Sean Murray Presenting at GDC and BEYOND

I think the biggest revelation was that he somehow created 3 other lives and juggled that during development, not to mention the other personal adventures of the rest of the team we know naught about(bar Innes, who went through his own transition during development too.) What a strong and incredible and brave team we have making this wonderful game for us :smiley:

So, 3 murray babies… I wonder if their personalities will line up with the original trio of NMS races? XD A scientist (korv), a mogul (gek)and a rugby player (vy’k). The three careers Ireland loves to export actually hahaha


I love the fact that they were able to look beyond the complainers to find the ones who had actually played the game and had legitimate complaints Like he said, the other complaints really had nothing in them of any merit. So they ignored those. That is why we have the wonderful game as it is now.


Was great to get some insight into how they gathered data from the community and how they learned to look under the crusty top layer of the cesspool, only to find that life, had indeed, found a way, somehow, in those murky depths. And here we are now, swimming in clean crisp waters :smiley:

My own personal lifeboat was the community at NoMansHigh. I think it was the only place on reddit where people were enjoying the game and sharing their adventures while mutiny was taking place on the official reddit page :slight_smile: Made sure none of that crusty layer got on my good jeans.


Sean: “So that’s my talk, game development is terrible and don’t have kids!”

Too late to avoid the second mistake, so I might as well do the first as well… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


And then on twitter you have a guy commenting the same on every post of @NoMansSKy:

What’s wrong with the clouds?

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Might be talking about the hazeline z-issue. Dunno, there seems nothing broken with the clouds themselves, but that issue was introduced at the same time and is probably related.

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Excellent talk. As someone who has done some game dev and design and worked for many years in software dev, so much resonates. Although we have been closer than most as part of NMS community to the story, the sense of respect and pride in the game and HG is just reaffirmed. The telling point for me was about tending the garden and long term strategy, thank you HG for believing and giving (not selling) us so much.


I see someone ask that in every post he makes, no idea if it’s same guy or some sort of running troll joke or if they’re genuinely serious. I’ve seen people try explain the artifacting is down to the way in which they render those clouds and cheat what would normally be a huge task on the processor in possibly a very simple code trick, similar to how ID did their lighting in quake with 90s tech limitations. if it was that simple, every game would have unique volumetric clouds :blush: but the demands persist. If they’re actually serious, it speaks volumes of what the toxic side of modern culture has done to the individual. Hey look, have these awesome unique sky boxes not seen in anything outside of PC nvidia cuda/physx tech demos, on your console. Thanks Sean but no thanks, the artifacting sucks so we hate it, booo. :roll_eyes:


Hope @kyle-culver doesn’t mind me sharing this here

Lucky guy!


Kyle made a video, and apparently we will know about the point n 2,next week!!

Watch on yt, Meeting Sean Murray / GDC 2019

Congrats Kyle, you totally diserve this man!


Thanks guys! I totally don’t mind! It’s been a crazy week. Thanks for sharing!


Have to post this @CobraTV clip here…a proc gen RPG by HG? If it can be true…:heart_eyes:


I’ve thought for a while that they must have started work on the next big game by now.

Pathea’s Planet Explorers was a brave attempt at a procedural RPG - but it never worked quite right. The developers just didn’t have the necessary technical knowledge.

If anybody can do it, Hello Games are the people with the track record.


But what does it mean???
Wake up from your siestas people! Stuff is happening!


It’s the first frame of Apple Arcade’s Intro vid. :slight_smile:
But that does bring up an interesting question. Given the tech and abilities shown in this intro vid, it makes you wonder if any of HG’s new games will be in there. I can confirm that Sean uses an iPhone… just saying lol


Just read an article this morning about how far behind Android app games are compared to iPhone.

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Well, yeah… but then they will be, when you have absolute control over both the hardware and software. And when an Apple device costs 4 to 6 times the price of an Android equivalent.

My current PC would cost around ÂŁ2000 to build today. If I spent ÂŁ8000, I could have the Apple version.


I don’t need to read an article to know that my android phone is a decade behind anything on the market today, so that difference seems very trivial to me.
I can still play nethack and all the other roguelikes, so I don’t see the problem. What else could you possibly want to play on a phone anyways? :smile:


It certainly helps when you know every specific model will have the exact same guts in it so you can develop without having to worry about a bajillion combinations for optimisation and you’re just making product for the select few apple hardware/ios version combinations that exist.

When you face android development you’re essentially staring straight into the abyss, you don’t know what phone company, its spec or android version the customer will be using and by god will this abyss not only stare back, but also send death threats via social media if your app does not run smoothly for their particular quadrant of the abyss :slight_smile: probably preaching to the choir here with all that since we seem to be a tech savvy open source ideology kinda bunch :slight_smile: funk apple, funk it right in the biscuits :+1:


That’s just basic software development, really. The consistency of the Iphone is nice, but doesn’t really solve the problem, since you’re rarely ever going to develop something just for the Iphone.

Rreally, the one thing I hate about the IPhone is that it’s about one of the only platforms that doesn’t offer a JVM implementation, so basically they are actively screwing multi-platform developers.