limit Reached Error

While fixing my broken bases I’m getting a build limit reached message when trying to place pieces in specific areas across several of my builds. Heres a quick example.


Interesting issue, because you can clearly build elsewhere. Maybe it is showing the wrong dialogue? Have you tried removing some adjacent parts to then try the center first, filling it back in again after?


It’s a weird one. I’ve tried removing pieces around and below it also deleted a few things in other areas of the base. Even deleted a big base in another location to free up room.
If i build up a level farther out I can cover that area completely with floor panels one level higher.


Really odd indeed. Was going to ask if there is anything else obstructing placement. Do other large square panels fit, or even 4 smaller ones? Maybe something invisible going on? Would be reason enough for me to dive into the save editor again … pfffttt. I can imagine you feeling annoyed. Hope you can somehow sort it.

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Jumped back in to try the quarter floor panels, still the same also with quarter wall panels. There’s no visible obstructions.

Heh, it’s all part of the process. I’ll pop my save file and a link to zendesk tomorrow.


Just thinking, not only is this a huge update but, HG is also having to wrap their minds around the move from opengl to vulkan. It can’t be easy.


On my games things are getting better. Even in Next multiplayer crashed my game and in Beyond as soon as I exited my ship in MP my ps4 binned it. Definitely more stable now by about 75% for me.


I’ve had this message too on PS4.
I couldn’t connect a cable to one cuboid but could connect to the one right next to it.???


Can confirm I have same problem too. I thought it was maybe because my base is built next to ruins but the area seems to be expanding, I can’t link wires from my generators because the area they are in, which was beside the problem area, now gives the same message. Building limit reached etc.

PS4, VR playthrough.


I ran into this issue as well. I can build new things, but when I tried to delete and rebuild doors in an attempt to fix their power, I received that build limit message.

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If it’s not already on Ultra, try raising your Base Complexity setting in the Graphics Options. Apparently bases now have localized complexity limits, which are affected by that setting. Too many things in one area will trigger that error. I raised my setting from Enhanced to High after encountering that message, and was then able to finish my wiring in those spots.

That setting does appear to affect rendering as well - setting it to Low caused many of my walls to disappear a very short distance away. I’m thinking if you have it lower just for better performance, but not because you needed it lower to prevent crashes, then you can probably safely toggle it higher just for building then put it back down when you’re done.


I ran in to this issue. Be careful. Very careful. The game is supposed to stop you when an area has too many parts. However, some of the base building parts are badly broken and i have had large sections of my base dissappear on reload. If a base part doesn’t place properly, dont use it. If you get inconsistent base limit messages, stop building and save your game. Then restart the game and reload to make sure you’re cleaned up any memory corruption. It wont let you build in that spot again, but if you keep going you may loose a bunch of work. You may want to look around to make sure parts hadn’t dissappearing after reloading. If it something did disappear, send in your save with a bug report. Try to recall what you did up to that point. Vids and pics are a good idea to include with the report.

I created a video, pics and a long text discribing the issues i came accross and sent it in to hg.

Here’s what my base region looks like. I hid 16 gold diplo statues on the bases and the rest if the island for folks to find. :wink:


Getting this issue a lot on PSVR, I figure, going off of what @Argh said, since the game is more or less running on low to mid pc settings when in PSVR mode then this new way of handling base complexity by area might be a common occurrence for this playthrough :sweat_smile:

Thing is I get it in areas I haven’t even built in yet or even close to :see_no_evil: I started a new base last night in an area that wasn’t an archaeology dig and I got the message constantly, couldn’t lay a single wood floor panel down :pensive:


Looks like its been resolved as of 2.09, at least on this build. Impressed at how they’re addressing the issues, did not expect a fix for this so quick if at all.


I thought in next the removed base limitations?

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They expanded them incredibly, but they still had a complexity limit with NEXT, which was tweaked and expanded further as more patches came in in the days after that released. I remember terrain manipulation shot the complexity up big time across all your bases until they fixed that too.

I remember devilinpixy spent a lot of time exploring the issue with terrain manip, how it’s cached and how to lower base limit by experimenting with various methods way back then.

The current issue is you could build like four walls and one portal and then it will say full complexity reached but if you move five feet down you can build with no issue.

Just a temporary bug, more antagonisation from Emily :wink:


If you ever get the ‘base limit reached’ again, try changing ‘Base Complexity’ to ‘Ultra’ in the graphic options. Apparently it is a local complexity limit for performance reasons, depending on your graphics ability. You can change this setting back again afterwards.

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I think it’s getting worse on console.

I placed down a wooden floor panel, to put planter down for my first farming mission, purposefully far away from the areas causing complexity problems, and then I could not add plant, also could not attach any wires. Complexity reached. I reckon I’m doubly effected playing on PSVR, has actually worsened with the most recent patch too (2.09)

Unfortunately no option to lower settings. Waiting diligently for the fixes to come in, I don’t mind waiting :slight_smile:


My base is now at a point that anything I build, no matter how far away, I cannot attach or pull wires from to power, that includes battery’s and solar panels. (and believe me my base is basic, have only built items required for mission progression, deleted most after installation if not needed)

Deleting items does not fix the issue, as soon as one item goes down you can no longer build in a small radius around it.

Going to dismantle and set up base elsewhere to see what happens.

Right now if I use my nutrient mixer my base disappears, as does the ruins and all nearby caves and whole place becomes a landfill, and I fall through the ground every single time. So all the items I put in my ingredient storage are trapped :joy:

Hurry up 2.1 :slight_smile:

PSVR btw. Problems became quantified with 2.09 patch.


I ran into that on Xbox and PC for simple bases. It seems to be a glitch when using the short walls. I actually tore down several bases before realizing it wasn’t helping. If you get the glitch, try deleting a few half walls that are close or connected to what you are building. Or, better yet. Avoid using them until the end. Hope this helps!