Oh Wow. How much of Waking Titan is true?

BBC article today -

“In a 2012 experiment, researchers from the University of Oxford and University of California, Berkeley managed to figure out information such as bank cards and PIN numbers just by observing the brainwaves of people wearing a popular gaming headset.”


Ah, the eternal sunshine on the spotless mind…
They’re colaborating with Kaspersky on the security side? There’s an information that I’d rather forget again, for example. Considering how much Kaspersky can disrupt your computer, I don’t want them anywhere near my brain!! :smile:


Isn’t Kaspersky Russian owned? :scream:
Don’t hack my brain! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Kaspersky is owned by a Russian, yes. But since it is, the world’s information security exports certainly keep an eye on it. If it were ever found to have captured user data or sent users’ data back to their servers, the experts would cry foul and people would dump it. So I’d say that barring WWIII, using Kaspersky is safe. The owner(s) would not want to chance losing a ton of money.

If/when Russia takes its sites off the internet, the Kaspersky folks will face a challenge unless that only applies to government sites.

The latest version even checks to see if app software such as Acrobat or Office is outdated and offers to install the updates.


I use Kaspersky myself, and I suspect you’re right.

Precisely because of controversial accusations about Kaspersky (none of which have actually been proven) it’s been subject to a level of scrutiny afforded to almost no other software.

It is almost certainly the safest, and most effective, security suite available to the public. Thousands of experts all over the world have failed to find anything wrong with it. And by golly, they’ve tried.


I would imagine the same scrutiny would be used with Huawei. I wish they could just bring 5G already. Someone has to bring fast internet to the rest of us…AT&T is NOT going to do it…:weary:

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Oddly enough, it’s much harder with Huwaei, because they design and manufacture the chips that go into their systems. And it’s possible to design a back door into a chip at mask level that’s absolutely undetectable unless you have the access code.

Kaspersky, on the other hand, is just code. Anybody sufficiently knowledgeable can reverse engineer their code, and discover exactly what it does. Except they don’t need to - because Kaspersky have offered to release their source code to their critics. So far, nobody has taken up the offer.

That’s because the critics know they’re talking hot air.

The reason the US Government doesn’t like Kaspersky is because Kaspersky will detect and remove US Government spyware from your computer. Something other security packages curiously don’t do.

You might want to think about that.


Yes. I have Kaspersky on my laptop. I used to use AVG on my PC but I started having issues with it interfering with other programs.
Speaking of Huawei, I recently got a new tablet from them. I love the specs on it and it operates so very smoothly. It wanted me to give approval for a ‘weather app’ that was going to constantly track my position. I declined and then deleted the program. Of course, there are a myriad of ways to be tracked without any knowledge.
Big Brother is reality.
This Big Brother…not the TV series


Vermont has banned Kaspersky, Huawei, and ZTE from use among state government workers and government vendors over fears of espionage.

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Yes. China has banned the internet.

There’s a subtle, but considerable, difference between “security risk” and “what we don’t control”.

Consider - Could Kaspersky secretly pass sensitive information to Russia, without anyone finding out?

Answer - No. It’s a freely available security suite. The world’s intelligence services would spot unacceptable behaviour almost immediately. And they haven’t.

Could Huwaei secretly pass sensitive information to China without anyone finding out?

Answer - Absolutely. They make the hardware. Only they know what it can do.

Could Kaspersky tell you that your own, or some other government is spying on you?

Answer - Yes, and they’ve done so, on many occasions.

Will Kaspersky tell you if the Russians are spying on you?

Answer - Yes, they will. They’ve had numerous problems with the Russian government about this. Even to the point of threatening to move their business out of Russia, If the government don’t stop trying to restrict them.

Kaspersky is a security suite. It’s designed to find malicious software. It doesn’t care where that software came from. It will still find it.

Kaspersky have got into trouble on more than one occasion for detecting Russian spyware. They also detect British, French, German, and American spyware.

The Russians, the French, the British, the Germans, and the Americans, don’t like what Kaspersky does. Kaspersky honestly tells you when someone is spying on you.

Other security suites have cosy relationships with western governments, and will not tell you when you’ve been hit by spyware from your own government. Kaspersky will tell you - and it will remove the offending software.

Bear in mind, I’m not saying Kaspersky are not influenced by the Russian government. I have no way of knowing that.

What I am saying is that, as a private citizen, with no particular state secrets to reveal, Kaspersky is undoubtedly your best option for internet security. It finds things other suites don’t.

Am I saying Kaspersky is free from Russian government influence?

No. How the hell could I?

Am I saying other internet security suites are influenced by their own governments to ignore certain types of spyware?

Yes. 100%. Other internet security programs will fail to find certain kinds of spyware, viruses, and trojans. Because your government has an agreement with the security provider, that they will stay silent about certain kinds of intrusion.


Chinese Chip Hack:
