The problem was more that there was a Twitter outage that evening, as I have got it to work before. Ideally I’d like to take the video off PS4 so I can use it with some of my own music, PS4-Mac transfer seems more problematic than to PC though.
Travelled to an old pre-NEXT homeworld portal address…system had changed so much that old com balls were floating in Space - I remember there used to be 2 com balls, but only one was visible now, yet both messages would appear when I approached.
So a funny thing happened on my way to see @johnnycloud…
He probably wondered what was taking me so long
Since I keep losing my Portal, I had to go looking for some cheap Gek Relics. Things went wrong right from the start.
Once I finally got Portal passage approval from the local Gek Cultural Protection Commission, I found myself in a strange place…floating comms…
Bases that don’t exist…
But I really was there…
I think…
Haha! It was funny!
That really was strange because there seems to be a base icon showing in the image you posted. Yet the planet I expected to see you on has no ossified star corals??? That is madness!!! but it was very amusing!
Then again it could be experimental and standard builds of the game conflicting somehow.
I wonder what part of the universe you were really in …
Perhaps this is an indication experimental and therefore Beyond - may indeed possibly reset our universe.
Hooray! \o/
Well, I guess he could have killed you first and then chanted death.
Excuse me please do not land on my freighter!! This was a raging battle that began above the surface of Cobra Cake Prime. I witnessed it from the ground and went up to see what was going on. lol.
Looks like they are all going nuts over the cake. Fighting to get a piece of it
Gek’s in bad shape if he was asking for money. Might be more than Nip.
Looks a little pale for a Gek…
I think I know that guy…