What More Can We Do With No Man’s Sky?
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No Man’s Sky — Available for download on the Apple and Android app stores !
Why put NMS on smartphones? Because we’d reach all! Why make every galaxy truly unique? Because we’d provide any real reason to travel beyond a single galaxy. Why add a multiverse of parallel universes and underworld mirrorverses? No universe would be complete without such madness. Why add a basin of creeks, rivers and waterfalls? Words can’t describe the beauty and potential we’re missing. Why do more with space? Because while we have focused so much on planets, we have focused so little on space.
I am disturbed by the distorted AI business in those pics…
If we could even manage to travel out that far from our own star system, which would require light-year travel to our nearest star system, (Alpha Centauri, our nearest star system, with Proxima Centauri b, our nearest exoplanet, 4.2 to 4.4 light-years from Earth, a distance that would take about 6,300 years to travel using current technology), and we may even require much longer travel if then exploring the other surrounding star systems, and don’t even get me started on trying to reach and explore the nearest ‘habitable zone’ of our nearest galaxy…
Are they friendly, are we friendly? Do we educate them, do they educate us? What would we learn from them, what would they learn from us? What would they be like, what would we be like? Would they become our science experiments, or would we become their own? Would we dissect their future spawn, find ourselves at war? Consume us, or would we consume them? Considering our proven track-record…
But Crim, this is NMS. Nothing occurs like that in NMS. We have friendly encounters…
A companion that is carried on the back, and would someway somehow Morph into Jetpack, tools, weapons, and maybe into small craft.
I don’t think we need any more nefarious aliens.
Existental dread in NMS is enough ‘alien’ thing for human minds imo.
Returning to the earlier discussion about the rotation of celestial bodies in NMS, I think that HG did the right thing by making the planets’ orbits stationary.
Experience shows that humans have very poor geometric intelligence.
And this happens on a universal scale. They even have serious problems and thinking process disorders in distinguishing when an object rotates around its axis and when it is not, when there are at least two bodies located in the mutual system
Dunno why it annoys me so much, but I preferred how, relatively recently, humanity believed that it existed on the so-called flat earth. It was at least more intuitive.
Relative to what? Scholars have believed that the earth is a sphere for up to 1500 years now (and the greek philosophers were even earlier than that). Still “relatively recently” when viewed in the context of the entire human history, but not nearly as recently as many people think…
I would swear that few centuries ago there was an organization that denied people knowledge and promoted the flat earth theory, and those who brought the light of knowledge were threatened with ritual burning at the stake.
And guess what, most of human masses considered these theories were “correct” until people like Galileo came along and started questioning them.
Missing the 4 Elephants on the back of the space turtle…
They did space whales…surely these miniworlds would be possible
Maybe asteroids couldbe this way. Spacewhales slowly gather them and attach them for camouflage
Also to have these as mini-maps to play/mission/side-quest on or survive some challenge and collect rare items etc
So taking the “dungeon” concept but making it more “open air”.
Also would not need to be mini-planets using the planet mechanics.
A possible compromise to not having larger asteroids to land and play on.
…and great nod or rather wink to the “flat planet” demographic …i mean it is a science “fiction” game after all
On a smaller scale, I’ve always wished crashed freighters and ancient ruins did this. Wouldn’t necessarily need to be full “dungeons” (though that would be cool sometimes), but at least something procedurally random. It’s weird and repetitive that they’re all exactly the same layout.
So Starfield gives you frames for your screenshots, like this
I want NMS to do the same.
The 2nd one especially since each update is featured as a paperback.
While the first assertion is partially true, the second one is a (all too) common misconception. The thing that the church wouldn’t accept wasn’t that the earth was a sphere. They had accepted that fact for quite some time already and did not see any contradiction to their theology. The thing they couldn’t accept was that the earth wasn’t the center of creation (and therefore, by implication, not its inarguably most important part).
There’s a similar misconception about Columbus. The common narrative goes that people though Columbus was crazy because he insisted the earth was round and that india therefore could be reached by sailing west. This was never in question, however. The thing that Columbus and the scholars of his time disagreed on was the circumference of the sphere. Sailing to India was considered impossible because the way was far too long for any ship of the time.
The popularly held number for the circumference of the earth was the one calculated by Eristothenes in the 3rd century BC (yes, that long ago), which was 252’000 Stadia. Depending on which exact measure you take for a Stadium (it varried over time) that’s between 39,060 to 40,320 km.
Columbus believed the earth was significantly smaller. I’m not sure where he got his number from. Possibly he insisted on Ptolemy’s estimate of about 28’800 km a century or so after Erastothenes.
In any case, the really funny thing here is that Columbus was dead wrong. Erastothenes’ circumference was very precise, might have been almost exact in fact, depending on what length for a stadium he was using. I guess we’ll never know.
Fact is, if Columbus wouldn’t have the absolutely ridiculous luck of there being another continent halfways along the way, nobody would ever have heard of him again, because everyone else happened to be right. And nowadays we tell it as though Columbus was the smart one and everyone else was just dumb. It’s slightly annoying.
I find the whole Columbus thing annoying anyway. He did not discover the Americas. There were already many, many, many people here.
Well, it’s the No Man’s Sky kind of discovery, alright…
True, these wrecks look like they were planned to be more modular and they just gave up halfway through and shipped it… was there an obstacle?
With space freighter wrecks it’s easier, players are in an enclosed room with no windows and no editable terrain. These dungeons even have several floors and connecting rooms – like decades-old procedural rogue-likes.
The procedural settlements are basically on a 2-dimensional circular grid and the generator just fills in random plots with no regard for what the neighbouring plot contains. (The simplest kind of procedural generation.)