Aquarius-Let's Go Fishin'

Yeah. Farming stinks but not from the fertilizer.
Have caught quite a lot of fish in the record but was out of commission yesterday due to a migraine. Cursed blue white LED lights do not mix with screens of any type. I have replaced all lights in my house with warm yellow white lights. I wish everyone would do the same.
Anyway, I found a complete chart on reddit if anyone is interested. This way you know when and where to look for each fish.


And I lost who originally posted these. So sorry…


Me, hiding from the fishing and wildlife officers.

Thanks for the ice cream @toddumptious. I thought I took more pictures. Apparently, I do not know how to use the ps4 share button correctly. The fishing line was connected to the camera instead of my avatar.

Well, shoot!


Sorry your Skiff sunk. I probably should have warned you the water is actually a gelatinous goop the devours all who dare tread in it. It’s actually why our Ice Cream is so light and fluffy, we mix it in with the cream.

It’s also crammed with an aggressive form of Keratin so dont spend too long in the goop (or eat too much ice cream) or you will grow hair on your chest and horns on your elbows.

I was away from Ice Cream duties last night and was exploring @sheralmyst 's Ancient Digs fishing spot.

I met some nice Autophage there floating and spear fishing and realised I had not done any Autophage stuff on my console playthrough, so I’m taking a break from fishing and meeting the systems local hide and seek enthusiasts.


Love my floating autophage neighbors.


Who builds right under a volcano @toddumptious

picked up a new buddy

then built a nearby deep water fishing platform. Hope you don’t mind


People who want to make the front cover of National Geographic, I guess…

Questioning my methods also brought my brain here, I am going to assume because five degrees of volcano bacon.


I meant to say building near me is fine :smiley:


amazing :slight_smile:

I see SullyKiwi is on the leaderboards with a Giant Ray of 30kg ;0;


Because of course there has been an angling tournament :man_facepalming:


Yup, my fav tongue twister!


I decided I’m going to work through Ye Olde ETARC Starchaine looking for a system that has several water planets of different flavours. I want to try find at least two systems that can cover all the biomes for fishing.

It’s been fun so far, found two systems that both have four water planets but the most unique fishing biomes I’ve found so far in a system is three.

Ideally six planets with water and six biomes but something tells me I’d need all the luck in the Simulation to have something close to that in the star chain, I don’t think I’ve ever seen it anywhere.

I’m aiming for 3 - 4 biomes in a system so it’s easy to teleport to and from them, ideally two systems total but it could slip into three.

What’s been most fun about these searches is the amount of old bases I’m coming across, and you can almost place them to the year or month due to what parts were used to build em.

I stumbled into some @BlackIris bases and helped myself to a butt load of resources I’d wasted on fishing bait. Hope that fix for the saves failing to load gets to you soon 07

This system also had your Hydroponics and Diplo egg bases.

There’s a feeling I get in no mans sky, when wandering people’s bases that could be weeks months or years old, that no other game delivers.

It’s this sense of time, and history; a moment captured in a server; it’s like being in a museum but you also lived in the time all these artefacts were taken from.

StarChain fishy system shortlist

Here is my shortlist of planets, two are so close to fulfilling everything, minus the haunted.
Epic zunagajo discovered by epicbeardedman
-fungal mould
-star bul
-gamma root

Snider discovered by lordmarkov

  • solanium
  • cactus
  • gamma

Oishi ECSD discoverded Jacob_2000_Lol

  • chromatic fog
  • gamma

zoka ECSD discovered jacob_2000

  • gamma
  • foggy

Exotic Moons, COol Ships - jacob

  • Lost Blue Planet
  • cactus

soldega-koro ecsd - boomstick joe

  • reeking
  • fungal mold

Cavalera ECSD lordmarkov

  • Fungal mold
    -imminent core detonatino

Wye Oak - todd

  • Damp (Toxic)
  • frost
  • Cloudy (toxic)
  • chrome fog (haunted)
  • Fungal

Okay I may have gone a little overboard. I realised I had more or less checked the entire core of yellow stars in the Starchain.

I had started to branch out into coloured star systems and tried to steer clear of the clusters for now and I realised I have a lot of information on these stars and their water planets.

I’ve started to make an Anglers guide to the Star Chain :see_no_evil:

I want to gather a few more coloured systems that hover around the chain from this specific viewing point (I just changed elevation when sourcing the screens used to trace the stars) and then have the names to the side of them, followed by graphics denoting the type of fish biomes you will find there.

Once I have a decent mock up with all the info in place, I’ll polish it up and make it a little smoother. I also will have to make a version where the chain is segmented into several pictures, for easier viewing.

The last star at the bottom is Etarc Cellar discovered by @Mad-Hatter

Top two are Epic Zunagajo discovered by Epicbeardedman and Snider discovered by @LordMarkov

Trying to avoid the clusters at top and bottom of chain as it’s hard to include them all from a single angle. I might sift through them and highlight ones that are stand out fishing spots.

This is what I’m working with


Putting it together now and have settled on a Key


Almost done. It’s 5 am though so I’m going to stop being stupid and finish this another time.


I cry every time I see Ugly Planets. I found and named that system but it got overwritten by someone else. I had terrible internet in those days and I assume my discovery never registered. :cry:


I prefer to see it as an amusing example of the variables interwoven into our Etarcian Histories.
Given the many changes over time it is possible that its not even an acurate name anymore & perhaps has beautiful worlds waiting to be discovered… again


One public transport hub of a certain European city is named after its location “Little Bridge”. Everyone knows the next river is 1km away and there is no valley near there either… In modern times, when digging subway tunnels, they found a stone bridge under the surface! The riverbed used to be different and the oldest bridge used to be here. The name survived for centuries.

So, reality being pulled out under the feet of a name happens all the time IRL too. :grin:


I prefer that over the obvious. We have 2 bridges here. The Big Dam Bridge and the Little Dam Bridge…so Ugly Planets just irritates me. :laughing:


I laugh every time I see “This Planet Sucks!” Discovered by: @sheralmyst in the Ebe ECSD system :joy:

In my village there is some old farm land that is now reclaimed wildlands where everyone who has moved in to the new estates and apartments go for nature walks. When I was younger there was an old stone bridge built in early 1930’s that crossed a small stream that was still visible, we used to play around it/climb under it. The stream is dried up and a ditch has grown in its bed, and the old bridge is now under maybe 2-3ft of natural soil creep.

If you did not know the bridge was there before you may not ever notice it.

I sometimes think about this and wonder when the last person who knows about it will have moved on, and how long will it be before someone discovers it again?

They were trying to rezone the area for housing recently but we were able to have it rejected due to the biodiversity of that area that has flourished in the last 30 years. I’m sure it would have been uncovered and removed during housing works, but now with the area protected for the foreseeable future, it gets to continue it’s long sink into the earth.

I noticed while I was exploring, a lot of the planets are undiscovered again, I’m wondering where these ever named at all or were they changed with universe reshuffles and so stripped of their old names?

I’ve been using the Freighter to scan systems as I enter (some systems had the old world info stored in my discovery tab until a fresh scan) so I’m just never pushing that upload all button ever again.

The good news is we can now rename things so if something does change drastically, and it hasn’t been named by someone who is AWOL, we can fix it if it’s important.


Those bases are from my creative save. I haven’t played that save for a long time. I need to go back in my main save and see if I can see them. @toddumptious for reminding me of them.


No Problem. I just finished the fishing map, I started at the top in that system with the big farm you built, in the hopes of finding something similar or better and is it turns out, those top two systems I started with are two of the best ones in the whole chain of Yellow Stars ;0;

Was worth the search because here are the results…

Click for version cut into 4 smaller images


Do we have anywhere a portal address for the star chain systems?

When I finally get time to play, I’d like to start exploring the chain.