I decided I’m going to work through Ye Olde ETARC Starchaine looking for a system that has several water planets of different flavours. I want to try find at least two systems that can cover all the biomes for fishing.
It’s been fun so far, found two systems that both have four water planets but the most unique fishing biomes I’ve found so far in a system is three.
Ideally six planets with water and six biomes but something tells me I’d need all the luck in the Simulation to have something close to that in the star chain, I don’t think I’ve ever seen it anywhere.
I’m aiming for 3 - 4 biomes in a system so it’s easy to teleport to and from them, ideally two systems total but it could slip into three.
What’s been most fun about these searches is the amount of old bases I’m coming across, and you can almost place them to the year or month due to what parts were used to build em.
I stumbled into some @BlackIris bases and helped myself to a butt load of resources I’d wasted on fishing bait. Hope that fix for the saves failing to load gets to you soon 07
This system also had your Hydroponics and Diplo egg bases.
There’s a feeling I get in no mans sky, when wandering people’s bases that could be weeks months or years old, that no other game delivers.
It’s this sense of time, and history; a moment captured in a server; it’s like being in a museum but you also lived in the time all these artefacts were taken from.
StarChain fishy system shortlist
Here is my shortlist of planets, two are so close to fulfilling everything, minus the haunted.
Epic zunagajo discovered by epicbeardedman
-fungal mould
-star bul
-gamma root
Snider discovered by lordmarkov
Oishi ECSD discoverded Jacob_2000_Lol
zoka ECSD discovered jacob_2000
Exotic Moons, COol Ships - jacob
soldega-koro ecsd - boomstick joe
Cavalera ECSD lordmarkov
- Fungal mold
-imminent core detonatino
Wye Oak - todd
- Damp (Toxic)
- frost
- Cloudy (toxic)
- chrome fog (haunted)
- Fungal