has launched

I was able to make a contact form appear on the contacts page by manipulating the page’s DOM, but when I POST it, it returns “ERROR!”. Maybe it needs a specific username, email, and message? Or maybe it’s not enabled yet.

Just found out that you can disable the distortion effect on by doubleclicking this:

Was this already known?

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Even without direct manipulation this seems possible, just making a link like: makes it viewable to me.

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here too,

Just got here, the first thing I noticed was the odd spacing between letters on the about page.

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Cool, that’s a lot easier.




It looks like any link that ends in a forward slash will direct to the page with the form while any without will redirect to the main page.

If you make your window smaller the formatting does change slightly. I’m viewing on a desktop, so I get that double spacing too. But I wonder if we’re supposed to be viewing it on a tablet/smartphone?

Wow I step out to get the milk and the site goes live. Par for the course, I suppose lol.

“Right now we’re conducting research in the fields of artificial and distributed intelligence, simulated worlds…” sounds about right :open_mouth:.

if you click on the mail icon in the contacts page it sets your url to maybe there is something that changes when you click the mail icon


that just changed, it wasnt doing that 10 min ago

actually its not doing that for me… hmmmmm

actually, it links to whatever you entered in the URL above.

If you go to, the link becomes /about#
If you go to, the link becomes /whatever#

Not sure about the significance of that yet.

it takes you to the frontpage with whatever you put after the ‘/’

Followed it here, hit a dead end, probably grasping at straws tbh.

Is it just me, or does it say your posts were from 4m ago every time you post?

maybe it’s a phone number

It seems to be a chinese phone number, or at least thats the closest thing google could throw up, but I couldn’t seem to figure out if it was assigned to a place or person.

My guess is we will get “requests” via email later, maybe tomorrow.

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I think that too. Once again, emails will be triggers.