I went to go find one and it seems the links provided in the original posts about it have dried up '^_ ^
Might not hurt to make a new post about the Hub and the Starchain and whatever its current status might be, I think “Pending…” is a good permanent status to have but that’s just me.
Found this handy address in a post by @Polyphemus for Edison
Last I recall it was simply a ‘Spritual Home for the Etarcians’, centered around a rare alignment of stars, located in the Alpha quadrant of the Euclid galaxy.
There was some designing of some very nice logos & a bit of ‘political’ talk thrown about, however I think the majority of those involved were happy to just have it ‘claimed’ as ‘our’ little spot in Euclid with no need for roleplaying politics.
I haven’t returned in a very long time although I have a base only a couple of thousand light years away & I’m pretty sure I know my way back.
Poor @Polyphemus has not been able to return to the place he established. I wonder if it is still an issue…
I will start a new thread. Everyone feel free to build and post pics from the Starchain. Even though many of the names have been erased and changed, it is our little slice of the NMS Universe and we will reclaim it!
Well here it is and anyone can claim they are pres of the chain, build themselves a castle and rule with a star bulb-tipped sceptre, but good luck making anyone obey.
So here is a table that shows the Nanite rewards for fish released
I have also done some testing on the Fish traps. There is a value in the Fishing globals:
SeaHarvesterAverageCatchTimeSeconds = 3600 that appears to make some sense.
There is a clear difference between babysitting your fish traps, or being offline, or even online but elsewhere (different system). When babysitting the results are best, about 1 fish per slot, per trap, per hour (averages are slightly better even, unusual). If offline or elsewhere, you only get 1 fish per slot, after an hour or however much longer you were away. So to make best use of your traps, make sure to take them with you and be around for them to catch fish, or else, results may disappoint.
I need to check whether one of my screenshots turned out useful - did anyone see a base on the second to last expedition planet with a green basename? Does that mean anything or did they use these built-in keywords that change text colours?
The base looked really odd, it was an underwater base, and on top of it had a long series of vertical sticks up into the sky and then some rooms very high up. I saw them while flying past but it was so tall it was difficult to take a screenshot. I switched to photo mode and before I had an angle my ship drifted into space and got attacked by pirates which distracted me.
Sounds like it was just a player base with tags, certainly nothing expedition related. If it was bright green it was probably the < TRADEABLE > < > tag
Finally finished the Aquarius expedition today. I enjoyed it! The fishing feels pretty good to me and with new recipes, making bait, different fish types and the new water visuals and physics, I found it be quite satisfying.
Also, TravelEcho loved fishing in most games and would happily spend hours at it. She would have been, and possibly is, delighted to have it come to No Man’s Sky. And that’s maybe the best reason of all for it to be special to me.
Starchain? I somehow missed out on that altogether. I’ll have to see if I can follow the mysterious (or actually maybe really explicit) signs that have been left behind.