What could AI do for a game like NMS?

That is what “being generated” means. You have the seed, and to get the actual data you have to run it through a set of complicated maths to generate that data. This takes a lot of computing power, which is exactly the problem.

If you have complex interacting systems, what you need to determine the overall system state is all of it. And in the case of an unconstrained system, “all of it” is basically infinity, though in case of NMS there are limits (there are procedural systems such as the now discontinued spaceway that are literally infinite). Even if we would limit interactivity to the galactic scale, though, what you are talking about amounts to a “Big Data”-application. Not impossible, but oh so very expensive.


Good points. If you take into account Hilbert and all subsecuent galaxies, I guess the task gets near infinite also in Nms… But seeing how most of us wont go near the center, (obvious loop is obvious) I think most if not all players would be happy getting rid of it all and reaching a conventional ending when we get to the center? Or maybe the chance of having all next from Euclid as “free” symulations without Atlas presence…
Might it all be No Man’s Sky 3 level conjecture, here, no doubt…
Something that makes this more feasible in my mind than your usual procedural game (a la Diablo dungeon) is that the fixed seeds take the software/game we have (able to run on a meek Ps4) to obtain said output, and Atlas+ would not even need the visual/rendering part of the equation to know what is there… It could work with the raw numbers and figure all out.