Very cool!
Streaming at the moment! Should be longer as well
This Is My Message To @HelloGames A message of positivity which I ask all of you not to twist into anything else… #Sayhello #NoMansSky
Posted a couple more podcasts with some very special individuals. Ep 5 I talk with Codex about Waking Titan and her work with Alice & Smith.
In Ep 6 I talk with @PeacefulGamer, about all things NMS and WT.
Both great episodes ;D Looking forward to a potential 2nd go after this part of WT wraps up.
A timelapse of an Atlas sculpture. At first I wanted to make the Death Star, but I noticed the planet in the background and thought… challenge accepted.
I’m not sure what is more amazing, the sculpture or the fact that you managed to link Doris Day to NMS.
Thanks sheralmyst! Admittedly, I don’t know a whole lot about Doris Day I just know this particular song by Wax Tailor. But now I’m interested I like the lyrics. “Whatever will be, will be”
“When I grew up, and fell in love
I asked my true love,” What will there be?
Will there be rainbows, day after day?"
Here’s what he said to me:
“No, you’ll get Donald Trump.”
Classic song.