It’s just another change to store tags. There has been no changes to the depots; neither the internal, experimental, public or even the old build test has changed.
Yet again it happened (again).
It looks like store tags have changed between 1756 (Great Soundtrack) and 3859 (Multiplayer) several times lately. I am guessing there is a limited amount of 20 tags assigned/used in total, according to what is shown on the Store Page on Steam. Reason they may switch is due to a Community Recommended tag count being close between the two tags, with currently the changed tag 3859 being the lowest count of the 20 total. I can see it change back to ID 1756 (Great Soundtrack) again, if it’s count goes back up to surpass 3859 (Multiplayer) once more and Steam has another update cycle for the Store tags. This update is not done by NMS / Hello Games, but by Steam itself. See the following from the page source:
<script type="text/javascript">
$J( function() {
InitAppTagModal( 275850,
[{"tagid":1695,"name":"Open World","count":3317,"browseable":true},{"tagid":1755,"name":"Space","count":3081,"browseable":true},{"tagid":3834,"name":"Exploration","count":2963,"browseable":true},{"tagid":3942,"name":"Sci-fi","count":2500,"browseable":true},{"tagid":3839,"name":"First-Person","count":2342,"browseable":true},{"tagid":5125,"name":"Procedural Generation","count":2276,"browseable":true},{"tagid":21,"name":"Adventure","count":2084,"browseable":true},{"tagid":4182,"name":"Singleplayer","count":2046,"browseable":true},{"tagid":1662,"name":"Survival","count":2009,"browseable":true},{"tagid":3810,"name":"Sandbox","count":1742,"browseable":true},{"tagid":4166,"name":"Atmospheric","count":1539,"browseable":true},{"tagid":16598,"name":"Space Sim","count":1303,"browseable":true},{"tagid":492,"name":"Indie","count":1277,"browseable":true},{"tagid":1702,"name":"Crafting","count":1275,"browseable":true},{"tagid":19,"name":"Action","count":918,"browseable":true},{"tagid":599,"name":"Simulation","count":743,"browseable":true},{"tagid":1663,"name":"FPS","count":716,"browseable":true},{"tagid":7478,"name":"Illuminati","count":553,"browseable":true},{"tagid":1721,"name":"Psychological Horror","count":543,"browseable":true},{"tagid":3859,"name":"Multiplayer","count":357,"browseable":true}],
null );
if ( typeof GDynamicStore != 'undefined' )
Hope it makes sense …
Well 1/5/18 or 5/1/18 has come and gone and not a word from HG. I know the community created the theory that something would be released today. In one hand i’m happy because that means the update really is 1.5 , on the other hand i would’ve loved to go home to new NMS content. Oh well!
It hasn’t gone in my time zone.
Yet again… A new change.
I get your point @DevilinPixy .
However, how come this game have been tagged ‘illuminati’ and ‘psychological horror’ more than ‘great audio’ and ‘multiplayer’?
Imho, this doesn’t make sense…
Hence still think this switch could be a clue.
It doesn’t always end up making sense when you let a ‘community’ decide, especially when there is a huge split between ‘love’ and ‘hate’ for the game. I guess it could have been worse…
Switched again 2h ago…
So this has been a loop with 17 iterations so far…