Base Parts Missing (landing plateform) / Exocraft - Colossus Missing / 1.65

The title says it all. :expressionless:

I unlocked all base parts, but no sign of a landing platform.

Worst, seems that I cannot get the Colossus Exocraft type. Did all the other quests, but my Vy’keen co-worker doesn’t seem to get his hands back on it…
That’s the only answers I get.


I Zendesked everthing back to the mother lab this afternoon.


Landing pad comes from the base archive missions.

Here is the solution that got my overseer and farmer working again.
Delete the terminal, and move it somewhere else (I switched my farmer and overseers positions) see if that gets his dialogue moving again.


Do you have a second terminal? Apparently there is something wrong when you place 2 terminals. HG is investigating it.

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