WARNING. Do NOT claim research project 5
I jumped into PS5. As soon as you claim the reward, the notice telling you to return the anomaly to return to your main save appears. When you hit Accept, your avatar is locked in place. Thankfully, I was able to close the game and all was ok when I restarted but it restarted before I claimed the reward.
So I tried again and succeeded. I was able to go into photo mode before the exp has ended prompt appeared. It appeared while I was in photo mode. I was able to tap square to open the photo settings and that released my cursor so I could tap Accept.
I was then rewarded with items and able to return to the Anomaly and leave the expedition.
Sounds a bit risky though…
I might just wait for a patch to sort this one.
Has anyone tried it with network settings turned off?
I was worried too.
I jumped in then out of my ship to save right after the notice of 100% completion on research 5, then immediately claimed the reward before an auto save could kick in. So when I froze, I was able to quickly close the game and restart it.
Yeah. There is some risk.
No idea on trying it without MP.
Just writing to confirm that the most recent update has fixed this issue on PS5 and PC for anyone still holding off from risking it