After Beyond comes how to protect my game

I want to keep my game in creative as it is now and not loose my base as I have before when updates happen. How do I protect my Game from changes please. Sorry if there is a post somewhere about this already.


No need to be sorry. Everyone has this same question on their mind when large changes to a game are planned in an update.

When NEXT was released Hello Games gave us the ability to restore our legacy base at a new location of our choosing because the terrain and base building required new programming, for all the changes that were added to the game. This was achieved through a menu choice that popped up when we placed down a new base computer. Hopefully something similar will be provided with the ‘Beyond’ update.

That said, on PC the most direct way to back up your base or bases is to make a copy of your save folder. Each game mode you play, will have their data stored within that folder. It can be useful on PC to do this every now and then anyway, as a matter of course, to safeguard against any wild changes you might want to experiment with and then decide not to pursue with later.

If you purchased the game through Steam for PC, then you have the ability to download and play every stage of the game’s update history from 2016 to the present day. (You do of course have to own the game on your account). So you could, if you wish even revisit the still popular Pathfinder version, the Atlas Rises version or even the original quirky release from 2016. Though earlier versions are best played offline, otherwise Steam will likely begin automatic update to the current version.

The procedure is a bit messy to follow but can be found in the Youtube tutorial No Man’s Sky - How To Revert Back To Older Versions Of The Game (PC Only) by the author MZK. So if you have any early copies of your save folders then you are able to use them and play them, avoiding actually updating them to the current version. Beware that most of the game updates will update your files which are not backwards compatible. Though some important legacy files from a certain updates may remain in the save folder to help recovery, to an earlier version of the game. So again make back ups of back ups that you wish to keep before doing anything confusing!

Another thing you can do is use a third-party MOD called ‘No Man’s Sky Save Editor’. This works with Windows but (at the time of this reply) requires the programming language Java to first be present on your computer for it to work. There are plenty of tutorials on how to set up Java and the save editor and it can be a useful tool to help fix corrupt save files, like removing stuck slot icons for example.

Usefully the author has provided the ability to specifically back up any base data you have. You would then restore any base you have backed up using the same tool and can place and orientate the base anywhere, to avoid terrain collision. The only restriction is that if the third-party tool is not updated to work with the current release of the game, it might be a while before you could restore a favourite base from a back up save folder. Though of course if you are still playing an earlier update of the game, then providing you are using the appropriate version of the Save Editor, and have a compatible game save folder, including the base data you want to restore, then things should work as expected.


I believe @Linshell is on PS4, so if anyone can help her out, thank you. I have not played on PS4 in a long time.
Good to know on PC @johnnycloud. Thanks for that! :grinning:


@Linshell: I have changed the category to No Man’s Sky > Help A Fellow Traveler.

To make a backup of your save data on your PS4, you can either use the cloud, or usb. You select the ‘Settings’ option at the PS4 home screen, then scroll down to select the ‘Application Save Data Management’. From here you select the ‘Save Data in System Storage’ option. Now you can select the game(s) you want, then make sure to ‘copy’ to either the cloud, or usb. I would not use the ‘move’ option, as it does exactly what it says.

This way you have at least a copy of your saved data. If anything goes wrong with the update, you can always copy the save back to the PS4. This does of course not guarantee a solution in case of issues. So if an issue remains, make sure to report it to Hello Games’ Zendesk. Hopefully any issue can then be fixed, to then allow you to try your backup once more.


Gosh thank you @DevilinPixy, @sheralmyst @johnnycloud fantastic help. I have just bought myself an external hard drive 3,0 now so will be able to save pics at a good quality and also my current Game. Wish I had done that when the other updates were made.
Thanks to you all I can now secure this one and thanks for such great instructions which will come in so handy.


@DevilinPixy @johnnycloud @sheralmyst

I have done it, saved my latest game onto my new drive . Thank you all. x


:clap: :clap:
I have backed up my main save as well. Mostly I am concerned about losing my QS items. I hope there will be a way to reclaim these items if something goes wrong. More Community Events would also be nice.


@sheralmyst y current base used to have a nice shy little gek wandering nearby, but when I returned after being in hospital he had left. I now feel quiet lonely. Wish I could have a pet.


Yes. The QS items provided a pet…kind of…a litte mushroom type bouncy critter. I would hate to lose him.


Oh @sheralmyst what is QS? how do I get one and does it follow you as you travel?


Quick Silver was only available in the Community Events that HG did earlier this year. At the moment, there is no way to obtain any. You could spend it on the Anomoly in the room behind Nada and Polo. This is why I am so concerned about losing my items. :grimacing:


QS (Quicksilver) is the 3rd currency used in NMS & was only available by being online & doing the Community Events that popped up in your LOG over the months following NEXT’s release.
You would see Nada & Polo, then go on a quest via a portal, to then begin retrieving something or doing some sort of task. The more tasks you did, the more QS you earned until you hit the limit.
This QS was then able to be spent at the little stall in the back of the Anomoly to get various decorative type goodies: Helmets, plants ornaments, decals ect.
You can still access the stall for a look but without QS you cannot acquire anything anymore. :slightly_frowning_face:
One of these purchases was a round terrarium that could be built in the centre of a room with a hoppy slug (as @sheralmyst mentioned). He couldn’t follow you but he was always there when you got home. :smiley: Another item I’d imagine you would have liked was a large aquarium.
Hopefully after the next update a new selection of QS tasks will begin and you will be able to do some.


You could acquire the missing Quick Silver collectibles by using a mod. Which at present at least seems justified, for the fact Hello Games stopped community events giving new players and old players no means to access them. However I’d wait for Beyond to arrive before fiddling with mods as it is not long till release now. I’m certain they are aware of the situation of unobtainable Quick Silver items some players have and some don’t and will almost certainly re-introduce them at the right time.

I suspect Hello Games were really using us as ‘guinea-pigs’ during the community events and furiously taking notes, to trial and error improved multi-play by using the fan base to test technical limits and improve things. I know a base in our own ETARCIA hub system that I think has a terrarium on the ‘Penthouse Suite’. :wink:

Also, maybe another player could leave one behind at a location of your choosing. Is that possible and does it work I wonder?


Leaving one behind…not sure it works. I seem to recall an instance where someone visiting my base could not see the QS items they did not own for themselves…I could be wrong. A lot has happened since then.


Maybe you’d only be able to see quick-silver objects or for that matter any collectible anomalous object in a co-op game, which would make sense, if for example we were building a base together and placing them for decoration. Can we trade them between one another? I forget without checking.


I don’t thinks so because they are not an inventory item but rather a build item.

Should be able to add them to another player’s base in mutltiplayer… if their settings are set to permit you to of course.


So if I think I have got this right, would it be correct to say that you can not transfer Quick-Silver decorations to another player’s invenrtory but can transfer any anomalous object you might have collected from an exotic planet biome, like an ossified star coral for example. Only by being in co-op multi-play, would it be possible to see another player add QS decorations to a joint base building project. Though because they are ‘crafted’ items purchased after participating in a community event, they can not be picked up and moved - except by the player who placed them.


I can’t join another person’s game atm…so I cannot test this.
The way to trade items in MP is to join someone’s game and then place the object in a storage container. The other player can then remove the item. As @Mad-Hatter stated, you need to allow base building in the menu. Decorative items that can be picked up can be stored in containers soooooo…theoretically…yes, but that needs to be tested. Volunteers?


Oh my so much I don’t know. I am a rather timid player, sticking to wandering and finding animals. I’m limited of course as well as I play on a PS4 and don’t code. I’m trying to write a story at the mo, placed on a planet , that is taking most of my mind. Maybe one day I will be braver. Thank you all for such detailed answers, hugely impressed. Hope my question helps others as well.


I am on PC and after exiting the game, move my screenshots to planet-named folders (under system-named folders). The “No-Mans-Sky” folder on my PC syncs with OneDrive so I always have a cloud backup.

You may want to further protect your photos by copying to OneDrive or (if a Googly person), to Google Drive or even Amazon’s online photo storage area. I get paranoid about losing photos & screenshots ever since some historical photos “disappeared” from an old Windows XP computer.