Solving STATUS update Memory Dump & PAX East 2018 Live Drop

This is very interesting!

Was it socrates who advocated teaching through dialouge? Like those never-ending question sessions?

Anyway, I’m thinking that “memory” as a concept is tightly interwoven with how we perceive time. And time itself is a standing issue within WT;

  • Emily knows how to predict future events
  • Superlumina can send signals backward in time

Just my two cents…


Yes the socratic dialogue is a great way of conversing. I took part in such a dialogue on the Internet with quite an international audience, also many people from India. It was quite enlightening how we could combine eastern and western knowledge overtime. Learnt a lot of that!

And yes, time and memory are not linear, they have everything to do with the way we experience and perceive, which of course is as divers as the human mind :slight_smile:

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originally ‘tablets’ were filled with wax. You wrote on them with a stylus then when done with it, the wax was easily smoothed out, erasing what had been there, ready for rewriting.
Here is a fancy pocket sized edition
The wax in these tablets is obviously too old and too hard to take an imprint.( Reminds of some notable people in the world today. Their souls are too hardened to take on a new viewpoint. ) Also some tablets were simply smaller and could not hold as much information.


Oh wow, thanks for pointing out that his birthday is today. Maybe we are supposed to call him and wish him a happy birthday?

Edit: Nothing new on his phone number, maybe we should email him “Happy Birthday”?


Ok scratch that. I tried emailing him a “Bon anniversaire!” but the email failed and said the address doesn’t exist.


Yes, i just wanted to point out that in the text it was “block”.

The other intersting thing in the choice of this part of the dialog is the presence of Mnemosyne.
She was the goddess of memory AND she “invented” the words and language. I immediatly think to


And I think of the fact that I have never learned all of the Atlas words. Even before the last update when I had learned all the others words available. Of course, there are now many more words to leran. Has anyone learned the language of the Atlas since last update?

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i didn’t. Maybe we’ll have a reason to search monoliths again and again . And maybe we’d start a new game to learn Atlas language before finishing the Atlas Path.

What i didn’t understand after the update is about the Atlas stone. Theyr are no “useless” but we still can buy some. I’m sure something is missing.


I’m currently doing a crash run of monolith hops in Vykeen systems to try & boost my Atlas language before the next update. Got a good amount of the Gek, a reasonable amount of Korvax and a small amount of Vykeen. (Not regularly carrying Mordite until recently slowed my Vykeen learning).
As for the Atlas stones, I think they may just be a valuable collectable, possibly worth a good profit in certain locations; remnants from the earlier NMS universe. I do wonder if they were once supposed to go in that dent in portal interface pillars but things changed and glyphs became the opening merhod instead. Who knows??


Sorry I havn’t been able to keep up with the ARG for a while for various reasons (not receiving an Atlas Pass wad a little demoralising) … Just noticed you folks discussing language and maybe someone can verify if this is right/wrong for me… I have 1,614 words learned and no matter what race, monolith, knowledge stone I go to, I cannot learn any more… Is this the correct word limit or am I bugged?

I have learned all the Atlas words on a couple saves. Sadly, it’s the most useless language because you usually do the Atlas Path before learning many words of it, then you can never view the text in the Atlas language again.


I just checked and I’m at 1,242 words. I had maxed out languages for the three races before whichever update added more words.

The phone message on Arnaud’s phone number has changed! Someone please translate ASAP


Anyone? Please? This is kind of important @DevilinPixy @Mad-Hatter @sheralmyst @ORtrail @bcatrek @Sith921 @Argh @DarthTrethon @DarkbyDesign


Ahhh, I have no idea other than bonjour and au revoir…:scream:

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Tried to spread the word on GD discord, but the channel looks asleep ATM. :frowning:
Echo got word to the NMS discord, they’re starting to check it out, no real translation yet.


It looks like it could be a Montreal Quebec phone number at face value.

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A Spacing Guild member asked on the discord as well, they say it has something to do with Arnaud’s studio closing!

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It says something about “the studio closing” and I was able to make out the words “immediately” . “draw” , “power”…but I can’t make out the rest


no luck with a french translator on the NMS discord yet. EDIT; think we found someone