Worlds part 2 - Update 5.50 (Spoilers)

Have been so distracted by everything else I’m just noticing the new water displacement isn’t present on PS5. I’d say it’s there on the PS5Pro version but I’m wondering if anyone here has that version and can confirm? The ship bobbing is there but displacement from characters, creatures and ship flight is non existent.

Water displacement working happily on PC at water set to ultra. Not sure what setting it turns off at but hopefully they figure out how to get it running on less powerful consoles so more people can be as proud of Tom as Martin is.


So far, my water worlds have either been deep oceans devoid of life, or filled with life but shallow. Are there deep oceans with life? Do you need to be deep to find the larger new creatures?


I’ve only been to two deep ocean planets. I’m avoiding any more until the creature discovery registration is fixed, it seems to be only affecting underwater discoveries mostly.

The first one I went to had absolutely gigantic hermit crabs at the sea floor, about 1400 u down. I may have got lucky.

Both worlds have been full of life for me.

If you want I can get you the Portal Address, the giant hermit crabs were tameable, though you had to get under and in them at a weird angle and be quick on the draw to get the feed creature/interact prompt.

This was day one, unless the patch has made things buggy with ocean world wildlife. I’ll go back and check on those hermit crabs in the meantime and grab the address in case ya end up taking it :slight_smile:

Also, where will a portal on an ocean planet bring you? How deep down will it be? Guess you just have to try now :wink:

portal address for the giant hermits

@sheralmyst okay I kinda had to check it out myself to see how ocean portals behave.

I arrived at the sea floor but, like the disappearing water glitch I arrived to an oceanless ocean planet, at least on console.

After moving away from the portal a bit, the water eventually spawned in.

This could even be a safety measure in case a person is distracted during warp screen etc.

Makes for unique and rare photo opps

Those squids look familiar :slight_smile: oh and giant hermits are safe and nearby the portal. You get spit out at around 1200u. I keep looking at the wrong number on Nautilon and think my speed is my depth, how was this only 100u I thought :joy:


Definitely have to go now


No waiting for the water on PC. I had to stop staring in amazement and quickly call in my Nautilon.

This is a true water world. Is there no land at all? The ones I have found so far all have small islands scattered around.


Of the two I’ve visited I haven’t seen any land near the surface at all.

Beautiful shots, so many big squid :squid::octopus: :star_struck:

Here’s some I took minus the Ocean while dropping by

Mystery hermits with helpful helmet lights to guide their way


I admittedly haven’t been in any rough seas since the update but I noticed the Nautalin, the new Nautalin Geobay & my character all bobbing (somewhat randomly compared to each other) while on PS5.


Has anyone found a portal on a gas giant? So far, I’ve found portals on the adjacent moons - so I could portal into the system - but I haven’t found a portal on a gas giant. I can’t seem to find alien monoliths on gas giants, either.


@Polyphemus So far I’ve just stumbled onto a crashed freighter and a resource depot being guarded by the usual bunch, haven’t come across much else but spending a lot of time underground on gas giants.

I seem to come across the flat land variant of a gas giant, hoping to find a mountainous one again soon to see if the water gets any deeper (deepest water I’ve found is 15u and I think you need depths of 20-30 for collosal catches.)

@Mad-Hatter yup, we got the bobbing, just not the water wading. I had fun paddling around on pc and watching my body make a physical wake and then the action of my legs kicking up making the water splash up and disrupt the wake, none of it particle effects, all physical simulation :two_hearts:

If I recall with worlds one, ps5 water had zero reflections and no sea foam at first and then was brought up to par with pc over the following weeks. Even a stripped back version that limits how many bodies can influence the water at once would be sufficient :slight_smile:

@sheralmyst I found one of those Oceanic planets full of islands you were talking about and…

I think it makes a good case study for old terrain gen versus new terrain gen.

At this stage we are all familiar with the little bits of island you see from orbit, and as you get close and they spawn in and render a closer approximation to their actual size and shape, you mostly end up with these sort of patchy oval areas that are more like short mounds than islands.

This is what I was expecting when I flew to the Oceanic planet dotted with the islands.

What I got was, legit convincing, volcanic islands. I could not stop taking pictures. It was rocky and mossy with no tree or bush growth, really gave the vibe of a natural volcanic mass carved into over time.

You can see they’re using similar methods to the subtraction used to pock a landscape with impact craters, but at angles to create these realistic sloping and carving of the hills and rock, the edging on terrain also seems a lot smoother with a more natural curve, things are less angular and the voxels are less apparent.

Enough pre-amble, here’s the goods…


Not my thing at all - but the next expedition’s going to make me do it, so I may as well learn how.


Fun fact: We actually expect gas giant atmospheres to transition into planet-spanning supercritical oceans (loosely defined. The liquid would contain only little water, mostly a supercritical hydrogen-helium mix), though the boundary between “atmosphere” and “liquisphere” would be very dynamic and ill-defined.
And below that we’d expect a small solid core where every bit of carbon has been compressed into diamond…
It would have been really cool if they could have given gas giants a larger atmosphere with multiple cloud layers and then put an uber-hostile ocean below that. But of course they didn’t develop that for LNF…


You’re not kidding. Supercritical fluids are very weird indeed. Essentially they are both gases and liquids at the same time. The chemicals industries use supercriticals as solvents - trying to understand the phase and flow through process plant will make you crazy.


Just hit this bug myself exploring a purple systems POIs.

I actually never got this flavour text before, but figuring out the answer was confusing since there was no number string pattern to predict.

Are these new flavour texts or just new to me? It did point me to a starship (I guessed and got lucky)

Another thing that may have just been luck, or may be a feature of purple systems…

The tech upgrades you get from successful NPC interactions at planet POI’s have all given me S Class tech in purple systems (I’ve only tested one planet so far so will report findings elsewhere when I arrive).

This was a much welcomed change from getting b and c class tech modules which in all my playthroughs, have never been all that helpful except for nanites.

I’m actually on the search for the planetside NPCs that hand out missions on the new planet types. They normally come with text and descriptors related to the biome so there might be new stuff for a lore junkie like me to read :slight_smile:


I got one on PC and had no issues.
Having a hard time finding a water planet I want to settle on. Either devoid of life, too shallow or overrun with angry sentinels
water displacement PC


Bionic lure is verdy good for increasing catch rarity and not too hard to make. Don’t take psychic damage from forcing yourself to fish too much now.

I was thinking for your portal search on a gas giant, add the gas giant to your personal records and then hover over it for the info pane, it will display the planets portal address. Then using a portal you know of or handier to find, input the address and see if it brings you to the gas giant or just farts you out on a moon.

Thanks for the water tech pics, will always be a hungry nerd for such things, especially when out of reach :drooling_face:


Thank you for that - it worked. There is a portal on the gas giant where I have my fishing hole. The game just doesn’t want us to know about it.


You get methane on gas giants. I built an atmospheric extractor to farm it. Im looking too see if there are gas pockets via survey.

Edit yes, there are underground pockets of the stuff.


While we’re on resources, does anyone know what we need lithium for?


I thought it was for one of the new tech recipies, but I checked them and cant find any. maybe the update that came out today changed it? Unless it was needed for a quest item.


Found 11 occurrences in the recipe table :roll_eyes: