Beautiful! So glad you wrap up in her shawl. Like wrapping yourself in her arms.
Here is my crochet storage…not much room to grow.
And here are some granny squares I have worked for practice on new techniques.
Beautiful! So glad you wrap up in her shawl. Like wrapping yourself in her arms.
Here is my crochet storage…not much room to grow.
And here are some granny squares I have worked for practice on new techniques.
Yup, sign up for the news letter.
Yeah, that’s a photo of that same room. I got locked in, that’s where I have been. I was so relieved when you added that ladder. Seriously, I thought that was on my freighter. No wonder I couldn’t find it. I need to visit more.
I am a man of many interests and little talent. If you go to my site you can my 3d stuff.
You’re mam looks so happy and proud.
Nice! I haven’t tried that yet.
Here is my practice piece for the blankets. I should have ironed them better. I was told we we were starting a quilter circle, but haven’t seen that happen yet. I was thinking all those clothes mask would make good squares. There likely all different sizes. We have a grocery bag full. Covid blankets!?
Cute! and I love the old world/compass/map patterns. It is one of my faves.
For my son’s graduation, I printed then fake lamenated (with clear contact paper) these as placemats and coasters for the tables. It was a Steampunk theme. They are a little beat up now. But I kept some to use on my desk and some end tables
Still waiting for my recycled yarn for my big shawl/wrap so I made a small wrap with chenille.
Hope my yarn is not coming from the storm-hit areas
Got a bulb for my dimmable light for craft corner. This is about half brightness. I also have a ceiling light so it works well
I now see it was just the atlas calling!
So cool!
This reminds me of when I was still playing on PS4 and we first got the Nomad. I came over a hill and ran into a cow critter and he stuck to the grill. Couldn’t get it off no matter what I tried. In those days we had to drive long distances to reach POIs and I couldn’t stop just to wash my car…so I drove a really long ways with the poor thing flappin’ in the breeze like a rubber chicken. It was the first time I ever posted a video. memories.
I’m just realizing… That horned animal that looks like it’s wearing glasses that’s stuck left of the nomad… It’s totally Japeth from Hoodwinked!!
I decided I don’t really like this pattern too late. It’ s warm and cozy but I am not real happy with it
Switching from one pattern to another like that can’t be easy. Of Course, I know nothing about what it is you’re doing here if it is crocheting or knitting. I have had the itch from time to time to try one, but I have managed to talk myself out of it. (This is a good thing) Is this your recycled yarn? You made that in less then five days? (This last question sounded like David Tennant in my head)
Anywho, it looks enchanting. Perfect for fall. (And now Michael Sheen)
Crocheting. I used a large Q sized hook. I just don’t like the willy nilly pattern. I thought of pulling it all out and trying another pattern but just could not make myself do it.
And yes, it is recycled polyester and plastic bottles. It actually feels quite nice. I am working another wrap out of the same yarn but different color. It is just a rectangular wrap.
I have yarn for a hoodie on its way.
It seems the crochet bug has bitten hard.
One more wrap with some more recycled polyester and plastic bottles. This one is for when I am kinda cold but not too cold.
Just jabbed myself in the eye with an aloe vera plant…on way to eye Dr. Not a bad deal but you never know these days…ughhhh
Oh no! ouch!
All is fine. I just have a nice little red dot on the side of my eye now…and the yellow dye that he used makes it look even creepier.
Have you ever noticed how boganvillia & roses have extra hurty thorns (due to a toxin)?
I was once working on a gate-post closing mechanism & a long-leafed plant with thorned tips that grew along the fence ‘bit’ me.
As I repositioned to do my task, a nasty spike got me straight through my denim jeans and into my ‘tenders’. Yes, that is exactly what I mean.
Needless to say there was some yelping & some hunched over gasping followed by a quick scamper to a secluded location to inspect the damage.
It writes a funny story but I assure you, at the time, I was very much the opposite of amused.
I hope your eye feels better soon.
I kicked the aloe out and told everyone I know it’s looking for a home.
It’s an Aloe Vagrant plant now