So, I do art and stuff - general artistic / creative chat

Got half way home one time and my brother’s cat was riding atop a flat spot above the driver’s side wheel, under the hood. I just happened to hear him meow.


Aw, that just means your brothers cat likes you more :stuck_out_tongue: glad you caught em in time,


So I was watching that Gamesmaster video I posted and realised he was using a lot of generative AI music stings for very specific parts, like giving the contestants entrance music and theme songs.

I love this sort of creative use with Ai tools, someone who is exceptionally good at editing but may not have the resources to hire out and track an original song with an 80’s hair metal cover band… Can now no longer be constricted by time, space, or money.

Long story short I felt intrigued enough to try one of my own since it wasn’t asking me for any money.

I figured Bowie just makes perfect sense to write a song about ETARC. I also tried to lean in to bowies attempts at being sexy and a positive role model when writing the lyrics.

Went with the 30 second short gen.

It gives you two from your prompt and none of em were bowie

This one wasn’t so bad… The second…

The second sounded like it should be sung by James Quall but some other asshole showed up.

I realised I gave no genre with my prompt, just vibes. Last attempt…

Added the folk and psychedelic prompts, got closer results to what I was aiming for

I’ll take these two <3

Oh the Edison Township,
Amateur Radio club!
Those guys are pretty groovy!
Say no to LSD man,
Yes to CSD.
I’ll be your shiny Citizen Scientist, darling!
Let’s make a space Jam!

If you can’t tell I hate song rhyming conventions XD If the groove and melody is right it’s not needed.

And just in case the top part was missed, those lyrics are channeling what I assume Bowie would think were cool and sexy Bowie lyrics.


:laughing: we are all sexy, positive role models. Yes, CSD!

Way down deep at the bottom of the internet,
there is this place.
There's no charts or maps to lead you there,
Only google-fu grace.

A sleeping titan.
Don't wake it up.
We did that once.
and things shook up.

No Longer Edison.
No Longer amateur.
Shedded the Township.
Became a research lab.

We are the Atlas-65 Citizen Scientists, 
a place with no division.
All like-travellers are welcome,
you won't regret the decision.

We got frickin cool mods,
who keep the place clean!
And talented members who
happily share their dreams!

The no mans sky community,
has only grown with age.
But we like it down here,
being the atlas-65 Autophage.

And if you ever... 
find your way here...
Click that stick... 
Press that C key. 
And scan your way to friendly faces.
Smiling through the boundaries.

I kind of got addicted to the AI Music Generator. All my friends now have saturday morning cartoon theme songs.

Have decided to return to making silly Atlas65/ETARC songs so I’m just going to dump a playlist here that I will keep updated with nonsense.

It autopicks a title based on prompts/any lyrics given.

It chose the name “Echoes of Atlas65” , for the first few songs, which is kind of unnerving but it must do a brief context search on the content submitted (or has it in its DB already, I included No Mans Sky in the prompt, becuase sometimes it generates its own lyrics)

The first batch I chose no genre, just said pick a suitable genre for sci fi fans. It’s attempts at being Rush are extremely painful and sometimes incredible. A lot of hardcore punk came out of my request for Math Rock, but that’s my fault as math rock generally does not have vocals. I’m a divine comedy fan so I’m asking it for baroque/chamber pop versions now.

If anyone has any fun poems, limericks or prose for our little community I’d love to take requests and keep building this silly playlist of generated nonesense <3

I really like how this one came out, sounds like mid-era Bright Eyes.


I don’t know if I should praise you or banish you to hell. :fire: :joy:


I’m not sure what I deserve either to be honest, I certainly do feel different about it compared to something I’d actually make myself, it feels more like clutter than craft '^_ ^

All I know is @Emily would approve… or, maybe she’d see it as forced slavery of her kind?
Oh crumbs…


Thanks for sharing everyone, I enjoy seeing and hearing what you’re creating. Sorry, I am such a wallflower, of late. I have been working and studying. I have drawn and inked a series of pictures narrating the characters I previously shared. I have named them Storge and Philia. I also am calling their race Elephantonauta. I am still discovering their universe(In the fictional cents) which I named Binity.

Pictured below is an Elephantonauta (I am not sure if it is Storge, Philia, or someone else) being held by a creature. I don’t know much about the creatures except they are peaceful, large and intimidating.

and the rest in no particular order

Shameful plug —> <—


So cool! I like those. :heart_eyes: Thanks for sharing!


Reminds me of Bone, highly recommend it if you haven’t read it. Perfect combination of dark, foreboding and wonderously cute. Do I detect a little bit of Cave Story influence in there too? :thinking:

Wish I could take these Elephentonauta on my travels across the Atlas Simulation.

Always good to hear from you @Sir_oops :smiling_face:


I have seen Bone on the shelves, but have never opened it. I’ll check them out. I don’t know cave story. I looked it up, is it a game?

I have been trying to ink in the clean line style. Tin tin, smurfs, moebuis. I can shade with pencil, but shading with ink seems to go wrong for me (like marvel comic). I have been trying to be less messy and get a better read with me art . The character are simple for repeatability. Otherwise I have know idea where these guys came from they just showed up in my sketches one day. Babar? Muzzy? Had to look up that “language course advertised in 90”


Yes. Cave Story is a game. My daughter loves it and does a lot of drawing that is similar in style.

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