Its not a guarantee, but when I find a resource hotspot I want to mine, I put down a beacon. I then look for an energy hotspot by setting the scanner to find an energy hotspot, then slowly turn in place (real slowly, a few degrees at a time and let the scanner ping). when I hear a high pitch ping on my scanner, I head off in that direction. When I get with 400 units or so of the energy hotspot, the scanner will guide me in. Once there, I turn to face the beacon I put down to see how far it is, if its less than 1k units, I’m good. I put down another signal beacon and find the midpoint between the two spots. I put a base down there and start building.
If you want both gas and mineral resources, look for the third hot spot by setting the scanner to when you want to find, then rotate in place, listening for the scanner ping to go from low pitch to a higher pitch. (assuming you’re not near one already). Put down beacons on the spots and find a spot equi-distant from all 3 beacons you put down, to locate your base.
Thanks. That’s pretty close to how I locate my mining bases, though something you said suggests I am not getting the full potential out of my scanner due to having the sound drowned out by music. I’ll be investigating that.
This particular outburst though was about the “I want my base right here,” for whatever reason. In the past I would do a cursory check, like scan, then run out 300 units in the cardinal directions and scan, and if I didn’t find a hot spot I’d just make do with solar. This may seem trivial, but in my new save when I got to the first building of a base I was surprisingly close, so I trundled over to where the prime meridian crosses the equator and built my base right on it. Usually I abandon that first base site, but I am kinda taken with it and it seemed worth checking out this theory. Some day “Origin Base” may be a landmark!
Situated just outside of the Starchain, a bountiful titan planet with non aggressive sentinels and occasional rain storms, up for the taking if anyone’s on the lookout for one.
In the final RV planet for Expedition 17, I noticed a player base on approach called R5 restaurant. The names a good bet they built more than a wooden barn so decided to swing by.
I am so delighted I did, it’s staffed by this adorable hermit fella
As I got closer and the game did it’s second pass on terrain gen, it added a mess of water craters with mountainous borders around the islands perimeter that act as a sort of natural defence to its shores.
(This last photo is marked wrong compare to the one above, I should’ve marked further SE)
Outside this additional rocky terrain lies a vast ocean before hitting the neighbouring islands that cover the entirety of this titan.
The planet has a constant blue filter on anything in the background so I used the opportunity of photomode glitch where it retained the filters for Space Flight on initial switch to photo mode once planetside, to get a good capture of the lay of the land.
I left a marker in the settlement on my trip up the nearest and tallest mountain and I was happy to see I was 1,001 u away, just like the Titan Expedition crushing milestone
At its centre there is a large mountain range which can be seen from any point within the island. The coast around the island is of grassy purple plains that lead to beaches, which themselves are covered with and stretch out to the secondary craterous terrain that generates during the terrains detail passes.
The difference between this and my other however many saves: I had the settlement and attached base before I got around to the ‘expand your base’ project, and my other base really has very little attraction for that kind of use. So I was left asking “what can be done with the unique situation of ‘expand the base’ attached to the settlement?” My answer is that all my base staff have a settlement they can live in, instead of some great barn of a main base building. The overseer is, appropriately, in the clifftop overseer residence, but the scientist, armorer, and farmer have their own spaces along the bottom of the cliff; built to fit into the settlement style. I dunno, somehow it just feels better.
Unlike most settlements the game generates, that actually has the look of a frontier town. I’ve seen pictures of remote mining camps, drilling installations, and whaling stations that look just like that.
Sooo…you recognized the first building in the foreground is a saloon?
That’s pretty much the universal marker of mining camps and such. I do think it’s hilarious that the bar was the most popular idea so far with the local populace…who are Korvax. I mean, what do those guys drink on a wild night out?
Is this the one near Settlers Rest? Something basin? I was passing through there last night while testing out the Add to Favourites feature
Oh I also have bad news about your Snappie road side attraction at @Linshell 's Eternal Christmas system…
With the worlds part 2 update, the world’s largest Snappie, seemed to use the confusion to not only escape… But also, gain the high ground. We’re all doomed.