Beyond BEYOND - wishlist

Flowing Water

Should this be an entirely separate update — Call it “The Basin”!

Such a lovely update would fit beautifully with “The Abyss” v1.7.

Or “The Oasis” has a nice ring to it - Most fitting is “The Basin”.

What if…

the whole topographical scene of

are treated as a whole procedural system
a natural free-flowing part of the terrain

  • NOT separate points of interest
  • (unlike buildings or other sites)

spreads across all surfaces freely

  • on horizontal & slopping surfaces,
  • that give way to white rapids when…
    • tilted slightly
  • that give way to waterfalls when…
    • tilted vertical
  • pushing and affecting our character

are based on random topographical markings

  • which react under a procedural system
  • which result impressions in the terrain
  • which volumize and flow with gravity
  • if more gravity, then faster flow
  • faster flow = more mist + more sound
  • longer the waterfall, greater the intensity
  • especially intense at bottom of waterfall

coding: perhaps a combo of terrain generation and cave generation

direction of water flow is based on

  • gravity: highest to lowest

Oncoming flow

  • affects intensity
  • ensures direction


IF a flat surface is encountered

  • direction is determined by oncoming flow

:volcano: figure this out, and you’ve automatically figured out lava flow

slow it down & thicken it to a glowing superheated substance :fire:

true rivers and creeks do not exist v2.0

oceans, lakes and ponds do exist.

but without flow, so suggestion:

direction of water flow is based on

  • randomly placed invisible undercurrents
  • sporadic &/or steady wind moving water

that should take care of surface flow and under flow

all types of flows

  • intermingle and affect one another
  • and lead to the lowest water level


BONUS #1 — whirlpools

  • add occasional whirlpools, affecting flow
  • perhaps these could be of varying strengths
  • randomly place these above and below

tip: use the same system of whirlpools for tornadoes :tornado:

BONUS #2 —natural springs

  • waterfalls gushing out of vertical edges
  • then flowing into rivers / creeks
  • and, flow rising up from underwater caves

BONUS #3 — caves

  • surface water flow; cave water flow
  • surface water flow falling into caves

BONUS #4 — geysers

  • water gushing up from horizontal surfaces
  • then falling as copious showers like rainfall
  • a natural spring &/or cave water flow, combo

sign reads ⦂ ❝gone skinny dippin’❞ :shorts:

  • Or was that, ❝gone fishin’❞
  • :eyeglasses: needs new glasses
  • Oh, “rafting” :see_no_evil: Oops, my bad
  • Or was that surfing? Or…

“It was then that Mr Oblivious found himself in a cave behind the waterfall”

“Caught in a pixie-swirl w/ pots o’ gold at the end of an anomalous rainbow”