PS5 Legacy Save.
I was flying down to a disonant planet to get echo seeds, i was flying above the terrain when suddenly my screen went black and ship started taking massive damage.
I quit out and reloaded save. It loaded a black screen with the UI slowly appearing aftera while. Bringing up ship menu showed a completely whited out ship, but I could navigate menus.
I could tell I was in my ship, and could use thrusters but kept making wall scraping sounds.
I reloaded a save state from 18 minutes earlier, where I am on my freighter.
This black screen issue is plaguing this earlier save state too only it has frozen and is unresponsive.
Will keep trying and will add videos/images of the issue when they are done uploading.
Be careful out there Travellers <3
Actions I took before this happened.
After meeting the Autophage for new Story Content, I went to my freighter, I stored a bunch of ships in cold storage, I then left to go get the echo seeds, on approach to the dissonant worlds surface to land the issue happened. (I wasnāt aiming at the ground, but the horizon, looking for suitable landing area, no terrain near me)
This seems to be an issue with rendering atmospheric damage and the masks not rendering correctly, causing you to see the black and white contrasting on the masks used for rendering layers. This issue persisted constantly on the planet.
It was a frozen planet with extreme weather events, lightning storms and tornadoes.
Issue was not present on PC and I was able to recover on console by cross-save, relocating on PC, and then returning to PS5.
Maaaaybe, steer clear of frozen planets for the time being on PS5