
Another patch today.
Update to Experimental Branch 08/04

  • Fixed an issue which could cause weather, Sentinel activity and a number of other planet stats to change.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Minotaur upgrade modules to be missing from the Exocraft technology shop aboard the Space Station.


Just to inform everyone, these updates have been pushed to the public branch as well. Both default and 3xperimental are currently equal.


Yep. That finally fixed my “accursored” problem.
Really stormy planets still induce cursing though.


New 3xperimental build available (PC Steam)

Experimental Branch 10/04 :link:

  • Fixed localised temperature text in the Minotaur cockpit.
  • Fix to prevent oxygen from continuing to deplete if you enter the Minotaur while under water.
  • Fixed the restore terrain effect when piloting the Minotaur.
  • Fixed Minotaur animations after summoning the Minotaur.
  • Fixed to show Vignette & Scanlines options again on PC.
  • Fixed NPC ships getting stuck at the space station entrance.
  • Fixed a bug which was causing performance issues on PC.
  • Removed duplicated decals from the Exocraft customiser.
  • Fixed decals drawing incorrectly when in the Roamer cockpit.
  • Fixed the red colour option when customising banners.

Is anyone else having some decals fail to render?


Yes. Can’t recall exactly but some some surfaces ‘sucked up’ my decals. Deleting the object revealed the decal floating behind sometimes. Some sort of layer fault.


Experimental Branch 10/04

Hello Everyone,

First of all, thanks so much to everyone who has already spent time playing No Man’s Sky and letting us know about any issues you’ve experienced.

Steam users are able to opt-in to the Experimental Branch, where we have pushed a patch to address some problems. We’ll be rolling out these fixes to other platforms as soon as possible.

To play in Experimental, right-click on No Man’s Sky from the Steam library page and select “Properties”. Among the available tabs will be the “BETAS” tab. Enter “3xperimental” in the textbox and press “CHECK CODE”, then select it from the dropdown menu.

The patch notes are as follows:

Experimental Branch Update 14/04

  • Fixed a crash when scanning Frigates with the Visor.

  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when interacting.

Still no power since the storms. :worried: No word on when it will return


(sigh) Still no connectivity to the servers.


I am on PC :exploding_head:

yeah noticed it in last night’s gameplay - however the one change seemed to be it pulled through the Community events reward Tiers progress which previously had not happened due to the services being offline.

I have found while in game if i disconnect my network/lan and then start up/reestablish the connection it connects to online discovery services for about 1min or so then disconnects allowing enough time to get a sync. I have tried doing this multiple times during a game session and seems to work everytime

So im not sure that its in the Game and in HG control.

My one theory is that it is server side or the platform services eg Steam not persisting the user/gamer connection. It has to do with too many concurrent connections due to the global stay at home lockdown [either for NMS but more likely due to ALL gameplay routing through the platform eg Steam/Xbox/PS4] - in my work in IT/Software I have seen this happen on other systems, it can also be due to server /network load balancers and other server components managing persistent DB connections.

Again might be wrong and it could be a bug introduced during the Minotaur update.


Some movement on the Steam Internal version. Hopefully Experimental will be sometime soon.


I don’t know too much about Steam as I dont game on PC much. I understand the reason for the experimental branch, but what does it mean when it says “internal”? I tried to look it up briefly but nothing came up.


My understanding is limited. I think that it performs as a Steam test environment for the developers. When things look good and they’re ready, then they can move it to Experimental.


It’s a branch that’s not accessible to the public. It serves multiple purposes, not the least of which being testing your deployment package before releasing, and also to give your testers convenient access to the latest build.


Ah I see. So its a developer thing. Not exactly a steam thing. Cool. Means theres something cooking.


It does mean it will likely come to 3xperimental next where we who dare will curse and swear as we ooooh and aaahhh in the coolness of what is coming once we call out the bugs and hope for a smooth update for others. :grin:


In that case, feel free to drop spoilers for me. Lol. I want to know if I should take a day off work or not when the day of release becomes official. Assuming there is a date and not a surprise drop.


I decided long ago to put up with “oops” in 3xperimental versions so that I could test it and provide early input when needed. I enjoy helping make software better.


New 3xperimental update ! :link:

  • Replaced networking back end.
  • Upgraded to OpenVR 1.10.30.

Replaced networking backend

Uhm… Couldn’t they be a bit more specific? That sounds like a rather drastic change…