WORLDS Part 1 - Discussion

My first impressions of the update:


Decided to check out the last underwater base I built (a base I brought back from the first nexus-activated expedition, The Funderwater Museum).

The views on half submerged modules just got a hell of a lot better <3 (pc with low settings until I figure out a new balance with the new tech, still looks gorgeous)

Just realising now my youtube avatar is the surf scene from Escape from LA photoshopped on to my bed hair. Everythings happening in waves today XD



Guys… …

They added Baba Yaga Huts as a species ;-;


“So, HG, since you’ve got LNF lined up and all, we assume NMS will be going into maintenance mode, right?”
HG: “LOL nope, we’re backporting the entire engine!” :man_facepalming:

Seriously, facepalming is about all I could do when I saw that trailer. All I thought was “you’ve got to be kidding! You cannot possibly be doing this!”

Then I saw “Bug hunt expedition” advertised in the trailer, and thought “uhu, yeah, I bet, but it seems weird for you to advertise it like that”. Couple minutes later I realised that they weren’t being facetious but taking a stab at helldivers instead.
The only thing I’m afraid off is that all of this won’t run anymore on my machine. I’ve already had problems… Not out on GoG yet, so can’t tell.


Theres a setting now for water, so can control the detail on it as much as possible and turn reflections completely off. Hopefully that quells some of your fears and will bring results once you get your GOG ready download.

I noticed when I booted up, the game had auto-set all my settings to standard and dropped most things to its lowest values as well, it actually crashed on my initial load, changed most settings to a mix of low to high, turned off tesellation and anything cpu heavy set low and I got my usual 20-30 frames (I also have not updated my GPU drivers in like 3 months XD ).

I noticed some big lag spikes when doing things initially, most likely new assets and shaders getting brought into memory and written to file, not long after that it was smooth-ish sailing. It’s always smooth-ish on my rig XD


Took the opportunity to retreat back to my ‘Legacy’ base, take some screenshots & hunker down in preparation for the next cataclysm to change the known universe.

Very excited to see a massive reset & I’ll take what ever ‘damage’ occurs to my base in my stride. As @toddumptious mentioned somewhere recently: the massive resets fit with the lore of the game & I welcome it.


Yeah… I saw that, and couldn’t help imagining the brainstorming session.
“Ok people, think, what can we do that adds variety that isn’t a lot of work! Think outside the box!”
“Hmmm… I guess we could take some building meshes, put legs on them and let them walk around?”
“… Ha, good one. That’s too far outside the box!”
“Uhhhhhh… I mean… errr… ah, what the hell, just do it!”

It would be cool if they still had some habitable parts, though. I don’t expect to be able to build a base in one, but sitting in a chair on a platform while the house crosses the planet would be hella cool…


I built this ship a long time ago. Then the water was calm, only rising based on viewing angle :upside_down_face: Now in a storm it is far more interesting.


I’ve had the opposite experience so far, managed to get it running at a smooth 50 FPS with maxed out settings and DLSS on planet… Only for it to drop to a slideshow when I pulsed to another planet. Lag spike seems to clear after I restart on the same planet, but comes back whenever a new planet loads up.


Game auto set all of my settings to Ultra. So far, no issues


I’m pretty certain theres a Metal Gear Ray being housed in its belly… Watch your back before the La Li Lu Le Lo catch up with you.

This is amazing gully!! @_@

I wonder what they eat? Maybe we can tame em…

“Walk inside my mouth, human. ENTER MY MOUTH NOW, HUMAN!”

“Yeah, no. Nice try.”

Sounds memory leaky, me thinky

Ooh that must mean it’s doing a tech-check and auto-calbrating based on setup when you boot up aftert new patch ;-;


Has anyone found a waterfall planet yet


No sorry, I noticed the space station landing pads floor grates now has light that shoots up through them in pillars and catches the dust and smoke and I’ve been stuck to the spot for what must be days I can only assume.

Can’t wait to find one. I was actually currently doing nexus missions hoping to get one of the new brood ones, anyone got one yet?


No brood yet. Having a caffeine crash and shutting down. Will be back up and running in a bit.

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I’ve just gone through my first storm, it could be my imagination but my hazard protection modules seemed to run down slower than usual, I certainly felt like the three protection modules shouldve drained by now.

Also after Telamon warned me of an incoming storm, just as the storm actually physically started I heard a sort of machinery whirr/buzz sound, not sure if coincidence or new additional indicator for when a storm starts, but as far as I know I was near no habitats or damaged machinery etc, no starships whirring past.

Let me know if you guys notice anything similar.


Interesting thing I found out about the water, during a storm water that is inside a cave is much calmer than water that’s out in the open.:


According to the patch notes water depth is taken into account when the storms or winds pick up so you don’t end up with slooshing puddles and ponds <3 Good to hear it works as advertised.


So some places of the gane become slideshow-y but its mostly been no issues other than a crash upon loading the game for the first time in 5.0.

My home base planet didnt change much other than the bubbles are gone and one type of tree was replaced with nicer looking trees. The grass looks a lot nicer now though.

Edit: My main base looks weird now because it was in a settlement :sweat_smile: the layout changed and my posters are just hanging in the air now.

I haven’t seen many planets yet but from the ones I have seen so far, it looks like only minor changes have been made. Minor, but I love that it has made landing on planets more enjoyable knowing that there are new things to see again. Havent seen any new creatures yet and im actually happy about that. I like them to be scattered enough that its exciting to see them when I do and not get tired of them quickly.

I fought a broodmother bug and it wasnt very challenging but it did feel like a mini boss because it had a close range and long range attack and its large in size and actually mobile. Plus, boss health bar lol. While its not the coolest action packed fight in the world, its a nice addition to enemies in the game that are pretty lacking as-is. If I were to change the way these bugs fought, it would be to add a “rush attack” to it because the difficulty is very easy if all you do is keep your distance and circle around it while shooting. Didnt take a single hit from it on my first try. A way for it to close the gap would make it more menacing.

Also, im out of likes for some reason :thinking: but know that im liking your posts if I could


My settlement seems to have turned about 180 degrees. Had to delete everything but the planet is as wonderful as ever and now even better


I didn’t get to play much since the previous update but the Space Stations seem to be more vividly coloured & varied…?
Is that new or am I just late to the party?