Wishes: "Dream Harder" 💭

Too many systems exist in No Man’s Sky without much purpose. Food is number one.
I really wish they would allow us to plant and harvest wheat etc. Have shops that sell and produce food etc.

I also desire more base stuff. Give me heaters that keep by base from feezing in cold. Have special resources that you really have to work for, not just automate a single miner for every situation. Let Acid rain damage suit, buildings, ships. But give options to work around the issues.

Give me multiple environment suits, so i can switch for various environments.

I really would love more depth to game play.


i agree partially. i love some of the atrocious things the game lets you cook and the nanites cronus rewards you for getting… creative?.. with them, and as much as i enjoy wandering a planet’s surface for hours on end looking for curiosities, gathering large amounts of any specific food (grahberreis and aloe being particular problem plants for me) is annoying. why do these commercially-farmed staples of agriculture like wheat and sugar have to be harvested by hand in the wild while i can conjure plants that grow sentient gemstones in a matter of hours with no problem?
on the other hand, getting storm crystals, basalt, survivalist achievements, etc. would be even harder than they already can be if your suit and ship could be damaged just for existing on an extreme world. recharging my sodium-guzzling hazard protection every 30 seconds is enough thx.


You are aware there’s batteries, right?


I can stand in the worst storms the game can throw at me. I recharge maybe every…hmmmm…not sure. I should check that but it’s not very often. :smile: :dash: :bomb: :right_anger_bubble: :boom: :100: :muscle:


You don’t have to wonder around for to make flour and sugar. With a garden you can cook them up endlessly. Toss the below into a Nutrient Processor.

Frost Crystal x1 → Glass Grains x1 → Refined Flour x1
Cactus Flesh x1 → Cactus Nectar x1 → Processed Sugar x1


The problem I have now is that with a few exceptions I don’t have to gather resources anymore. Between my freighter garden, stellar extractors, planet-side extractors and resource multiplication I have no need to mine on a planet. I can make everything in my freighter. This has led to this:

What I need is meaningful resource sinks. Projects I can dump these resources into. Things I can buy with the 600mil I have lying around.


didn’t know about the flour, thanks. maybe we could get some kind of merchant for extravagant base decor and designer exosuits, maybe even a bejeweled starship, for ridiculous prices?


The amount of recipes is ridiculous. I remember being so disappointed in the storage container size. I requested a deep freezer for my ingredients :grin: and I finally got it. :smiley: We have so much pocket and storage space, I am finally able to try and cook every recipe out there.


No prob! Trying cooking the stuff from your garden. The crafting chains in the game are deep.

I was thinking along the lines of projects. I love to build huge things that do stuff. Manufacturing facilities to create trade products. Automation to craft things like fuel and crafting parts. Satellites to orbit planets. Build ships from parts. Build custom freighters. Just large projects that consume tons of resources.


im the opposite, i prefer to find and hunt rather than farm and craft. however, i am getting bored of my massive hoard of gravitnos and albumen pearls, whose sell value is completely inconsequential to my 400 million unit bank account.


Build up a collection of ship storage expansion slots. Buying and scrapping class S ships can get rid of an awful lot of cash.


I need the ability to own even more ships now…what is the current limit now? I thought it was raised recently.


Currently twelve ships. I keep trying to find the one.


NMS needs one of these


An anorexic robo spider? Yuk.


So I have been playing on PS5. It looks beautiful. Shiny. Clean. Smooth. Clean. Too clean. On PC, there are scuffs, scrapes, etc…and I thought that makes more sense because I have never seen a Gek or VyKeen or Korvax ever servicing anything or polishing or mopping…but wouldn’t it be nice? A Gek with a drill or a wrench or soldering gun working beside a hatch on a panel in a wall or in the floor?


In the starter ‘build your base’ quest, you get a Korvax window cleaner.


I must have fired him. The one I have now just stands there with his tablet in his face like so many other kids these days


To be fair, he never did clean the windows. He only promised he would.


Early screenshots that seemed too smooth or “plastic-looking” we’re either from older PS or from low end video cards. Same issue?