solve thread

Set up by the guys over at the No Man’s Sky Reddit Discord


Thanks, yeah I meant the glitchy text around it. But on closer look, it just looks like glitched-out stuff, not actual formulas or anything with meaning.

Wait, wasn’t myriad the particle acceleration people?



“Given that we devise a successful attempt to miniaturize this method: This could lead to improved communications technologies that send and receive data from any location to any other location in space-time, rather than relying on commonly-understood euclidean space to do the job.”

Euclid is the starting galaxy in No Man’s Sky.

Yes, it’s a reference to Euclidean space. From Wikipedia:

In geometry, Euclidean space encompasses the two-dimensional Euclidean plane, the three-dimensional space of Euclidean geometry, and certain other spaces. It is named after the Ancient Greek mathematician Euclid of Alexandria.[1] The term “Euclidean” distinguishes these spaces from other types of spaces considered in modern geometry. Euclidean spaces also generalize to higher dimensions. (empasis mine)

Further on:

When algebra and mathematical analysis became developed enough, this relation reversed and now it is more common to define Euclidean space using Cartesian coordinates and the ideas of analytic geometry. It means that points of the space are specified with collections of real numbers, and geometric shapes are defined as equations and inequalities. This approach brings the tools of algebra and calculus to bear on questions of geometry and has the advantage that it generalizes easily to Euclidean spaces of more than three dimensions.

The second galaxy we go to after completing the quest is the Hilbert galaxy, a reference to Hilbert space:

The mathematical concept of a Hilbert space, named after David Hilbert, generalizes the notion of Euclidean space. It extends the methods of vector algebra and calculus from the two-dimensional Euclidean plane and three-dimensional space to spaces with any finite or infinite number of dimensions.

For those of us inclined to dig into hairy quantum physics. :yum:

There is an interesting scientific discrepancy in the site:

By firing high-energy tachyons from an apparatus and accelerating them to faster-than-light speeds with a dedicated particle accelerator, we can send data to any time before the emitter was created!

By their very nature, tachyons travel faster than light, and thus may not be able to exist within this universe. Maybe this is the dumbed down version of the process, and tachyons are slowed down to sublight or light speed, infused with information / communications, and sent on their way once again faster than light. But it would theoretically require infinite energy to slow a tachyon to light speed - the less energy they have, the faster they go, the opposite of our universe. Interesting…

Regardless, all this information seems to indicate that Atlas or someone has used all this quantum technology to gain power over the very fabric of space-time. At least that’s what I’m thinking. But there’s that bizarre message in the lower part of the first page:

Since beyond time we have consumed inmense ammounts of knowledge and obtained untold power, we will come for your world as we have many others. (left some spelling errors in there)

Great, so now we also have Entities From Beyond involved in this?? And one more thing since us new guys are stuck with three replies to threads:

Controlling Information
Since beyond time we have consumed inmense ammounts of knowledge and obtained untold power, we will come for your world as we have many others.


They want recruits, or maybe traitors to join them. Guess we’ll see if they want to hang out and solve world hunger and cool stuff like that…

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also when you hover on this, you see a shadow inverted version of this text or some text appears below.

take that back. this appears to be possibly korean text or another asian characters.

Stock photo ID: 535318603
Beautiful night sky, the Milky Way and the trees. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.

Not sure which particular stars those are. Though if it’s taken anywhere from earth, this many stars can typically only be seen in more remote regions. Exceptionally bright stars can also be planets.

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Someone on discord did some analysis on the star image, it appears there may be something in there, check out those horizontal lines… Imgur: The magic of the Internet

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Sean used that Zalgo text trick a while ago


Multiverse talked about particle accelerators.

It’s sounds like a declaration of alien species wanted to wipe us out. Or maybe I’m just to sleepy to understand it well… But, I have a feeling where is this all going. Fairly soon we might get to know the enemy, a destroyer of worlds… Creepy!

Come on… give them a chance… get to know them… maybe they just want tea and cookies? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Those characters show up in the actual html source they are a ppart of some kind of font

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Some of the stuff we have found could be an answer to something, but since no sigils or glyphs on have unlocked, we can’t try any of them…

they are sending messages back in time. These are messages from the future. but some of the data has degraded so they are glitching.

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Guys, passing an ELA filter on the red glitched background yielded some interesting results.

If you look at the image from a certain distance, it seems that there are… numbers, maybe?

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I would think that would be our brain trying to make sense of it :sweat_smile:

Is the superlumina website from the future sent back in time to now

Just a thought really as the shift from 2017 to 2018 earlier today

Also this website breaks the normal radio broadcast first website after

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It might be! But I think I can clearly see a 2 and a 3 on the upper right.

Could the color sequence on the projects page lead to anything?

0,127,70 (blue-green)
95,127,0 (yellow-green)
126,65,0 (orange)
120,0,126 (purple)
0,25,126 (blue)

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