@Polyphemus So far I’ve just stumbled onto a crashed freighter and a resource depot being guarded by the usual bunch, haven’t come across much else but spending a lot of time underground on gas giants.
I seem to come across the flat land variant of a gas giant, hoping to find a mountainous one again soon to see if the water gets any deeper (deepest water I’ve found is 15u and I think you need depths of 20-30 for collosal catches.)
@Mad-Hatter yup, we got the bobbing, just not the water wading. I had fun paddling around on pc and watching my body make a physical wake and then the action of my legs kicking up making the water splash up and disrupt the wake, none of it particle effects, all physical simulation 
If I recall with worlds one, ps5 water had zero reflections and no sea foam at first and then was brought up to par with pc over the following weeks. Even a stripped back version that limits how many bodies can influence the water at once would be sufficient 
@sheralmyst I found one of those Oceanic planets full of islands you were talking about and…
I think it makes a good case study for old terrain gen versus new terrain gen.
At this stage we are all familiar with the little bits of island you see from orbit, and as you get close and they spawn in and render a closer approximation to their actual size and shape, you mostly end up with these sort of patchy oval areas that are more like short mounds than islands.
This is what I was expecting when I flew to the Oceanic planet dotted with the islands.
What I got was, legit convincing, volcanic islands. I could not stop taking pictures. It was rocky and mossy with no tree or bush growth, really gave the vibe of a natural volcanic mass carved into over time.
You can see they’re using similar methods to the subtraction used to pock a landscape with impact craters, but at angles to create these realistic sloping and carving of the hills and rock, the edging on terrain also seems a lot smoother with a more natural curve, things are less angular and the voxels are less apparent.
Enough pre-amble, here’s the goods…