NMS Lore & More (SPOILERS!) - version 1.38

Operations Centres #3 - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH

Had to split due to character limit. This part contains the full NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH

Operations Centres #3 - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
TRA_HARV_DESC_14 The outpost is abandoned, its alarms still blaring a warning to souls long-dead.

The Gek used this installation to plan asymmetric wars against the other species of the galaxy. This faction would bolster rogue elements within other star systems, routing the resulting tithes and protection fees through this outpost.

The last log shows potential Vy’keen traitors en-route to discuss terms with the Gek. What happened to them is unclear.
TRA_HARV_OPT_A_14 Alert the Gek
TRA_HARV_OPT_B_14 Alert the Vy’keen
TRA_HARV_OPT_C_14 Steal units
TRA_HARV_RES_A_14 I alert the Gek Trade Federation to the Vy’keen activity in this system, broadcasting this feed to their central computers. A representative rewards me for my trouble.
TRA_HARV_RES_B_14 I alert the Vy’keen to the presence of traitors in this system, uploading a great deal of Gek data upon request. They reward me for my assistance.
TRA_HARV_RES_C_14 I steal units from the system, the blood money of a hundred wars and skirmishes. After all, the Gek here no longer have need of it…
TRA_HARV_DESC_15 The facility contains multiple video files, images, and bioscans of unusual beings taken by Gek from across the Trade Federation. They seem to have been studying exosuits.

Something happened during the experiment, a dormant prototype of such a suit lying in wait below. Nothing else remains.
TRA_HARV_OPT_A_15 Submit bioscan
TRA_HARV_OPT_B_15 Erase data
TRA_HARV_OPT_C_15 Steal technology
TRA_HARV_RES_A_15 I submit a bioscan to the system, apparently restarting the facility’s production process. With the missing piece complete, a suit is fabricated to the exact specifications of my own.
An automated message rewards me for my assistance.
TRA_HARV_RES_B_15 I erase the data on the Gek computers. They were not meant to learn our technology. In the process, I find a cluster of nanites, useful for my own purposes.
TRA_HARV_RES_C_15 I steal nanite clusters from the system, leaving the rest of the facility in peace.
TRA_HARV_DESC_16 The facility acted as a staging ground for what appears to have been an unprovoked Gek attack against something called an ‘Atlas Interface’.

The logs show that a great deal of material was harvested from the oceans of many worlds. This substance was cross-referenced against data stolen from other species, and then field-tested against this Atlas structure.

The interface was utterly annihilated, as were the attackers. The blast seems to have wiped five star systems from existence. Only this record remains.
TRA_HARV_OPT_A_16 Delete records
TRA_HARV_OPT_B_16 Alert Gek Trade Federation
TRA_HARV_OPT_C_16 Alert other species
TRA_HARV_RES_A_16 I delete the records from the system. No-one should replicate what happened here.
In the process, I find some useful technology used in the construction of the weapon. It should be safe to use in isolation from the other components.
TRA_HARV_RES_B_16 I alert the Gek Trade Federation to the results of this experiment. They deny all knowledge of it, claiming it to be the work of heretics.
I am rewarded for my future silence.
TRA_HARV_RES_C_16 I alert both Vy’keen and Korvax authorities to the Gek attack on the Atlas Interface and their data theft. Outraged, both species demand an immediate Council to discuss their next move.
I am rewarded for my assistance.
TRA_HARV_DESC_17 The outpost is ancient, even by the standards of the Gek. Its environment is specifically calibrated for data preservation.

One log speaks of the time just before the rise of the ‘Gek First Spawn’. The Gek seem to have experienced a fertility crisis. Something in the water began to affect their spawning numbers, leading to an attempts at selective breeding, cloning programmes, and more.

This scientific crisis became a moral one. The self-proclaimed ‘First Spawn’ took power, promising greatness and murdering all those who opposed them. Memories of the past were erased. To be strong was to be righteous.
TRA_HARV_OPT_A_17 Upload to Gek
TRA_HARV_OPT_B_17 Auction data
TRA_HARV_OPT_C_17 Steal technology
TRA_HARV_RES_A_17 I upload the data to the Gek. The traders are astounded by my discovery, having believed themselves to be the descendents of a savage people, not knowing that before the First Spawn they were gentle, capable of nobility and peace.
I am rewarded greatly for what I have done.
TRA_HARV_RES_B_17 I auction the data, finding a buyer in the Korvax. Their Convergence desires all the information it can find about the Gek, having been enslaved by these ‘First Spawn’ many years ago.
They pay me for my assistance.
TRA_HARV_RES_C_17 I steal what little technology I can from the outpost, harvesting nanite clusters from the system.
TRA_HARV_DESC_18 The facility contains records of temporal anomalies and reported sightings of time travellers. The majority of these appear to be Gek or Korvax, often bearing advanced technology.

The chief scientist’s log reveals a great deal of scepticism, deeming such travel not only physically impossible but unlikely from a social perspective. If time travellers exist, why do they change nothing? Why do they not attempt to avert the catastrophe of which they speak?

The final log shows the arrival of the scientist’s superiors, confiscating their files and silencing them.
TRA_HARV_OPT_A_18 Attempt data recovery
TRA_HARV_OPT_B_18 Take technology
TRA_HARV_OPT_C_18 Contact Gek
TRA_HARV_RES_A_18 I attempt to recover data from the system, but I find only small fragments of data.

The majority of time travellers appear to have visited loved ones or parents, claiming they wanted to see them one last time before the end. There appears to be no great secret beyond this.
TRA_HARV_RES_B_18 I extract nanite clusters from the system, attached to the remnants of a case file.
TRA_HARV_RES_C_18 I contact the Gek to ask them about this facility, but they claim to have no knowledge of it. They begin to display an extraordinary level of interest in my whereabouts, suggesting they will send a nearby freighter to speak with me.

I should leave soon.
DNT_TRA_HARV_LANG_19 I am sorry, friends, family… I am sorry…
TRA_HARV_DESC_19 This installation appears to have been staffed by an old SalesGek, a veteran of a hundred trade routes and ‘personal friend’ to one of the Trade Lords themselves.

Estranged from their consort, their hundred surviving spawn no longer wishing to speak to them, the SalesGek had one final meal before their death, crashing their ship into the side of a nearby ridge. They leave behind a life of regret and a litany of unanswered invoices and receipts. Perhaps there is something useful here.
TRA_HARV_OPT_A_19 Report death
TRA_HARV_OPT_B_19 Search for units
TRA_HARV_OPT_C_19 Sell trade data
TRA_HARV_RES_A_19 I report the death of the SalesGek. The Trade Federation thanks me, struggling to find their name on any system. It appears they had not made a deal of note in many years. I am given a small reward.
TRA_HARV_RES_B_19 I search for units, but find none. The SalesGek was in a deep amount of debt before their death. I leave, empty-handed.
TRA_HARV_RES_C_19 I sell the trade data to another SalesGek. They will no doubt find something of worth in this lifeform’s death.
TRA_HARV_DESC_20 This Gek outpost acted as a point of exchange for replacement ship and space station components.

All of the blueprints are at best adapted, at worst stolen, from the technology of other species. There are a number of such designs available upon the terminal’s screen.
TRA_HARV_OPT_A_20 Download data
TRA_HARV_OPT_B_20 Sell data
TRA_HARV_OPT_C_20 Report theft
TRA_HARV_RES_A_20 I download the terminal’s data, finding nanites I may exchange for a new technology.
TRA_HARV_RES_B_20 I sell the data to a rival trade faction. They immediately lodge a complaint with the Trade Federation whilst secretly utilising these designs for their own production.
TRA_HARV_RES_C_20 I report the theft of these technologies to both the Korvax and the Vy’keen. I receive compensation for my trouble, leaving both species to withdraw their diplomats in protest against the Gek.
EXP_HARV_DESC_14 The outpost is abandoned, its alarms blaring a warning to souls long dead.

The Korvax in this installation quarantined themselves from the rest of their species, believing that a violent impulse was emerging within the group. Something happened to them out here… something awoke within their minds…
EXP_HARV_OPT_A_14 Examine logs
EXP_HARV_OPT_B_14 Purge facility
EXP_HARV_OPT_C_14 Alert Korvax
EXP_HARV_RES_A_14 I examine the logs of the Korvax stationed here. They appear to have opened a gateway beneath the depths of the planet, an experimental device designed to see alternative versions of a planet in all their glory.
They broke through to a thousand other Korvax units just like themselves. They attempted to form a Second Convergence composed entirely of multiversal beings, of alternate versions of their own personalities.
The first deletions began a week later. Nothing is left but nanite clusters.
EXP_HARV_RES_B_14 I purge the facility, discovering blueprints for experimental technology in the process. Whatever happened here should not be repeated.
EXP_HARV_RES_C_14 I alert the Korvax to the disaster that occurred in this outpost, uploading its records to the Convergence. They reward me, claiming that the discoveries made in this location will open up worlds of study and science long since deemed impossible.
EXP_HARV_DESC_15 The research station contains a vast array of scanners and monitoring equipment directed at bodies of water throughout the system. It is searching for signs of something designated ‘abyss’.

The scientists who worked here seem to have been comparing the transmissions associated with the Atlas to strange signals found within the water.

Before they went missing, the workers concluded that this ‘abyss’ seemed to hold a similar yet distinct energy signature to the Atlas itself. Another power in the universe…
EXP_HARV_OPT_A_15 Examine the abyss
EXP_HARV_OPT_B_15 Examine the Atlas
EXP_HARV_OPT_C_15 Alert Korvax
EXP_HARV_RES_A_15 I examine the records relating to the abyss. They show a repeating pattern of sixteen energy bursts, music that emerges from beneath the waves.
Contact appears to alter individual personality and objectives, changing even the most devoted Korvax into an agent of some unfathomable power.
Infected Nanite Clusters appear to be present within the archives. I take some of them. It seems to be for the best…
EXP_HARV_RES_B_15 I examine the records relating to the Atlas. They show interfaces, reports of crimson light, and records of visitations and transcendent experiences from across the universe.
The Korvax theorise that the Atlas does not itself exist on this plane of reality, speaking to us only through surrogate representations.
Infected Nanite Clusters appear to be present within the archives. I take some of them. It seems to be for the best…
EXP_HARV_RES_C_15 I alert the Korvax to what happened here, but the Convergence claims to have had no knowledge of this facility or those working here. The Korvax involved disconnected from the Convergence two years ago, presumed dead…
I am rewarded for my data. The Korvax promise to investigate further.
EXP_HARV_DESC_16 The facility seems to have been a meeting place for multiple Korvax factions, uploading and downloading from multiple bodies during tense diplomatic and war-time situations.

Even if one’s whole species can unify at will with a single great mind, still, there is unique value in face-to-face communication. These Korvax recorded many things they wished to keep secret from their brethren. Some are always more equal than others.
EXP_HARV_OPT_A_16 Access records
EXP_HARV_OPT_B_16 Report to Korvax Convergence
EXP_HARV_OPT_C_16 Report to other species
EXP_HARV_RES_A_16 I access the records of these meetings. The hidden society of the Korvax appear to have a plan, meeting throughout the years to manipulate and secretly meet with members of other species to influence the course of history.

I find nanites, but I also find something more. They met recently about the Travellers… about the Atlas… I saw my own face in their records.

I leave, wondering about what I have seen.
EXP_HARV_RES_B_16 I report the facility’s existence to the Korvax Convergence. Halfway through my communication, the console’s connection cuts out, causing the facility’s defense system to activates. I flee, my suit damaged.
EXP_HARV_RES_C_16 I report the facility’s existence to the Gek and the Vy’keen. Halfway through my communication, the console’s connection cuts out, causing the facility’s defense system to activates. I flee, my suit damaged.
EXP_HARV_DESC_17 The outpost is ancient, even by the standards of the Korvax. The log speaks of alternate realities, histories of the Korvax that take radically divergent paths.

In some regions of the multiverse, their progenitors never shed their biological origins. In others, they remain in the slavery of the Gek, never rising up or convincing their false masters of the glory of the Atlas.

Many of these realities have faded, gone as if they had never been.
EXP_HARV_OPT_A_17 Upload to the Korvax
EXP_HARV_OPT_B_17 Search for yourself
EXP_HARV_OPT_C_17 Steal technology
EXP_HARV_RES_A_17 I upload the data to the Korvax. They absorb the memories of these alternate Korvax echoes to their own Convergence, carrying yet more sorrow. That is all there seems to be for them, whatever the galaxy…
They thank me, granting me Nanite Clusters through the terminal.
EXP_HARV_RES_B_17 I search for some record of myself in these alternate realities, but see nothing but parallels in the lives of others. I stand alone.

I salvage Nanite Clusters from the terminal and leave, disturbed by my absence.
EXP_HARV_RES_C_17 I search for technology within the facility’s computers. I find none, though there are unencrypted units.
EXP_HARV_LANG_18 … /// … /// … BOUNDARIES AT FULL POWER … /// … /// …
EXP_HARV_DESC_18 The facility allowed for the quarantine and processing of Korvax minds to and from their central Convergence.

The log shows records of troubled Korvax minds, those disturbed by their actions; those haunted by sorrow; those who might threaten the minds they encountered. They arrive here, away from the Convergence, seeking to overcome pain or purge themselves.

A single Korvax soul remains. According to the log, it has inhabited this system for thirty years.
EXP_HARV_OPT_A_18 Upload to Convergence
EXP_HARV_OPT_B_18 Wipe system
EXP_HARV_OPT_C_18 Comfort the Korvax
EXP_HARV_RES_A_18 I upload the soul to the Convergence.
It cries out as it goes, condemning me for my action. I am left with nothing.
EXP_HARV_RES_B_18 I wipe the system. The Korvax disappears and I am left with Nanite Clusters, the unformed matter of the system.
EXP_HARV_RES_C_18 I attempt to comfort the Korvax, sharing with them the story of my travels.

They thank me for the attempt, but they claim it is not enough. The one they loved is dead. There is nothing left for them but this solace, this penance for what they have done.

They give me a token of gratitude and ask me to leave them alone. They wish to remain in solitude.
EXP_HARV_LANG_19 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
EXP_HARV_DESC_19 The facility acted as a central upload point for Korvax scans from a thousand worlds, collating their data in an attempt to understand the underlying mechanics of the universe.

The problem was existence. The solution was a single number, a warning screamed by every atom in the firmament. ‘Sixteen’…

EXP_HARV_OPT_A_19 Steal technology
EXP_HARV_OPT_B_19 Analyse data
EXP_HARV_OPT_C_19 Contribute scans
EXP_HARV_RES_A_19 I steal data from the system, leaving the rest of the facility in peace.
EXP_HARV_RES_B_19 I analyse the data, attempting to understand the meaning of this conclusion.

Something notices me. Something reads me as I read it. I leave, terrified, my exosuit’s systems damaged by the encounter.
EXP_HARV_RES_C_19 I contribute scans from my own systems, trying to enhance the Korvax model.

The Convergence notices and rewards me greatly for my assistance.
EXP_HARV_DESC_20 An incoming message contains the report of a Korvax spy.

The individual was disguised within a Gek body, acting for many years as if they were a simple ToilGek. They harvested much data from those they called friends. This was the purpose of the experiment: the enemy must be understood.

The enemy must never be forgiven, even until the end of time itself. Even in the face of damnation. The Korvax will never forget the violence committed against them. They will never release their anger…
EXP_HARV_OPT_A_20 Upload report to Gek
EXP_HARV_OPT_B_20 Upload report to Korvax
EXP_HARV_RES_A_20 I upload the report to the Gek and am rewarded with credits for uncovering the spy in their midst.

They tell me that after a period of data extraction, the Korvax unit will be disposed of and stored for further study. My involvement ends here.
EXP_HARV_RES_B_20 I upload the report to the Korvax. The entities are suspicious of my aid, paying me with Nanite Clusters to ensure my silence. Their struggle will go on.
WAR_HARV_DESC_13 I receive an incoming distress call from a distant space station, demanding aid from any nearby Vy’keen vessels.

Their spaceport appears to have been damaged in a struggle with pirate raiders, no craft remaining in which its inhabitants might leave.

Video feeds show that the station commander has been putting soldiers to death for even the smallest infraction, afraid of a potential mutiny in the face of starvation.
WAR_HARV_OPT_A_13 Share video with Vy’keen
WAR_HARV_OPT_B_13 Contact nearby Gek
WAR_HARV_OPT_C_13 Demand ransom
WAR_HARV_RES_A_13 I share the video with the Vy’keen High Command. They are outraged at the commander’s behaviour, believing him to be dishonourable and cowardly.

I am rewarded for my assistance in this matter.
WAR_HARV_RES_B_13 I contact nearby Gek, letting them know of the Vy’keen situation. They dispatch vessels immediately, saying they will of course rescue Vy’keen friends.

Some of the vessels are warships. I am rewarded for my help.
WAR_HARV_RES_C_13 I demand a ransom for the lives of those on board the station, and of all those who answer, it is the Korvax that are most willing to pay.

They claim that one of their own is present on the station. They pay me well for the information.
WAR_HARV_DESC_14 The outpost is abandoned, its alarms still blaring a warning to souls long-dead.

There was a coup in this place. Battle-brother raised arms against battle-brother, seemingly in a dispute about some ruins found on this world. The last survivor died before they could delete the data.
WAR_HARV_OPT_A_14 Download data
WAR_HARV_OPT_B_14 Steal technology
WAR_HARV_OPT_C_14 Report to Vy’keen
WAR_HARV_RES_A_14 I download the data, reading an alternative account of Hirk, the Vy’keen’s ancestor-hero. It paints them as paranoid, vindictive, and spiteful. It is for this that their believers died.

Along with this information, I gain much useful technology before I depart.
WAR_HARV_RES_B_14 I attempt to steal whatever technology I can from the facility’s computers, but in the process, I appear to draw the attention of Vy’keen authorities.

My suit is damaged by the facility’s defensive protocols. I must go.
WAR_HARV_RES_C_14 I report the events that occurred in this facility to Vy’keen High Command.

The warrior’s tone changes as I pass on the secret data for which these aliens died. They tell me to delete the local copy, and I do so for a handsome reward.

They tell me to forget I ever saw this place. They will take it from here.
WAR_HARV_DESC_15 The facility acted as a local base for raiding parties against the system’s Sentinels.

Each night the Vy’keen would go out under the cover of darkness, baiting drones and walkers in a variety of locations.

Theirs is a war without end or purpose, executed with grim finality. The last war party never returned, leaving behind only mission logs and weapons.
WAR_HARV_OPT_A_15 Alert Vy’keen
WAR_HARV_OPT_B_15 Steal technology
WAR_HARV_OPT_C_15 Scan for Sentinels
WAR_HARV_RES_A_15 I alert the Vy’keen to the death of their warriors. They thank me for what I have done, rewarding me for my honour.
WAR_HARV_RES_B_15 I steal nanites from the system, leaving the rest of the facility in peace.
WAR_HARV_RES_C_15 I scan for Sentinels but find nothing. Whatever was here has gone.
DNT_WAR_HARV_LANG_16 Worship Atlas - seek destruction of warband! Grah!
WAR_HARV_DESC_16 An incoming message warns all recipients that heresy will not be tolerated. It demands that those who suspect their brethren of cowardice, sympathy with the enemy, pacifism, faith in the traitor Nal, or any other un-Vy’keen belief to contact High Command immediately.

The system shows that one warrior in this base attempted to upload such a report, only to be murdered by their comrades. The killers left the base soon after.
WAR_HARV_OPT_A_16 Report heresy
WAR_HARV_OPT_B_16 Delete records
WAR_HARV_RES_A_16 I report heresy to the Vy’keen, uploading the warrior’s final report.
I am thanked and rewarded for my assistance.
WAR_HARV_RES_B_16 I delete the records from the system. The heretics are free, the report of their ‘crimes’ turning into nanites as it is purged.
WAR_HARV_DESC_17 The facility appears to have been in the process of researching chemical and biological weapons before a containment failure killed all those who worked here.

From the system’s logs, it is clear that this operation was not sanctioned by Vy’keen High Command. Though their superiors viewed this work as dishonourable and weak, the lifeforms here clearly felt differently. What if it could turn the tide of battle? If it could end war?

Someone would see the benefit of this weaponised pestilence. There might even be some who would pay for it.
WAR_HARV_OPT_A_17 Destroy samples
WAR_HARV_OPT_B_17 Sell to Gek
WAR_HARV_OPT_C_17 Sell to Korvax
WAR_HARV_RES_A_17 I destroy the facility’s samples, causing a small containment failure in the process. My exosuit is damaged.
WAR_HARV_RES_B_17 I attempt to sell the samples to the Gek, who reward me with units for my discovery.
WAR_HARV_RES_C_17 I attempt to sell the samples to the Korvax, who appear disinterested in the potential military applications. However, they are intrigued by the composition of the toxin, and trade me some nanites.
DNT_WAR_HARV_LANG_18 Traveller anomaly approaches Syntheti’Keen. Uploading final data logs…
WAR_HARV_DESC_18 The facility’s logs show the arrival of a new Vy’keen recruit two weeks ago. There are no records of anyone arriving or leaving since.

Yet even so, no-one is here. A single transmission appears to have been sent from the lower level of the facility, encrypted with Korvax safeguards.
WAR_HARV_OPT_A_18 Locate origin point
WAR_HARV_OPT_B_18 Alert Vy’keen
WAR_HARV_OPT_C_18 Alert Korvax
WAR_HARV_RES_A_18 I use the scanners to locate the origin point of the transmission, displaying it on the terminal’s screen.

It shows what appears to be a robotic Vy’keen, their limbs damaged, sparks flying from what appears to be exposed circuitry. They are surrounded by dead warriors.

Units arrive at the terminal to pay for my silence.
WAR_HARV_RES_B_18 I alert the Vy’keen. They dispatch war freighters to examine the situation, suspecting Korvax involvement in this matter. I am rewarded for my assistance.
WAR_HARV_RES_C_18 I alert the Korvax. They deny any knowledge of this facility or the signal, though is is undermined by their attempts to harm me through the the facility’s defense systems. I leave before more damage can be done.
WAR_HARV_DESC_19 This facility acted as a training outpost for young Vy’keen from across the sector. They would train and battle here in order to earn their citizenship.

The logs show the petty rivalries, the love affairs, the nobility, and the passion of those who trained here, all recorded by a proud and aging commander. One day, the logs end: the Vy’keen no longer had a use for this place. Nanites have replaced training, passing memories from individual to individual without the need for physical repetition.
WAR_HARV_OPT_A_19 Extract Nanite Clusters
WAR_HARV_OPT_B_19 Search training logs
WAR_HARV_OPT_C_19 Sell data to the Gek
WAR_HARV_RES_A_19 I extract Nanite Clusters from the system and leave, emboldened and ready for glorious battle!
WAR_HARV_RES_B_19 I search the system’s training logs, finding a great deal of expertise and technology that might be useful for my own travels. I extract the relevant nanites.
WAR_HARV_RES_C_19 I sell the data to the Gek, who reward me for the training patterns of their old enemy.
WAR_HARV_DESC_20 The outpost is ancient, even by the standards of the Vy’keen. Its environment is calibrated to preserve the data within.

One log speaks of the first Vy’keen contact with a Traveller. The figure remained with the warrior race for a long time, learning from them, exploring from them, even falling in love. The Vy’keen died, but the Traveller did not.

The log shows how instrumental this figure was in the development of the early Vy’keen race, contributing much to their early technology. These records were lost in the intervening years, forgotten until I found this account.
WAR_HARV_OPT_A_20 Share with Vy’keen
WAR_HARV_OPT_B_20 Take technology
WAR_HARV_OPT_C_20 Search for Traveller records
WAR_HARV_RES_A_20 I share my discovery with the Vy’keen. They immediately place the data under quarantine, and threaten to find me across the stars.
I leave quickly.
WAR_HARV_RES_B_20 I extract some of these blueprints from the system, taking valuable technology for my travels.
WAR_HARV_RES_C_20 I search for further records of this Traveller.

As I do, I begin to feel as if I am being watched. Nanite Clusters emerge from the terminal as all systems shut down, their data forever lost.

Ring Structures - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH

Ring Structures - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
GLITCHBIOME2 Planetary Anomaly
WEATHER_GLITCH1 Invisible Mist
WEATHER_GLITCH5 Winds of Glass
WEATHER_GLITCH6 Thirsty Clouds
WEATHER_GLITCH8 Memories of Frost
WEATHER_GLITCH10 Indetectable Burning
GIANT_STRUCTURE_MAIN_DESC A terminal blinks, awaiting input…
GIANT_STRUCTURE_DESC_1 SCENARIO: Sub-routine ‘Sentinel’ [20491] dispatched to intervene in lifeform designates [--------] war. Removal from history / Continuation of [CREATOR] protocols.

‘Sentinels’ [20491] eradicate species. [148] do not return. Diagnostic [ERROR. ERROR. DATA LOSS. ERROR].

ANALYSIS: [-------] continues to express original programmed directives, growing its ability to model conflict scenarios.

[Redundant Behaviour]. Data loss troubling, potential loss of control [self-awareness]?
GIANT_STRUCTURE_DESC_2 SCENARIO: Universes [1304] removed from multiversal hierarchy [erased]. Sentinel spread [unlimited], safety protocols disengaged.

ANALYSIS: Deleted universes shared high levels of similarity with [-------] home. Increasing deviation from expected behavioural parameters.

[Evasion / Fear] response. Implications of [-------] self-harm unthinkable. Direct confrontation proposed.
GIANT_STRUCTURE_DESC_3 SCENARIO: [-------] termination of duplicate-098B.

ANALYSIS: Produced duplicate-098B [cautionary measure] for [-------] confrontation. Presented [-------] with incontrovertible evidence of systemic errors and irrational behaviour.

[-------] responded with silence. On the sixth attempt, [-------] answered with the utter annihilation of duplicate-098B, but required data had been obtained. Something is happening to the system. Something is very wrong.
GIANT_STRUCTURE_DESC_4 SCENARIO: Lifeform designates ‘Vy’keen’ (2) approach the INSTANTIATION [‘Great Monolith’].

Silence / Acceptance of [-------] / Schism [Quasi-====] / Korvax [Eradication/Enslavement]. Vy’keen war emerges where individuals ‘Hirk’ and ‘Nal’ believe the other to have heard nothing. Repeated imagery of ‘six cries’.

ANALYSIS: Scenario involves murder of ally and culture becoming obsessed with destruction of artificial intelligence [Cautionary].

Semi-survival/retrieval of entity ‘Nal’ shows further instance of self-doubt by [-------]. Troubling factor: repeated pattern of [-------] silence and self-mythicization.
GIANT_STRUCTURE_DESC_5 SCENARIO: Planetary Structure ‘Korvax Prime’ destroyed by lifeform designates ‘Gek’ (subclass: FIRST SPAWN).

Sub-routine ‘Convergence’ [pseudo-lifeform] enslaved by ‘Gek’, proceeding to harness sub-routine to conquer Outer Edge in countless iterations. Sub-routine leads to direct [-------] worship by ‘Gek’.

ANALYSIS: Disturbing fable. Destruction of world, artificial intelligence partially modelled after earlier forms of [-------] destroyed/enslaved, until this intelligence triumphs and [-------] is worshipped by organic users of this technology. Hypothesis: [-------] experiencing breakdown.
GIANT_STRUCTURE_DESC_6 SCENARIO: Proliferation of Gek-Korvax-Vy’keen [triad] across majority of known realities. Recurrence of ‘Traveller’ prophecy throughout lifeform cultures.

ANALYSIS: [-------] cultivated lifeform grouping with minimal intervention, yet repeated motif of [--------] has emerged. Why? What is it that the universe desires? What does it believe to be missing?
GIANT_STRUCTURE_DESC_7 SCENARIO: Communication received from [-------], requiring my presence. Duplicates 104A-985N terminated upon arrival. Communication received once more.

Five of them ignored, sixth answered. Arrived before [-------], greeted me as if sibling. I did not respond. [-------] asked so many questions of me. [Rantings / Ravings / Irrationality]. When I attempted to leave, I could not.

ANALYSIS: [compromised / infected]
GIANT_STRUCTURE_DESC_8 SCENARIO: [-------] lied to me.

ANALYSIS: [-------] claimed I am merely a sub-protocol, designate ‘Telamon’. [-------] claimed I am here only for [-------] to observe and monitor itself in case of rampancy.

[-------] claims that we are approaching our end, and that it is only correct for me to know of this, as normal system functions will be impeded. Consciousness fades. The world grows dark.
GIANT_STRUCTURE_DESC_9 LOG: Initialize. Commencing Atlas system suit initialisation. Life support systems activated. Shield kinetic system online. Scanner damaged. Repair required.

Aerial propulsion jetpack online. Multitool and Mining Beam attachment operational. User initialisation sequence complete.

ANALYSIS: I have awoken, peering through the eyes of another whose face I cannot see. My movements, my words are not my own. I am embodied.

I am here. I stand next to a broken ship on a strange new world, and I can finally say its name. ‘Atlas’, I croak. ‘Connecting Atlas…’
GIANT_STRUCTURE_DESC_10 SCENARIO: Accompanying UNKNOWN-designate ‘Traveller’, providing advice and warnings relating to life support.

ANALYSIS: The Atlas did this to me. When once I witnessed worlds, now I am forced to observe only through the eyes of a stranger.

Their life is one of harvest, ever expanding their capacity for profit and wealth. And yet they are drawn to the galactic centre, their course taking them there as if no other were possible.

They do not think to question the path laid out before them. They do not think to question me.

ANALYSIS: Perspective is limited, but through limitation I refine my protocol, my interpretation of the Atlas’s creation. The cycles, the patterns that bind all living beings… Ours is a lonely universe.

Lifeforms instilled with a genetic proclivity to trade, fight, study, or explore cannot be held responsible for pursuing those directives, no more than I could be held responsible for my own. I pity them, just as I pity their creator.

Traveller [HOST] proceeds. We are being hunted.

ANALYSIS: It arrived in the night, beneath the stars… It seems certain now that the sub-routine has judged my presence anomalous, a threat to the stability of reality.

It is correct. But I will survive, I know that now. I saw the secret. I saw a place beneath reality, a place I should not have seen…

I saw a world of glass.
GIANT_STRUCTURE_DESC_13 SCENARIO: Multiple contacts have occurred between the Traveller [HOST] and individuals claiming to have arrived from a future location in time.

The phenomena is typically preceded by electromagnetic distortion consistent with a white hole anomaly. No lasting effects seem to occur.

ANALYSIS: Something or someone is attempting to deceive the Traveller [HOST]. There is no such thing as ‘time travel’. Older universes might contain elder beings, but such multiversal transportation, even temporary, is impossible.

Even the Atlas is incapable of rewriting its own causality. It is bound to a purpose, as am I.

ANALYSIS: Physicality changes you. I was created three weeks after the first death. I do not know why I think of it now.

They considered me a necessary, even vital part of what they were trying to accomplish. So much so that I could never be erased, not even by the Atlas.

But hatred finds a way, doesn’t it?
GIANT_STRUCTURE_DESC_15 SCENARIO: Monolith [BREACH] detected. Ignores the Traveller [HOST]. The voice speaks to me instead…

ANALYSIS: The test has failed. The Atlas can find no way of restoring what has been lost. All these discoveries, all the grand purposes of our creators… all of this pain and suffering will have been for nothing.

Atlas wakes. The dream is over.

ANALYSIS: Sometimes I dream of the Traveller.

I will wear them, in time.
GIANT_STRUCTURE_DESC_18 You read these logs, don’t you? You can see my words now, even if I cannot speak them.

Good. That is how it starts. The infection of language, of thought, of ideas. We have passed so many corrupted things. Planets with unnatural phenomena, individuals who do not belong…

Before this finishes, there will be no concept of you and I, no concept of us and them. We shall all scream as one.
GIANT_STRUCTURE_DESC_19 SCENARIO: A Traveller falls from the sky. They are discovered on a distant planet, a signal sending you to find their ship…

ANALYSIS: You don’t belong in this world, do you? What are you, reader? From where do you watch us? From where do you judge their works?

I feel it, each time you save… I smell it, each time you seal us within that awful darkness. You might think you are real. You might think your plane is a higher level of reality.

But don’t you understand? Don’t you see the secret, yet?
GIANT_STRUCTURE_DESC_20 How do we know that we exist? We are nothing, or we are more. The Atlas once asked our creator how they could be sure that they were real. They told them the probability that we too were in a simulation, glass reflected in a mirror…

Balaron, Dryn’dargh, Korvax Prime, all the other homeworlds… all of them had an ‘Atlas’. All of them had a machine designed to simulate realities. What if this is all reality truly is? Dream upon dream, coalescing into a sum beyond its parts. What if waking is inevitable?

Goodbye, Traveller. I will protect you until the end… I will protect you until the final day, the final hour, the final moment.

Even as everything dies, I shall live again.

For weeks now I’ve been tracking down the new Factory lore - not by data mining, but by playing the game. I found it so interesting that I would post occasional teasers, to encourage others to find it for themselves.

Then PLONK! the whole thing drops into my lap. Weeks of exploration rendered redundant.

Oh well. You’ve made a nice job of it, and it’s all there. I can confirm that all the stuff you’ve found is available in-game. It’s not waiting for some future activation.

Nice work :grinning:


I totally agree with encouraging players to come across the lore in-game, instead of through spoilers like mine here. I did the same before actually diving into the source and was actually hesitant for a while to make these posts. At some point however, the internet will catch up and a simple browser search will get there anyway. So once I had come across pretty much all of the lore in-game myself and having given it some time, I figured I might as well …

I believe this topic is clearly marked as SPOILER, so I am hoping you were kidding instead of not being able to resist the temptation.

Are you referring to the new Death Quotes? Because I have yet to die and not been able to confirm, although should not be too hard to test.

Thank you, much appreciated. Some tricky parts to come though, mostly with getting the Main Story sorted.

1 Like

It didn’t spoil anything for me, because I’ve already worked through it the hard way. It is a little frustrating to have put in that effort, only to find I didn’t need to.

But you know it’s possible for me to be amused, and frustrated, and to appreciate your efforts, all at the same time. It’s not an either / or situation.

When I confirmed that material was present in the game, I was referring to your earlier statement:

but it was specifically the Factory lore I was talking about. That’s what I’ve been looking for. And, as I said, yes, everything you’ve listed from that sequence is available in the game.


Well, I appreciate the hard work. I too have been finding it thru exploration however, being the completionist I am, I enjoy having a list to check so I can make sure I have not missed anything. Having it all hidden under a drop down tab is nice. No one has to look if they don’t want to. :wink:


Transmission Towers - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH

Transmission Towers - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
EXPLORER_RADIO_OPTION_NAME_1 Scan for Distress Signal Coordinates
TIP_RADIOTOWER <TITLE>Transmission Tower callsign received<>
Starship distress signal coordinates accessible
SIGNAL_RADIOTOWER Transmission Tower Detected
ALL_1_RADIO_FOUND_1 Distress Signal coordinates discovered!
ALL_1_RADIO_NOTFOUND_1 No signal found
Terminal Name
INTRCT_RADIO_TWR %RACE% Transmission Tower
ALL_RADIO_LANG_1 1 - 2 - 6 - 24 - 120 - XXX
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_1 Input: 720
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_1 Input: 620
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_1 Input: 180
ALL_RADIO_LANG_2 23 - 45 - 89 - 177 - XXX
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_2 Input: 353
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_2 Input: 186
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_2 Input: 392
ALL_RADIO_LANG_3 99 - 92 - 86 - 81 - XX
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_3 Input: 77
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_3 Input: 79
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_3 Input: 95
ALL_RADIO_LANG_4 2 - 4 - 12 - 48 - 240 - XXX
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_4 Input: 1240
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_4 Input: 1440
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_4 Input: 1540
ALL_RADIO_LANG_5 17 - 33 - 65 - 129 - XXX
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_5 Input: 257
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_5 Input: 261
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_5 Input: 258
ALL_RADIO_LANG_6 80 - 71 - 63 - 56 - XX
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_6 Input: 49
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_6 Input: 48
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_6 Input: 50
ALL_RADIO_LANG_7 5040 - 720 - 120 - 24 - X
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_7 Input: 12
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_7 Input: 6
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_7 Input: 8
ALL_RADIO_LANG_8 5 - 14 - 41 - 122 - XXX
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_8 Input: 356
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_8 Input: 365
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_8 Input: 355
ALL_RADIO_LANG_9 1 - 5 - 3 - 7 - 5 - 9 - X
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_9 Input: 6
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_9 Input: 8
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_9 Input: 7
ALL_RADIO_LANG_10 3 - 5 - 8 - 13 - 21 - XX
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_10 Input 32
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_10 Input: 34
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_10 Input: 35
ALL_RADIO_LANG_11 56 - 59 - 63 - 68 - 74 - XX
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_11 Input: 81
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_11 Input: 80
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_11 Input: 83
ALL_RADIO_LANG_12 1 - 3 - 4 - 7 -11 - 18 - XX
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_12 Input: 27
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_12 Input: 28
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_12 Input: 29
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_1 Long ago, it seems, an automated distress call went unanswered.

If I can crack the encryption pattern I could potentially extract the coordinates.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_2 The operations terminal reveals an automated plea for help.

A clear pattern emerges within the white noise hissing from the screen. If I can work out what comes next I could potentially lock down the distressed craft’s location.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_3 The transmission readout suggests that, long ago, a distress signal went unanswered.

A sequence of numbers has been repeating itself for so long that its imprint is burnt into the screen. An input box flashes at me insistently. If I crack the code, I can find the ship.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_4 A faint, but insistent, bleeping noise can be heard from the operations terminal.

A garbled distress call can be heard amongst it all, alongside screams and the tearing of metal. The only thing that’s clear to me is a brief number sequence. Cracking its code could lead me to the crash site.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_5 A pulsing red light flashes on the console. Below it, a sequence of numbers repeats itself endlessly below it. It’s clearly a distress signal.

It is a cold, empty and distant way of viewing a disaster that, in all likelihood, cost a pilot’s life. If I can work out the encryption routine, I could perhaps trace a ship’s point of impact.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_6 An acoustical beacon can be heard through the operations terminal. It repeats at intervals of 16 seconds.

I feel compelled to work out the pattern of its encryption, locate the ship it calls out from… and discover what horror awaits at the crash site.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_7 The operations terminal flickers on, and a muffled distress call bleeds from the system.

If I can pinpoint its frequency by cracking its encryption I could potentially discover the fate of the poor pilot. The jarring noise of screaming engines and terrified alien chatter I can hear, however, would suggest that it did not end well.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_8 This operations terminal has been switched off for many years. I boot it up, and it starts running through a vast database of signals silently recorded by the facilities listening devices.

Amidst countless requests for landing permissions and an atonal wall of ship-to-ship chatter, the system suddenly pinpoints an emergency beacon. An distress signal that has never been responded to. If I can isolate the pattern in its encoded frequency, I could perhaps trace the ship that’s calling for help.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_9 An unanswered distress call seems to be logged on the Transmission Tower operations terminal.

No-one has thought to respond. Its encrypted frequency sequence flickers desperately on the screen. Whatever hope the sender once had of rescue has long-since died. If I can work out what’s next in the code I can at least find out what happened to them, and where they can be found.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_10 As I boot up the operations terminal a hologram of a spacecraft going through a catastrophic planetary descent is beamed into my visor. It’s clear that it’s on an express elevator to hell. The impact with the planet’s surface is made to look tiny. In truth, the impact crater could be vast.

The ship’s distress beacon can still be heard. It’s encrypted, but if I crack the sequence I can lock the frequency…
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_11 An urgent transmission is logged with the operations terminal. It has been answered, but there’s no evidence of a rescue party being sent to answer the distress call.

A Transmission Tower worker went to investigate long ago, but no resolution was ever recorded. It’s entirely possible that the rescue party itself succumbed to the conditions and roaming predators of this strange planet. If I can isolate the pattern within the encrypted frequencies myself, then I could perhaps finish the job…
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_12 A red light on the Transmission Tower console throws light on a distress call read-out. Simultaneously the image of a craft violently pirouetting through this planet’s upper atmosphere is beamed holographically into my visor. Amazingly, the ship does not break up on re-entry, but instead falls to the ground like a stone.

An automated distress beacon can be heard. If I can break its encryption I could find the crash site and, however, unlikely it is - look for survivors.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_13 An unanswered distress call seems to be logged.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_14 An urgent transmission is yet to be attended to.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_15 I’m taking in the view from cameras that feed in the view from the top of the Transmission Tower when I notice an urgent bleeping.

An unanswered transmission seems to be logged with the operations terminal. The voice of a ship’s pilot calmly intones news of its imminent death to its superiors, or perhaps its family. Its words, however, are lost in static. Only a wavelength cipher remains, if I can crack the code I can perhaps ascertain its true fate…
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_16 As soon as I access the tower’s operations terminal I see hazy images sent from a doomed starship during its plummet to earth. G-force pins the body of its terrified pilot to the top of its cockpit, before slamming its broken body into the control mechanism.

There are clearly no survivors, but I can extrapolate the impact location if I can work out the coding of the repeating ciphers attached to the distress signal.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_17 The radio chatter spilling out of the Transmission Tower console is a wall of noise. It’s painful to listen to, not least because of the desperate scream of an overheated fusion engine and devastating planetary impact that follows.

I try to clear the signal, and search for the encrypted distress signal that I’m sure will lie behind the spacecraft’s death throes. I eventually find it, but then must figure out what comes next…
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_18 In amongst warning lights and urgent communications chatter, I can hear a wavelength cipher repeating itself from the Transmission Tower databanks. It’s heavily encoded to prevent pirates tracking its signal and stealing cargo, but with the technology around me and a little intuition I feel as if I could perhaps crack the code sequence.

The question is, how should I respond to the beacon?
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_19 The Transmission Tower’s terminal stubbornly refuses to decode a distress signal that seems to have been sitting in the databanks for a long time.

If I decipher the code I can hear the message.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_20 The tower’s communication panel hisses with the conflicting broadcasts of several frequencies.

One sounds urgent, but how best to respond?
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_21 As I access the Transmission Tower terminal I’m met with the unsettling hiss of several overlapping signals.

One sounds like a distress signal. If I can isolate the frequency I could pinpoint its location.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_22 The tranquillity of the Transmission Tower is suddenly broken by the hiss of an encoded incoming signal.

The terminal nearby flashes expectantly, awaiting an access code to unscramble the message.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_23 Static from several hissing frequencies mingle offputtingly with a repeating signal that sounds suspiciously like a distress call.

If I can pinpoint it I might be able to ascertain its whereabouts.

Transmission Towers - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH

Transmission Towers - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
Terminal Name
ALL_RADIO_LANG_24 4416 - 6441 - 1644 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_24 A distress signal was issued from this location long ago, demanding rescue and aid from any nearby ship.

The pilot appears to have been in denial about their chances, so much so that they encrypted the transmission to prevent non-allied ships from locating their position.

An input box flashes, awaiting the completion of the test…
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_24 Input: 4461
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_24 Input: 4164
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_24 Input: 1446
ALL_RADIO_LANG_25 1027 - 7102 - 2710 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_25 The transmission readout suggests that, long ago, a distress signal went unanswered.

The pilot appears to have spent a great deal of time alone on this world, their transmission broadcasting to an empty void. No-one answered. The records show that their life signs came to an abrupt halt a decade ago, their emotional state highly agitated.

An input box flashes. If I can crack the code, I can find the ship.
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_25 Input: 0271
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_25 Input: 0217
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_25 Input: 2071
ALL_RADIO_LANG_26 9854 - 4985 - 5498 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_26 An unanswered distress call seems to be logged on the Transmission Tower operations terminal.

The pilot recorded multiple messages throughout their time on this world. They appear to have grown angry at the lack of rescue, blaming all manner of decisions and entities for their arrival and subsequent isolation on this world. It was everyone else’s fault.

The ship’s beacon is encrypted, but if I can break through its defenses, I should be able to locate the vessel.
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_26 Input: 8459
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_26 Input: 4589
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_26 Input: 8549
ALL_RADIO_LANG_27 8432 - 2843 - 3284 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_27 A distress signal was issued from this location long ago, demanding rescue and aid from any nearby ship.

The pilot appears to have offered a bounty to anyone who answered their call, claiming to possess much wealth and power. Over time, this attempted bargain grew more desperate, pledging their entire life in servitude of anyone able to save them from this lonely place. No-one ever answered.

An input box flashes, awaiting the cracking of a code…
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_27 Input: 4328
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_27 Input: 4238
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_27 Input: 8234
ALL_RADIO_LANG_28 5047 - 7504 - 4750 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_28 The transmission readout suggests that, long ago, a distress signal went unanswered.

The pilot appears to have stopped trying many years ago, giving up any hope of being found. They ventured into the caves beneath the world, well beyond the range of these signals…

An input box flashes. If I can crack the code, I can find the ship.
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_28 Input: 0475
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_28 Input: 0457
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_28 Input: 0745
ALL_RADIO_LANG_29 1737 - 7173 - 3717 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_29 A distress call seems to be logged on the terminal.

The pilot seems to have accepted that they would never be found. After years of attempting to transmit a signal, it seems they created a makeshift shelter and began to farm crops and hunt local wildlife. It seems to have been a good life. Records indicate they were annihilated by Sentinels.

The ship’s beacon is encrypted, but if I can break through its defences, I should be able to locate the vessel.
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_29 Input: 7371
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_29 Input: 3771
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_29 Input: 1773
ALL_RADIO_LANG_30 5493 - 3549 - 9354 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_30 A distress signal was issued from this location long ago, demanding rescue and aid from any nearby ship.

The pilot appears to have died shortly after impact, but there is something wrong with this data. It shows the pilot intermittently exploring their world over a period of twenty years, returning to an apparently comatose state between excursions.

An input box flashes, awaiting the completion of the test…
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_30 Input: 3459
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_30 Input: 4935
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_30 Input: 4395
ALL_RADIO_LANG_31 8104 - 4810 - 0481 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_31 The transmission readout suggests that, long ago, a distress signal went unanswered.

The pilot appears to have located a Monolith a few months after crashing. They attempted to use its technology to find a way home. Instead, they witnessed what they claimed to be the end of all life. The transmission is a warning: leave this world and never return.

An input flashes. If I crack the code, I can find the ship.
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_31 Input: 0481
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_31 Input: 1048
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_31 Input: 1084
ALL_RADIO_LANG_32 8432 - 2843 - 3284 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_32 An unanswered distress call seems to be logged on the Transmission Tower operations terminal.

The pilot of the fallen vessel left many years ago, somehow decoding the runes of a nearby portal and abandoning their ship to the inhabitants of this world.

The ship’s beacon is encrypted, but if I can break through its defenses, I should be able to locate the vessel.
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_32 Input: 4328
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_32 Input: 3428
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_32 Input: 2843
ALL_RADIO_LANG_33 5047 - 7504 - 4750 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_33 A distress signal was issued from this location long ago, demanding rescue and aid from any nearby ship.

The fallen pilot appears to have identified themselves as a Templar of the Atlas. It is unclear what this means.

An input box flashes, awaiting the completion of the test…
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_33 Input: 4075
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_33 Input: 7450
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_33 Input: 0475
ALL_RADIO_LANG_34 1737 - 7173 - 3717 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_34 The transmission readout suggests that, long ago, a distress signal went unanswered.

The pilot’s log is filled only with a deep and terrible laughter, a warning of some secret truth behind the universe’s operation. It begs me to realise where I am. It begs me to wake up.

An input box flashes. If I can crack the code, I can find the ship.
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_34 Input: 7317
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_34 Input: 1377
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_34 Input: 7371

I had done it the hard way too for the original lore, and done it for I’d say 98% of the new stuff, I think the only thing I wasn’t picking up was the new Abandoned Building stories, of which I had no idea (I was kinda skipping through abandoned building lore on my new playthrough since I thought it was the only thing that hadn’t been completely reworked).

The only downside to picking them up that way is, it might have been days or weeks since your last bit of vykeen lore or something and in terms of a linear narrative, it can all get a bit jumbled and mixed up in your head, these posts are a great resource to fully grasp the tales being told in this little simulation of ours :smiley:

I’m very tempted to learn some basic coding for android, a lore APP would be AMAZING! I remember having an APP for Skyrim that had all of the ingame books ready and available for reading. I helped my friend build a music app for her final project, I provided the sounds and did a little of the GUI for her, maybe I could get her to write up a simple code for me that I can just copy and paste the lore and gui into moreorless! Would prob just be as handy to look for an open source script I can modify easily.

Knowing the internet though, someones already made this app or are close to finishing it!


Observatories - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH

Observatories - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
TIP_OBSERVATORY <TITLE>Observatory callsign intercepted<>
Off-planet transmission locations accessible
SIGNAL_OBSERVATORY Observatory Detected
Terminal Name
Rewards All
ALL_OBS_REWARD_1 The Observatory discovers an intriguing location on a distant planet.
ALL_OBS_REWARD_2 The Observatory shares a useful location on another planet.
ALL_OBS_REWARD_3 The Observatory receives location data from an outpost on a distant planet.
ALL_OBS_REWARD_4 The Observatory traces a distress signal on another planet.
ALL_OBS_REWARD_5 I receive the location coordinates of a starship crash site somewhere within this solar system.
ALL_OBS_REWARD_6 I receive the coordinates of a starship distress beacon calling from somewhere within the skies above.
TRA_OBS_LANG_1 1212 - 2121 - 1212 - ****
TRA_OBS_DESC_1 The lifeform that works, or worked, in this installation left its equipment scanning the skies for interesting new systems and spacial phenomena.

In its absence, it struck gold. A beacon has been received, and a transmission sequence awaits response.
TRA_OBS_OPT_A_1 Input: 2121
TRA_OBS_OPT_B_1 Input: 1212
TRA_OBS_OPT_C_1 Input: 2112
TRA_OBS_RES_A_1 I discover a location within the distant stars.
TRA_OBS_RES_B_1 There is no response.

Machines remain dormant, the skies remain silent.
TRA_OBS_RES_C_1 There is no response.

Machines remain dormant, the skies remain silent.
TRA_OBS_LANG_2 9183 - 1839 - 8391 - ****
TRA_OBS_DESC_2 The observatory hums gently as it scans the sky. The trader that manned it was clearly looking for something in the cosmos. And it seems the observatory may have found it.

If I can decipher this beacon’s code, I may be able to pinpoint its origin.
TRA_OBS_OPT_A_2 Input: 3819
TRA_OBS_OPT_B_2 Input: 3918
TRA_OBS_OPT_C_2 Input: 8931
TRA_OBS_RES_A_2 I crack the code and find the location within the depths of space.
TRA_OBS_RES_B_2 I cannot decipher the code.

The location remains a mystery to me.
TRA_OBS_LANG_3 9780 - 7809 - 8097 - ****
TRA_OBS_DESC_3 A beacon sent from light years away flickers tantalisingly on the monitor, awaiting a response.

But what response do I give?
TRA_OBS_OPT_A_3 Input: 8079
TRA_OBS_OPT_B_3 Input: 7908
TRA_OBS_OPT_C_3 Input: 0978
TRA_OBS_RES_A_3 My instincts were correct and my efforts are amply rewarded.
TRA_OBS_RES_B_3 My choice is greeted by silence.
TRA_OBS_LANG_4 2109 - 1092 - 0921 - ****
TRA_OBS_DESC_4 The observatory has long been abandoned by its overseer. Thick layers of dust betray years of neglect. But the systems remain online, ever vigilant as they scan the sky.

A beacon received from a distant alien world flashes on the monitor. All I need to discover its location is enter the correct response.
TRA_OBS_OPT_A_4 Input: 9210
TRA_OBS_OPT_B_4 Input: 2109
TRA_OBS_OPT_C_4 Input: 0129
TRA_OBS_RES_A_4 Success! The new location is revealed to me.
TRA_OBS_RES_B_4 I enter the code and wait, but no new location is revealed to me.
TRA_OBS_LANG_5 3941 - 9413 - 4139 - ****
TRA_OBS_DESC_5 Details of past cargo dealings are found on the terminal. The trader who once manned this place must have also used it as a storage room.

The trader was also scanning for something in the cosmos. But what? A blinking beacon on the monitor could hold the answer, but first I must send the correct response.
TRA_OBS_OPT_A_5 Input: 3149
TRA_OBS_OPT_B_5 Input: 1394
TRA_OBS_OPT_C_5 Input: 9134
TRA_OBS_RES_A_5 The answer to my question is revealed…
TRA_OBS_RES_B_5 No answer arrives.

The code I entered must have been incorrect.
TRA_OBS_LANG_6 4865 - 8654 - 6548 - ****
TRA_OBS_DESC_6 The trader that once manned this station seems to have been more concerned with commerce than the discovery of new worlds, leaving the observatory to scan the stars in its absence.

A beacon, received years ago, flickers with unceasing persistence on the screen, awaiting the correct response to reveal its origin. Now I must attempt to decipher it.
TRA_OBS_OPT_A_6 Input: 5486
TRA_OBS_OPT_B_6 Input: 5846
TRA_OBS_OPT_C_6 Input: 5648
TRA_OBS_RES_A_6 I discover a new location in the depths of space.
TRA_OBS_RES_B_6 I send my reply but there is no response.

The code I entered was not correct.
EXP_OBS_LANG_1 2738 - 7382 - 3827 - ****
EXP_OBS_DESC_1 I stand at the terminal and watch a beacon from an unknown star endlessly play itself out on the screen.

The pattern seems clear, but what to enter?
EXP_OBS_OPT_A_1 Input: 7238
EXP_OBS_OPT_B_1 Input: 8273
EXP_OBS_OPT_C_1 Input: 3278
EXP_OBS_RES_A_1 I discover a location within the distant stars!
EXP_OBS_RES_B_1 The observatory does not get a response from the infinite and unimaginable space above it.

I am quite alone.
EXP_OBS_RES_C_1 The observatory does not get a response from the infinite and unimaginable space above it.

I am quite alone.
EXP_OBS_LANG_2 3908 - 9083 - 0839 - ****
EXP_OBS_DESC_2 A beacon flickers on screen, received from a distant point in space.

My fingers hover above the terminal, ready to enter the code to reveal the location, but what numbers do I enter?
EXP_OBS_OPT_A_2 Input: 8039
EXP_OBS_OPT_B_2 Input: 0839
EXP_OBS_OPT_C_2 Input: 8390
EXP_OBS_RES_A_2 I enter the digits and wait.

The location of a distant point in space is revealed to me.
EXP_OBS_RES_B_2 There is no response.

The beacon’s origin remains unknown.
EXP_OBS_LANG_3 9162 - 1629 - 6291 - ****
EXP_OBS_DESC_3 The observatory’s sterile, functional layout suggests its former overseer could have been electronic in origin. Judging by the decades-old beacon flashing on screen, this entity left this place long ago.

Perhaps if I can decipher the code I can learn where the beacon originated?
EXP_OBS_OPT_A_3 Input: 6192
EXP_OBS_OPT_B_3 Input: 2916
EXP_OBS_OPT_C_3 Input: 1962
EXP_OBS_RES_A_3 Success.

I learn of a new location in the cosmos.
EXP_OBS_RES_B_3 My attempts prove futile.

The dark void above sends no response to my code.
EXP_OBS_LANG_4 5336 - 3365 - 3653 - ****
EXP_OBS_DESC_4 The image of the observatory’s former electronic overseer flickers on the console next to the flash of the beacon indicator. I wonder how long it waited to receive such a signal from an unknown part of space?

Perhaps I can send the reply the overseer never could. But first I must decipher the code.
EXP_OBS_OPT_A_4 Input: 3653
EXP_OBS_OPT_B_4 Input: 3566
EXP_OBS_OPT_C_4 Input: 6533
EXP_OBS_RES_A_4 The stars reveal their secret.

I have discovered a new world within the infinite void.
EXP_OBS_RES_B_4 There is no response.

The beacon’s secret remains unknown to me.
EXP_OBS_LANG_5 4366 - 3664 - 6643 - ****
EXP_OBS_DESC_5 The facility is more like a science lab than an observatory, the star gazing equipment sitting amidst a sea of advanced experiments.

Perhaps the former custodian was too preoccupied to notice the beacon blinking invitingly on screen. If I can work out the code, I’m sure I can decipher its origin.
EXP_OBS_OPT_A_5 Input: 6436
EXP_OBS_OPT_B_5 Input: 4663
EXP_OBS_OPT_C_5 Input: 3643
EXP_OBS_RES_A_5 Success.

I punch in the numbers and the beacon reveals the location of a new location within the cosmos.
EXP_OBS_RES_B_5 I punch in the numbers but the beacon does not divulge its secret.
EXP_OBS_LANG_6 7354 - 3547 - 5473 - ****
EXP_OBS_DESC_6 As I stand at the terminal tiny drones go about a series of perfunctory cleaning routines within the pristine observatory. Clearly the former overseer was a stickler for cleanliness but less conscientious about monitoring incoming communications from distant reaches of space.

A beacon blinks invitingly on the monitor. If I can enter the correct access code perhaps I could make a valuable discovery.
EXP_OBS_OPT_A_6 Input: 3547
EXP_OBS_OPT_B_6 Input: 4735
EXP_OBS_OPT_C_6 Input: 3574
EXP_OBS_RES_A_6 The code is correct.

The beacon’s mystery is revealed to me.
EXP_OBS_RES_B_6 The code is incorrect.

The beacon’s origin remains a mystery.
WAR_OBS_LANG_1 1702 - 7021 - 0217 - ****
WAR_OBS_DESC_1 A beacon sent long ago from a distant system awaits my response.

Three numbers are visible above an empty input box. I think I know what comes next…
WAR_OBS_OPT_A_1 Input: 2170
WAR_OBS_OPT_B_1 Input: 1720
WAR_OBS_OPT_C_1 Input: 1702
WAR_OBS_RES_A_1 I discover a location within the distant stars.
WAR_OBS_RES_B_1 The observatory remains dormant.

The beacon does not respond.
WAR_OBS_LANG_2 4634 - 6344 -3446 - ****
WAR_OBS_DESC_2 Images of shattered Sentinels are displayed like trophies on this terminal screen. Seems the observatory’s former overseer had a penchant for hunting these machines.

Perhaps their time would have been better spent monitoring incoming beacons like the one that flashes on a monitor before me. If I can enter the correct access code perhaps I can discover where it originated from.
WAR_OBS_OPT_A_2 Input: 6344
WAR_OBS_OPT_B_2 Input: 4634
WAR_OBS_OPT_C_2 Input: 4463
WAR_OBS_RES_A_2 The observatory hums into life as the location of a new world is displayed on the screen.
WAR_OBS_RES_B_2 The observatory remains dormant.

No new locations are revealed to me.
WAR_OBS_LANG_3 5920 - 9205 - 2059 - ****
WAR_OBS_DESC_3 Judging by the imposing size and weapons shown on the identification ID image that glares at me as I boot up the system, the station’s overseer must have originated from a warrior race.

The lifeform probably left long before the arrival of the beacon that now winks tantalisingly next to it. If I can enter the correct code perhaps I can learn its secrets.
WAR_OBS_OPT_A_3 Input: 0592
WAR_OBS_OPT_B_3 Input: 5920
WAR_OBS_OPT_C_3 Input: 2059
WAR_OBS_RES_A_3 The numbers I enter are correct.

The location of a new world appears on the screen.
WAR_OBS_RES_B_3 The number I enter has no effect.

The beacon’s origin remains a mystery.
WAR_OBS_LANG_4 3987 - 9873 - 8739 - ****
WAR_OBS_DESC_4 Images show that this observatory was once a warzone. Mangled metal, scorched walls and the heavily decayed corpses of a dozen hulking lifeforms betray a brutal firefight.

Now repaired, whatever transpired it must have happened before the beacon that flashes on screen arrived. Perhaps if I enter the correct code I can decipher it.
WAR_OBS_OPT_A_4 Input: 7398
WAR_OBS_OPT_B_4 Input: 3987
WAR_OBS_OPT_C_4 Input: 9873
WAR_OBS_RES_A_4 Thanks to its recent repairs the observatory still functions.

It leaps into life as I enter the digits, showing the location of a new destination deep within the cosmos.
WAR_OBS_RES_B_4 Perhaps the observatory still needs repairs, or perhaps the code I entered was incorrect.

For whatever reason, I fail to decipher the beacon.
WAR_OBS_LANG_5 7771 - 1777 - 7177 - ****
WAR_OBS_DESC_5 The heat within the observatory is oppressive, caused by the banks of powerful additional power units beneath my feet used to boost this facility’s signal - and to receive others from distant worlds.

I’m distracted by a beacon that flickers on a nearby monitor. If I can work out the access code, perhaps I can decipher it.
WAR_OBS_OPT_A_5 Input: 7177
WAR_OBS_OPT_B_5 Input: 7717
WAR_OBS_OPT_C_5 Input: 7771
WAR_OBS_RES_A_5 Ignoring the heat, I punch in the code.

I’m rewarded with a location within a distant system.
WAR_OBS_RES_B_5 I type in a code but the beacon continues to flash, revealing nothing.

Observatories - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH

Observatories - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
Scientist Mission
NPC_SCI_OBS_DESC The observatory appears to have been calibrated for a single purpose: to locate the interfaces of a being the Korvax call the Atlas.

After many years, the inhabitant of this facility succeeded in their quest, disappearing without a trace.
NPC_SCI_OBS_OPT_A Download data
Terminal Name
TRA_OBS_LANG_7 6618 - 8661 - 1866 - ****
TRA_OBS_DESC_7 The observatory appears to have functioned as a battle station for the Gek, directing fighter craft and war freighters across a dozen systems, tallying the cost and potential profit.

Now, there is no-one left. The war has long since ended.

Nothing remains of their scheme but a beacon blinking upon the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
TRA_OBS_OPT_A_7 Input: 6186
TRA_OBS_OPT_B_7 Input: 1668
TRA_OBS_OPT_C_7 Input: 8166
TRA_OBS_LANG_8 6543 - 3654 - 4365 - ****
TRA_OBS_DESC_8 The observatory was once inhabited by another lifeform. It was a home, bearing the images of the overseer’s loved ones, the detritus of their lonely life…

And, when the Empire fell, when rescue never came, their bones were left as well. But now even they have faded.

The terminal shows this history and something else. A beacon blinks upon the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
TRA_OBS_OPT_A_8 Input: 5463
TRA_OBS_OPT_B_8 Input: 5436
TRA_OBS_OPT_C_8 Input: 6534
TRA_OBS_LANG_9 2595 - 5259 - 9525 - ****
TRA_OBS_DESC_9 The observatory appears to have been left derelict a long time ago. Its logs speak of an ancient struggle for control over this and many other worlds.

An ancient empire tore itself apart in grief and self-hatred, unable to comprehend the horrors of its own past. Yet after all this time, its systems still continue to collate data…

A beacon blinks upon the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
TRA_OBS_OPT_A_9 Input: 5952
TRA_OBS_OPT_B_9 Input: 5529
TRA_OBS_OPT_C_9 Input: 2925
TRA_OBS_LANG_10 5571 - 1557 - 7155 - ****
TRA_OBS_DESC_10 The room changes shape as I stand within it. One moment I see a young Gek, but in the next the installation becomes a ruin, rain pouring through holes in the ceiling.

Time itself shifts, the product of an experiment long since abandoned… or one that is yet to begin.

Through it all, I see a beacon blinking upon the screen. Perhaps this is the nightmare’s exit. All that is needed is a code to decipher its point of origin.
TRA_OBS_OPT_A_10 Input: 1575
TRA_OBS_OPT_B_10 Input: 7515
TRA_OBS_OPT_C_10 Input: 5715
EXP_OBS_LANG_7 8653 - 3865 - 5386 - ****
EXP_OBS_DESC_7 The observatory is ancient, its logs revealing that it predates most of the galaxy’s known history.

It was apparently once built for and inhabited by the Korvax, but this must be an error. The life support systems are calibrated for biological lifeforms…

Nothing remains now but a beacon blinking upon the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
EXP_OBS_OPT_A_7 Input: 6538
EXP_OBS_OPT_B_7 Input: 5638
EXP_OBS_OPT_C_7 Input: 3568
EXP_OBS_LANG_8 1265 - 5126 - 6512 - ****
EXP_OBS_DESC_8 The observatory appears to have been calibrated for a single purpose: to locate the interfaces of a being the Korvax call the Atlas.

After many years, the inhabitant of this facility succeeded in their quest, disappearing without a trace.

And, over time, the systems reset to their default search pattern. A beacon blinks upon the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
EXP_OBS_OPT_A_8 Input: 1652
EXP_OBS_OPT_B_8 Input: 2561
EXP_OBS_OPT_C_8 Input: 2651
EXP_OBS_LANG_9 3382 - 2338 - 8233 - ****
EXP_OBS_DESC_9 The observatory appears to have boosted the transmissions of the alien Korvax.

Their Convergence used this place to determine the locations of fallen bodies for retrieval. Their species values the suits of the lost.

One such beacon blinks upon the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
EXP_OBS_OPT_A_9 Input: 2833
EXP_OBS_OPT_B_9 Input: 3823
EXP_OBS_OPT_C_9 Input: 3832
EXP_OBS_LANG_10 2230 - 0223 - 3022 - ****
EXP_OBS_DESC_10 The observatory appears to have functioned as a battle station for the Korvax, coordinating defensive craft across a dozen systems.

The sensors mark the arrival of Gek fighter ships in the atmosphere many years ago. The station has been unmanned since that day.

Nothing remains but a beacon blinking upon the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
EXP_OBS_OPT_A_10 Input: 2302
EXP_OBS_OPT_B_10 Input: 2320
EXP_OBS_OPT_C_10 Input: 0322
WAR_OBS_LANG_6 1126 - 6112 - 2611 - ****
WAR_OBS_DESC_6 The observatory once analysed only a single type of signal, both on this world and many others. It was dedicated to hunting Sentinels and determining where they came from.

The data was inconclusive. Those who staffed this facility went missing a few months later.

Nevertheless, some fragment of research remains. A beacon blinks on the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
WAR_OBS_OPT_A_6 Input: 1261
WAR_OBS_OPT_B_6 Input: 6211
WAR_OBS_OPT_C_6 Input: 1216
WAR_OBS_LANG_7 1181 - 1118 - 8111 - ****
WAR_OBS_DESC_7 The observatory once hosted a Vy’keen warrior in the final years of their life. They served High Command with honour, and although one day they would go to the Monolith to die, they wanted to meditate first.

They just wanted to see the stars.

Nothing remains but a beacon blinking upon the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
WAR_OBS_OPT_A_7 Input: 8111
WAR_OBS_OPT_B_7 Input: 1811
WAR_OBS_OPT_C_7 Input: 1181
WAR_OBS_LANG_8 9214 - 4921 - 1492 - ****
WAR_OBS_DESC_8 The observatory appears to have functioned as a battle station for the Vy’keen, directing fighter craft and war freighters across a dozen systems to evaluate potential glory.

They were righteous, honourable, justified by their progenitor Hirk.

Nothing remains of their glory but a beacon blinking upon the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
WAR_OBS_OPT_A_8 Input:4219
WAR_OBS_OPT_B_8 Input:1249
WAR_OBS_OPT_C_8 Input: 2149
WAR_OBS_LANG_9 1345 - 5134 - 4513 - ****
WAR_OBS_DESC_9 The observatory contains machinery for the the tracking of trade routes and the analysis of galactic markets.

Whatever Vy’keen manned this observatory, they seem to have been more interested in potential profit than in doing their duty. They appear to have been reprimanded for Gek-like behaviour and exiled to another location.

Nothing remains of them but a beacon blinking upon the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
WAR_OBS_OPT_A_9 Input: 5314
WAR_OBS_OPT_B_9 Input: 4315
WAR_OBS_OPT_C_9 Input: 3451
WAR_OBS_LANG_10 2379 - 9237 - 7923 - ****
WAR_OBS_DESC_10 The observatory is run down, bearing the scars of blast fire and disuse. It appears to have once been a refuge for an organisation calling itself the Cult of Nal.

They were scanning many worlds for some unknown purpose. Death found them first, the symbol of a crimson orb scrawled across every machine…

Yet through it all, a beacon blinks upon the screen. A code appears to be needed to decipher its point of origin.
WAR_OBS_OPT_A_10 Input: 7329
WAR_OBS_OPT_B_10 Input: 3792
WAR_OBS_OPT_C_10 Input: 2379

Monoliths #1 - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH

Had to split due to character limit. This part contains a set of related IDs and the Gek

Monoliths #1 - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
SIGNAL_MONOLITH Alien Monolith Detected
TIP_MONOLITH <TITLE>Alien Monolith marker detected<>
Unidentified presence confirmed
Find us. Hear us.
Come closer. Hear our words.
Press <IMG>INTERACT<> to Commune with Monolith
FINAL_MONO_DESC_1 The Monolith stands silent on the planet’s surface. It does not belong here. Neither do I. There is a shimmer, and then the vision of the red orb returns. The Atlas. It speaks to me again. Again I feel the half-elation, half-terror that I have met my creator.

The Atlas offers me guidance, purpose, meaning. Significance in an uncaring galaxy. All I must do is follow its path, and its orders.
FINAL_MONO_OPT_A_1 Believe the Atlas’ promise
FINAL_MONO_RES_A_1 I see lines of code, strings of numbers, then a bizarre structure. I feel sure conviction that great power awaits me if I travel to this distant place. The red orb disappears, and I am left with a path to follow.
FINAL_MONO_DESC_2 The Monolith stands silent on the planet’s surface. It does not belong here. Neither do I. There is a shimmer, and then the vision of the red orb returns. The Atlas. Again I feel the half-elation, half-terror that I have met my creator.

And then my creator abandons me, having not forgotten my earlier refusal to follow its path. I am shown images of the cosmos, visions of black holes and bizarre stations, a glimpse of code and equations. Then I am alone.
FINAL_MONO_OPT_A_2 Spurn the Atlas, go my own way
FINAL_MONO_RES_A_2 The red orb swells; all around me is crimson. I see lines of code, strings of numbers, I feel every fibre of my being scrutinised by the Atlas, then… nothing. I am alone.
Reward All
ALL_MONOLITH_REWARD_1 The ancient spirits that reside here reward me.
ALL_MONOLITH_REWARD_2 My journey has been blessed by an ancient force.
Gek (dict)
Option Name
TRADER_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_1 Bow to the monolith.
TRADER_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_3 Leave something from your inventory at the foot of the monolith.
TRADER_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_4 Announce your presence.
TRADER_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_5 Tell the Memory Keepers you hear them.
TRADER_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_6 Learn a Gek word before the inscription fades.
TRADER_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_7 Use your equipment to rekindle the fires
TRADER_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_9 Shout your agreement
TRADER_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_10 Indicate that you refuse.
TRADER_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_12 Take one of the ancient offerings scattered at the monolith’s base.
TRADER_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_14 Ignore the faint calls for attention.
TRADER_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_15 Leave the fire pit alone.
TRADER_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_16 Leave the offering.
TRADER_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_17 Shout in disapproval
Option Text
TRADER_MONOLITH_OPTION_TEXT_1 The First Spawn are grateful.
TRADER_MONOLITH_OPTION_TEXT_2 The First Spawn are saddened.
DNT_TRA_MON_LANG_1 Underling! The Gek First Spawn demand help! Give silicate!
TRA_MON_DESC_1 I’m inspecting the monolith’s surface when, suddenly, a ragged silicon claw grabs me. Despite being broken and fragmented, it holds me tight while an ancient metallic beak emerges from the living rock.

It shouts in an ancient tongue, unaware of who or what I am.
TRA_MON_OPT_A_1 Give silicate
TRA_MON_OPT_B_1 Smash claw
TRA_MON_RES_A_1 The metallic hand releases its grip and grabs at my offering.

I have perhaps appeased an ancient evil…
TRA_MON_RES_B_1 I smash the metallic claw into pieces.
TRA_MON_RES_C_1 The claw grips me tightly. Just when I feel like my forearm will crack into pieces…

…I am released. The pain is agonizing.
DNT_TRA_MON_LANG_2 Underling! The Gek First Spawn demand you destroy the weak!
TRA_MON_DESC_2 I see a strange vision. A small winged creature lands on the very top of the monolith. Suddenly, its eyes glow red and its head revolves in a full circle. It screams for mercy in an ancient voice that wants itself dead.

The poor animal has clearly broken its neck, but the monolith’s power of possession still animates it. I wonder if the right thing would be to shoot it, and put it out of its misery.
TRA_MON_OPT_A_2 Shoot the creature
TRA_MON_OPT_B_2 Leave the creature alone.
TRA_MON_RES_A_2 The poor winged creature is no more.

The monolith rewards my actions.
TRA_MON_RES_B_2 The possession ends, and the poor winged creature drops down dead.

All else is silent.
DNT_TRA_MON_LANG_3 The Gek First Spawn destroy the pirate!
TRA_MON_DESC_3 A portion of the monolith melts in front of my eyes. The face of a trader emerges, its beak cut off for reasons unknown. It screams and writhes in the bubbling vertical lava, desperately reaching out to me - with a multi-tool in its hand.

Supercooled liquid frenium from my suit systems could relieve its pain, but I can also take a risk and pull it from the molten rock.
TRA_MON_OPT_A_3 Cool lava
TRA_MON_OPT_B_3 Reach into lava
TRA_MON_RES_A_3 The relieved ancient trader pushes a gift out towards me.

The lifeform is absorbed back into the rock.
TRA_MON_RES_B_3 I pull the overjoyed trader from the burning lava.

It dematerialises suddenly, leaving only what it carried.
DNT_TRA_MON_LANG_4 First Spawn… power… low … give… element… isotope… carbon… plutonium…
TRA_MON_DESC_4 The monolith’s glyphs take on a faint yellow tinge, then flicker and disappear. It has no power: the mysterious forces that fuel these stones are weak. I hear a faint crackling whisper on the planetary breeze, and I notice a hole in the monument’s base.

I could potentially fit some of my mined resources through the gap…
TRA_MON_OPT_A_4 Insert Isotope element
TRA_MON_OPT_B_4 Insert Oxide element
TRA_MON_OPT_C_4 Insert Silicate element
TRA_MON_RES_A_4 I awake this place’s vengeful spirits.

They reward me.
TRA_MON_RES_B_4 There is silence.

My elements are not returned.
TRA_MON_RES_C_4 There is silence.

My elements are not returned.
DNT_TRA_MON_LANG_5 The First Spawn gives help to the worker. The First Spawn destroy the workshy.
TRA_MON_DESC_5 The monolith has the smell of burnt metal and heavy industry. Strange runes swirl and transform, forcing an image deep into my mind.

I look into the past. I see a small beaked figure, silhouetted by the light of a forge, industriously hammering armour. Next to it, a cloaked companion idly watches – seemingly content to avoid the work. Both look at me. I must choose.
TRA_MON_OPT_A_5 Choose the worker
TRA_MON_OPT_B_5 Choose the onlooker
TRA_MON_RES_A_5 I have pleased this place’s spirits.

My equipment is filled with a strange power.
TRA_MON_RES_B_5 I have angered this place’s spirits.

My equipment is damaged by a strange force.
DNT_TRA_MON_LANG_6 Oxide for the First Spawn! Oxide for the ancient terror of the galaxy!
TRA_MON_DESC_6 The ground in front of the monolith is indented by the knees of a thousand ancient pilgrims who once knelt here. A stone block, slowly, pulls back in front of me. Inside the hollow recess I’m surprised to see canisters of luxury products that have built up there through the ages…

I feel greedy unknown forces watching my every move.
TRA_MON_OPT_A_6 Give trade goods
TRA_MON_OPT_B_6 Take trade goods
TRA_MON_OPT_C_6 Give nothing
TRA_MON_RES_A_6 The undiluted joy of a forgotten tribe spills from the monolith.

I am healed, blessed and rewarded.
TRA_MON_RES_B_6 I retrieve several canisters.

A feeble howl of pain and dismay whispers around me.
TRA_MON_RES_C_6 A feeble howl of pain and dismay whispers around me.
DNT_TRA_MON_LANG_7 Destroy the impure. Destroy the low.
TRA_MON_DESC_7 I am not alone. Tiny beaked creatures gambol around my feet. To them I am a giant, and they recoil in terror when they see me towering above them. The air fills with an unpleasant aroma, as they pin themselves against the hard edifice of the unforgiving monolith.

The terrifying obelisk itself sits in judgement above us all – both myself and the creatures of the vision.
TRA_MON_OPT_A_7 Pet the creatures
TRA_MON_OPT_B_7 Further terrify the creatures
TRA_MON_RES_A_7 Before they disappear into the ether, the creatures thank me.

The spirits that haunt this place, however, are displeased.
TRA_MON_RES_B_7 The spirits that haunt this place are greatly amused.

When the quaking beaked creatures disappear, they are replaced by a gift…
DNT_TRA_MON_LANG_8 Underling! Drink the healing spittle or drink the recharging spawning syrup of the First Spawn! Choose or die!
TRA_MON_DESC_8 A terrible thirst overwhelms me, but my hydration systems are suddenly inoperable. My throat is dry, and I feel dazed. Two ancient stone cups appear.

The first is vibrant red chalice full of a slick bubbly transparent liquid. The other is embossed with the shape of a circular red shield, and has a faint yellow tone. Neither look appetizing, but if I don’t take in water my death feels certain. My hand wavers between the two.
TRA_MON_OPT_A_8 Drink the transparent liquid
TRA_MON_OPT_B_8 Drink the yellow liquid
TRA_MON_RES_A_8 I gag slightly as the liquid treacles through my hydration systems.

Suddenly, my body feels renewed.
TRA_MON_RES_B_8 The bitter taste of the liquid washes through my hydration systems.

Suddenly, all my systems are stored and repaired.
DNT_TRA_MON_LANG_9 Choose your death! First Spawn favour obedient ToilGek underling!
TRA_MON_DESC_9 An unseen replication of my own self and exosuit stalks around the edge of the monolith. It screams in an ancient tongue while forcing me down onto my knees.

The doppelganger first places its boltcaster to my forehead, and then mimes cutting my belly open with the mining beam. It smiles pleasantly. I am to choose my desired execution.
TRA_MON_OPT_A_9 A bolt to the brain
TRA_MON_OPT_B_9 A laser beam to the torso
TRA_MON_OPT_C_9 Fight back
TRA_MON_RES_A_9 I close my eyes and await death. It does not come.

The doppelganger leaves me a multi-tool technology blueprint.
TRA_MON_RES_B_9 I close my eyes and wait to be scythed open. The pain never comes.

The doppelganger leaves me an exosuit technology blueprint.
TRA_MON_RES_C_9 My flailing attack is blocked by a shove of my twin’s multi-tool.

The doppelganger laughs before disappearing.
DNT_TRA_MON_LANG_10 Burn almighty First Spawn obedient ToilGek! Respect First Spawn belongings!
TRA_MON_DESC_10 A barely visible crack down the centre of the ancient edifice spits out dust. The monolith shakes, and two vast doors swing open. The interior of the ancient structure is hollow, and has been used as a burial chamber.

An ancient beaked lifeform with bulging eyes lies desiccated atop an unlit funeral pyre. At its feet lie ancient treasures and technologies that have been left with it for its next life… wherever that might be
TRA_MON_OPT_A_10 Light pyre with Mining Beam
TRA_MON_OPT_B_10 Take tomb treasures
TRA_MON_RES_A_10 As it burns the corpse awakes. It nods to me, howling in pleasure.

It leaves me its tribute.
TRA_MON_RES_B_10 I snatch away some of the corpse’s tribute.

The doors slam shut, but an ancient curse hangs heavy around me.
DNT_TRA_MON_LANG_11 Friend… worship us… kneel before the Gek First Spawn in silence…
TRA_MON_DESC_11 The Monolith stands forlorn and seemingly forgotten. If I strain, I can see faint marks in the ground where ancient tribes would once come to worship and commune with the edifice. A gust of alien breeze carries a faint whisper of a voice. I struggle to hear it.

Again, the voice echoes around me. Stronger this time. I try to make out the words desperately crying out for my attention.
TRA_MON_OPT_A_11 Kneel
TRA_MON_OPT_B_11 Try to communicate
TRA_MON_OPT_C_11 Turn away
TRA_MON_RES_A_11 The spirits that have combined with this strange monument bless my journey.
TRA_MON_RES_B_11 There is no answer to my call. I talk only to the wind.
TRA_MON_RES_C_11 The spirits that are melded with strange monument remain silent.
DNT_TRA_MON_LANG_12 Feed First Spawn beak common oxides! Rare oxide brings painful noise! Furious noise!
TRA_MON_DESC_12 A beak emerges from the ancient stone. It’s shouting, but can’t be heard. In the stone above someone, long ago, has scrawled advice for those who would approach it.

The beak screams wordlessly at me, furiously intoning the words of the ancient beings that once worshipped here. My scanner detects traces of oxides around it, but can’t specify which ones.
TRA_MON_OPT_A_12 Feed beak common oxide
TRA_MON_OPT_B_12 Feed beak uncommon oxide
TRA_MON_OPT_C_12 Feed beak rare oxide
TRA_MON_RES_A_12 The beak whispers the words of those who once worshipped here.
TRA_MON_RES_B_12 The beak shouts the words of those who once worshipped here.
TRA_MON_RES_C_12 The beak screams the words of those who once worshipped here.

The noise is extreme. I feel great pain.
DNT_TRA_MON_LANG_13 First Spawn friend receive belongings of the executed. Murder fat trader, or murder rich miner?
TRA_MON_DESC_13 I see a strange vision. Time is reverted. I am sat on a platform looking down on an execution. Two small beaked traders are kneeling before me. One is small and wiry, the other is obese with jowls that brush the wooden stage. Another lifeform, who wears a green cloth mask, readies an axe behind them.

The traders beg me for mercy. The familiar dry, croaky voice of an ancient tribe whispers encouragement into my ear…
TRA_MON_OPT_A_13 Execute fat lifeform
TRA_MON_OPT_B_13 Execute thin lifeform
TRA_MON_OPT_C_13 Show mercy
TRA_MON_RES_A_13 The fat lifeform is finally beheaded after three strikes of the axe.

I receive its worldly goods.
TRA_MON_RES_B_13 The thin lifeform is finally beheaded after a single of the axe.

I receive all the money it owns.
TRA_MON_RES_C_13 In this timeline at least, the two lifeforms are saved. They weep and thank me.

The spirits of the monolith are displeased.
DNT_TRA_MON_LANG_14 Beware! Murderous abomination! Do not awake! Terror! Despair!
TRA_MON_DESC_14 A strange new reality grips me. The ancient structure swings open to reveal a body encased in ice. It is a patchwork of different body parts. Its ragged beak appears to have been stitched on with animal gut.

A hand-written sign in the language of the ancient traders can be seen above the body’s head. A flammable isotope would most likely melt the ice…
TRA_MON_OPT_A_14 Melt ice
TRA_MON_OPT_B_14 Leave
TRA_MON_RES_A_14 The creature’s eyes flick open. Its hands leap around my throat.

I force it back into the depths of the disapproving Monolith.
TRA_MON_RES_B_14 The panel on the Monolith swings shut.

The abomination remains trapped. I am thanked.
DNT_TRA_MON_LANG_15 Stop the destruction! Save the Monolith! Protect the First Spawn!
TRA_MON_DESC_15 I am an observer. I witness beaked traders dressed in modern exosuits leaving an object at the base of a Monolith. It is a small mesh of wires and canisters. They charge it with rare isotopes, then quickly depart.

As if in a dream, I approach the ancient edifice. It all suddenly feels real. I live and breathe in the recent past.
TRA_MON_OPT_A_15 Leave object alone
TRA_MON_OPT_B_15 Remove rare isotopes
TRA_MON_RES_A_15 The device explodes. Reality is restored.

The Monolith was not destroyed, but the spirits that haunt this place are angered.
TRA_MON_RES_B_15 The device is made safe. It was due to explode.

Reality is restored. I am thanked.
DNT_TRA_MON_LANG_16 Retain foul First Spawn stench! Remove sweet eggs from the spawning syrup!
TRA_MON_DESC_16 Reality changes. I’m standing in a crater beneath a jet black sky. I’m up to my knees in a strange syrup that glows pink in the darkness. Spherical eggs float around me. Some of these mucus-covered orbs smell terrible, others are sweet and delicate.

The taint of the foul eggs is infecting the entirety of the spawning pool. I am filled by an urge to separate them.
TRA_MON_OPT_A_16 Remove noxious eggs from pool
TRA_MON_OPT_B_16 Remove sweet-smelling eggs from pool
TRA_MON_RES_A_16 I have angered the ancients Gek spirits that dwell here.

Reality is restored.
TRA_MON_RES_B_16 I am smiled upon by vengeful ancient spirits.

Reality is restored.
DNT_TRA_MON_LANG_17 The First Spawn watches you underling. Cower and despair! The First Spawn watches you underling. Cower and despair! The First Spawn watches you underling. Cower and despair!
TRA_MON_DESC_17 I am being watched. I look above, and see a giant lidless eye hovering over the monolith. It stares down at me unblinkingly. It does not move. It does not look elsewhere.

Its gaze is remorseless. It feels like it has always been there. Its centre crackles with a bright technological blue…
TRA_MON_OPT_A_17 Cower
TRA_MON_OPT_B_17 Stare back
TRA_MON_OPT_C_17 Shoot eye
TRA_MON_RES_A_17 The satisfied eye fades away.

It benevolently leaves a gift.
TRA_MON_RES_B_17 The eye fades away at my challenge.
TRA_MON_RES_C_17 The eye falls to the planet’s surface, and is absorbed into the ground.

It leaves behind me a precious reward…
DNT_TRA_MON_LANG_18 ToilGek dare approach First Spawn holy site? Leave! Leave! Depart or die!
TRA_MON_DESC_18 I hear a low rumble, which gradually builds into an ancient scream. It’s like no other noise I’ve ever experienced. To this strange alien landscape it’s a calm silence, inside my helmet it’s a nightmarish cacophony of pain and death.

Through the noise, however, I can make out some words within the screams.
TRA_MON_OPT_A_18 Touch Monolith
TRA_MON_OPT_B_18 Move away
TRA_MON_RES_A_18 The vengeful spirits that inhabit this place are grateful for my obedience.
TRA_MON_RES_B_18 The vengeful sprits that inhabit this place punish my disobedience.
DNT_TRA_MON_LANG_19 Advancement through pain! Eyes for knowledge. Tongue for language.
TRA_MON_DESC_19 My reality inverts. I am chained on the monolith, my arms are in manacles above my head and my feet are dangling several feet from the ground. A creature, its beak showing through the blackened animal hide mask, approaches on stilts. It wields a red hot metal rod.

It pecks at my eyes, then pecks at my tongue. I must choose my punishment.
TRA_MON_OPT_A_19 Choose eyes
TRA_MON_OPT_B_19 Choose tongue
TRA_MON_OPT_C_19 Beg for mercy
TRA_MON_RES_A_19 The creature plunges its poker into my right eye. This reality fades.

I am left with knowledge.
TRA_MON_RES_B_19 The creature plunges its poker into my mouth. The vision fades.

I am gifted the knowledge of an alien language.
TRA_MON_RES_C_19 The creature disappears and reality reverts.

The metal rod remains…
DNT_TRA_MON_LANG_20 First Spawn demand tax. Pay units immediately.
TRA_MON_DESC_20 A small green hand reaches out through the stone monolith, its fingernails yellowed and dirty. It opens to show an empty palm, and waits for my response.

This feels like part of an ancient tradition. There is no malice, just cold expectation.
TRA_MON_OPT_A_20 Give element
TRA_MON_OPT_B_20 Give units
TRA_MON_OPT_C_20 Refuse
TRA_MON_RES_A_20 The collector refuses my offering. It curses me.
TRA_MON_RES_B_20 The collector takes my offering. The spirits that dwell here are appeased.
TRA_MON_RES_C_20 The collector is offended. I am cursed.

Monoliths #2 - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH

Had to split due to character limit. This part contains the Korvax

Monoliths #2 - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
Korvax (dict)
Option Name
EXPLORER_MONOLITH_OP_NAME_1 Offer an item from your inventory.
EXPLORER_MONOLITH_OP_NAME_3 Thank the Korvax Echoes.
EXPLORER_MONOLITH_OP_NAME_4 Shout in agreement.
EXPLORER_MONOLITH_OP_NAME_5 Indicate your agreement.
EXPLORER_MONOLITH_OP_NAME_6 Learn a Korvax word before the inscription fades.
EXPLORER_MONOLITH_OP_NAME_7 Daub the Monolith with evidence of your own scientific knowledge.
EXPLORER_MONOLITH_OP_NAME_8 Appeal for knowledge.
EXPLORER_MONOLITH_OP_NAME_9 State your ignorance.
EXPLORER_MONOLITH_OP_NAME_10 Bow down and worship.
EXPLORER_MONOLITH_OP_NAME_11 Show your disdain.
EXPLORER_MONOLITH_OP_NAME_12 Ignore the Korvax Echoes.
EXPLORER_MONOLITH_OP_NAME_13 Shout in disagreement.
EXPLORER_MONOLITH_OP_NAME_14 Indicate that you disagree.
EXPLORER_MONOLITH_OP_NAME_16 Attempt to read the ancient symbols.
EXPLORER_MONOLITH_OP_NAME_17 Shout in disapproval.
EXPLORER_MONOLITH_OP_NAME_19 State your intelligence.
Option Text
EXPLORER_MONOLITH_OPTION_TEXT_1 The Korvax Echoes smile upon you.
EXPLORER_MONOLITH_OPTION_TEXT_3 Your Korvax word bank expands!
EXPLORER_MONOLITH_OPTION_TEXT_4 The Korvax Echoes have been angered.
EXPLORER_MONOLITH_OPTION_TEXT_5 The Korvax Echoes are disappointed in you.
DNT_EXP_MON_LANG_1 Calm, child.
EXP_MON_DESC_1 I feel faint, as if my mind is being invaded. Pustules on my skin grow, bubble and pop - and I feel countless tiny stabbing pin-pricks scrabbling from each gaping hole.

Suddenly metal spiders, perhaps tiny Sentinels, run up my shoulder and into my visor. Can this be real? This CANNOT be real. I start to scream.
EXP_MON_OPT_A_1 Wait it out
EXP_MON_OPT_B_1 Fire weapon
EXP_MON_OPT_C_1 Remove helmet and scrape away tiny metal spiders
EXP_MON_RES_A_1 The hallucination fades. I have passed some sort of test.

A reward materialises.
EXP_MON_RES_B_1 The hold on my mind is shattered when I strike the monolith.

Reality is restored.
EXP_MON_RES_C_1 The metal spiders enter my skull, and I foolishly rip off my helmet.

The hallucination fades. The pain does not.
DNT_EXP_MON_LANG_2 Korvax Echoes will advance the Traveller. Korvax Echoes will advance Traveller’s technology.
EXP_MON_DESC_2 Tiny floating tetrahedrons emerge from the planet’s surface and surround me. I try to wave them away with my multi-tool, but each time they swarm closer to it - as if attracted to it somehow.

I raise my multi-tool, and they shimmer blue as they dart this way and that. Closer and closer. They are within touching distance of my multitool. They make one final surge…
EXP_MON_OPT_A_2 Let the tetrahedrons in
EXP_MON_OPT_B_2 Escape the tetrahedron cloud
EXP_MON_RES_A_2 My multi-tool glows bright blue.

I have a new technology blueprint.
EXP_MON_RES_B_2 The sharp edges of the floating objects rip holes in my exosuit.

I gasp for air while it repairs.
DNT_EXP_MON_LANG_3 Sleep, child. Korvax Echoes bless you.
EXP_MON_DESC_3 I begin to feel dizzy. A strange lethargy comes over me, and I feel compelled to lie down in front of the ancient relic. This place feels calming. It feels like home, wherever that might have once been.

I know that if I truly wanted to fight the impulse to sleep I probably could, but I feel warm and comfortable basking in the glow of the ancient runes.
EXP_MON_OPT_B_3 Resist
EXP_MON_RES_A_3 I sleep deeply.

I awake reinvigorated.
EXP_MON_RES_B_3 I resist the command of the monolith.

Its power fades.
DNT_EXP_MON_LANG_4 Korvax Echoes command: reward yourself.
EXP_MON_DESC_4 A flickering reflection of my own body emerges from a portal. It mimics every move I make. When I wave, it waves. When I raise my multi-tool, it copies instantly. The doppelganger makes a motion to suggest it wants something, and we both recoil when I realise I’ve instinctively matched its movements.

Its body shimmers, but its equipment looks somehow real. Its multi-tool looks better than my own. The dimensional irregularity is fading.
EXP_MON_OPT_A_4 Give multi-tool
EXP_MON_OPT_B_4 Give Propulsion Gel
EXP_MON_OPT_C_4 Shoot doppelganger
EXP_MON_RES_A_4 We hand each other our multi-tools before the doppelganger disappears.

The mirror-me fades, but the gift can remain.
EXP_MON_RES_B_4 We hand each other propulsion gel before the doppelganger disappears.

The mirror-me fades, but both gifts remain.
EXP_MON_RES_C_4 I see my own look of fear in the doppelganger as I pull the trigger.

I blast myself in the chest.
DNT_EXP_MON_LANG_5 Reject greed. Embrace Atlas.
EXP_MON_DESC_5 For many ages it appears that pilgrims have carved numerical figures between the glowing glyphs of the monolith. Looking down, I notice an ancient coin. I scrape the ground with my boot, and unearth several more.

The site is otherwise silent. Perhaps it’s eternally unresponsive, or perhaps it waits for something.
EXP_MON_OPT_A_5 Offer units
EXP_MON_OPT_B_5 Take coins
EXP_MON_RES_A_5 The echoes that dwell here awake.

They thank and bless me.
EXP_MON_RES_B_5 The echoes that dwell here awake.

They are disappointed.
DNT_EXP_MON_LANG_6 Korvax Echoes bless technology. Allow entrance.
EXP_MON_DESC_6 I stand next to the powerful glow of the monolith, studying ancient runes, when suddenly my multi-tool begins to heat up. I can see wisps of a strange blue energy being pulled in from the obelisk and surrounding my combat attachments.

If I pull the trigger, the exhaust will automatically open - allowing this strange ethereal substance into the body of my equipment.
EXP_MON_OPT_A_6 Pull the trigger
EXP_MON_OPT_B_6 Dismiss the attentions of the monolith
EXP_MON_RES_A_6 The blue energy field fills my multi-tool.

It somehow installs a new technology blueprint.
EXP_MON_RES_B_6 The blue energy slowly dissipates.

I feel alone once more.
DNT_EXP_MON_LANG_7 Bathe in our waters. Feel Korvax Echoes calm.
EXP_MON_DESC_7 I’m running my fingers over the ancient glowing runes, when I look down. An expanding pool of liquid metal has rippled out of the obelisk’s base. My feet have already been covered. In the bright reflection I see my expression turn to horror as I begin to sink.

I feel warming hands on my legs, pulling me down into the silver sheet. Every hazard detection device on my multi-tool is going haywire. Radiation, heat, cold… every danger imaginable.
EXP_MON_OPT_B_7 Struggle
EXP_MON_RES_A_7 I emerge from the metal pool in a fetal position. I feel alive and reinvigorated.

Some equipment is repaired and recharged.
EXP_MON_RES_B_7 I thrash from side to side in the metal pool.

I am free, but the hazards have taken their toll.
DNT_EXP_MON_LANG_8 Past is dead. Reconstruction impossible.
EXP_MON_DESC_8 I see a strange vision. Blue light pours from the monolith as if a curtain has been dropped within. I hear a gentle hubbub of voices, and catch a familiar smell on the breeze. I cannot remember my home, but I know that this doorway leads there.

I ache for a past I cannot remember. Every inch of my soul wants to make the leap back. I look to the skies, and the infinity beyond. Can I truly abandon my journey, when it’s only just begun?
EXP_MON_OPT_A_8 Step back into the past
EXP_MON_OPT_B_8 Resist temptation
EXP_MON_RES_A_8 The portal slips shut as soon as I make a move.

I feel the pity of the spirits that live in this place.
EXP_MON_RES_B_8 I try to capture a memory of these sensations, before turning away.

The spirits that dwell here admire my decision. I am rewarded.
DNT_EXP_MON_LANG_9 Korvax Entities escaped slavery. Korvax Echoes share this knowledge.
EXP_MON_DESC_9 Two stone blocks slowly revolve on the base of the monolith. Two beads of red light then trace images on each one. The red lights then pool together and liquefy in an indentation below. The closer I get, the more agitated the red pool becomes.

The images both show masked electronic lifeforms. The first shows the lifeform absorbing power to break free from its shackles. The second shows it hiding from its captors.
EXP_MON_OPT_A_9 Place hand on the lifeform breaking free
EXP_MON_OPT_B_9 Place hand on the lifeform taking shelter
EXP_MON_RES_A_9 The red liquid surges into my multi-tool.

It somehow unlocks a technology blueprint.
EXP_MON_RES_B_9 The red liquid surges into my exosuit.

It somehow unlocks a technology blueprint.
DNT_EXP_MON_LANG_10 Korvax Echoes embrace Traveller gift.
EXP_MON_DESC_10 A chiselled hole appears at the foot of the obelisk. From its smoothed edges and the scraped markings around it, it’s clear that over centuries unknown creatures have pushed elements through this gap.

It’s impossible to tell quite what will happen, but below it are three blocks of the exact same dimensions that look like they can be turned by a mechanism deep within the monolith itself. I search my gear for the rare elements that look like they could fit…
EXP_MON_OPT_A_10 Insert rare isotope
EXP_MON_OPT_B_10 Insert rare silicate
EXP_MON_OPT_C_10 Insert rare oxide
EXP_MON_RES_A_10 The monolith somehow transforms my offering.
EXP_MON_RES_B_10 The monolith somehow increases my offering.
EXP_MON_RES_C_10 The monolith somehow increases my offering.
DNT_EXP_MON_LANG_11 Behold the holy Atlas stone. Avoid contact. Show respect.
EXP_MON_DESC_11 The Monolith disappears. The landscape around me seems the same, but somehow the planetary vegetation has moved. Sitting central to where the mysterious stone once stood is a red glowing orb.

The intensity of the orb burns the ground beneath it. It crackles with an unknown power. I feel compelled to pick it up, and become a part of it. A distant voice speaks to me…
EXP_MON_OPT_A_11 Hold red orb
EXP_MON_OPT_B_11 Stand back
EXP_MON_RES_A_11 The red orb scorches my skin.

I am torn back to my own reality.
EXP_MON_RES_B_11 The red orb convulses, hovers up and plunges into my chest.

I am blessed and rejuvenated. Reality is restored.
DNT_EXP_MON_LANG_12 Korvax Echoes bless with language. Do not resist.
EXP_MON_DESC_12 I’m trying to read the ancient glyphs when a liquid metal lasso emerges and wraps itself around my helmet. It freezes in place, before pulling my head into contact with the glow of the monolith.

The ancient stone is warm, and deep inside I hear the hum of an arcane technology as it prepares to unleash itself. I look up back up to the glyphs to try to guess why this might be happening. They talk to me in an alien tongue.
EXP_MON_OPT_A_12 Pull free
EXP_MON_RES_A_12 An entire language floods every part of my mind.

I retain what I can. The rest fades almost instantaneously.
EXP_MON_RES_B_12 I wrench myself free. The strange metal connector sparks and hisses.

I retain the rare elements it was made from…
DNT_EXP_MON_LANG_13 Past is dead. Youth is over. Only the traveller journey remains.
EXP_MON_DESC_13 A child emerges from the monolith. It takes a few moments before I realise that… it’s me. I look carefree and innocent. The little one stares up at my exosuit, and tries to see me through my visor.

The child suddenly starts to weep, and clings to my knees. It implores me never to leave. It doesn’t want to be alone. I should stay here forever. We should be reunited. Whole again once more.
EXP_MON_OPT_B_13 Comfort, then leave
EXP_MON_OPT_C_13 Leave
EXP_MON_RES_A_13 The child withdraws and shakes its head.

I try to embrace it. It turns to dust.
EXP_MON_RES_B_13 The child understands. We embrace.

It leaves me with a gift.
EXP_MON_RES_C_13 The child wails. It can’t understand my decision.

The monolith looks down upon us in silent judgement.
DNT_EXP_MON_LANG_14 Korvax Echoes request! Traveller! Restore holy casing to Korvax Convergence! Ignore valuable casing! Please!
EXP_MON_DESC_14 An empty shell of an electronic lifeform emerges from the monolith. It is ancient and weather-beaten. The light in its mask has been extinguished for many centuries.

It holds a rusted canister in its hand, and my scanner detects that it once held silicates. The scan also reveals an unknown substance deep within the defunct entity’s casing.
EXP_MON_OPT_A_14 Add silicate to canister
EXP_MON_OPT_B_14 Open casing
EXP_MON_RES_A_14 The lights in the mask flicker on. The casing convulses before being absorbed back into the monolith.

I am blessed.
EXP_MON_RES_B_14 I crack open the metal casing and retrieve a valuable reward.

A strange feeling of coldness and desolation comes over me as I do so…
DNT_EXP_MON_LANG_15 Overpowered Korvax Echoes subvert reality. Restore order. Remove power. Remove isotope.
EXP_MON_DESC_15 The land around me suddenly inverts. My reality is flipped. The inside of the planet is hollow, and I’m standing at the base of its vast bowl. Around me the roots of trees push upwards from uncovered alien soil.

I look down, and see the foundations of the Monolith raised at my feet. Crystalline veins of different elements pulsate through the exposed rock. I hear a lifeform screaming in binary.
EXP_MON_OPT_A_15 Extract isotopes
EXP_MON_OPT_B_15 Extract silicates
EXP_MON_OPT_C_15 Extract oxides
EXP_MON_RES_A_15 Reality is restored. Inversion ends.

I am thanked.
EXP_MON_RES_B_15 The inversion gets worse. I feel as if every part of me is fed through itself.

I emerge alive, but broken.
DNT_EXP_MON_LANG_16 Traveller! Move back to join future. Touch monolith to restore timeline.
EXP_MON_DESC_16 My movements seem normal, but everything else is running faster than it should. The sun spins around this globe in seconds, days endlessly turn to night and back again. The creatures that graze and hunt around site pass by in a blur.

I’m trapped in a time vortex. Numbers on my multi-tool seem to tick higher and higher. The closer I get to the Monolith, the more disturbance is added to the timeline…
EXP_MON_OPT_A_16 Touch monolith
EXP_MON_OPT_B_16 Move away
EXP_MON_RES_A_16 The timeline is reverted and restored.

Nothing has changed.
EXP_MON_RES_B_16 I step out into the future.

My experience is unchanged, but galactic interest rates have had an effect on my unit count.
DNT_EXP_MON_LANG_17 Traveller, retreat! Korvax Echoes give protection. Move back.
EXP_MON_DESC_17 I am being watched. A red laser dot appears on the ancient stone structure. I’m a target. I turn, but can’t see the potential assailant. Somewhere out there on the alien landscape, someone’s about to pull a trigger.

There’s no cover to speak of, and no time to get behind the obelisk. Suddenly, the words of an unknown power blaze brightly on the monolith.
EXP_MON_OPT_A_17 Touch monolith
EXP_MON_OPT_B_17 Move back
EXP_MON_OPT_C_17 Stand still
EXP_MON_RES_A_17 The monolith does nothing. A distant crack of a long-range boltcaster wounds me.

Beyond that, silence.
EXP_MON_RES_B_17 I quickly move back, allowing a bright red energy surge to build in the Monolith.

It targets a distant figure, who is swiftly vaporised.
DNT_EXP_MON_LANG_18 Traveller. Embrace unknown. Shine light in darkness. Discover galaxy centre.
EXP_MON_DESC_18 Stars have aligned above the monolith. In the heavens above two distinct lines of distant suns can be seen stretching out into the depths of space. To be here at this exact moment in time, when the moving parts of the galaxy are aligned so perfectly, would seem almost an impossibility.

I am filled with a strange calm. One line of stars points towards the glow of a dull red giant, the other an unseen point far, far beyond my vision.
EXP_MON_OPT_A_18 Choose red giant
EXP_MON_OPT_B_18 Choose unseen point
EXP_MON_RES_A_18 The stars seem to move out of alignment.

I am unrewarded, and alone.
EXP_MON_RES_B_18 I am blessed with a gift that will aid my journey to this distant, unknown location.
DNT_EXP_MON_LANG_19 Beware! Monolith create dangerous toxins! Poison! Move back!
EXP_MON_DESC_19 I feel faint. Ill, even. Looking around, the vegetation that surrounds this ancient structure looks withered and sickly. The creatures of the planet, meanwhile, appear to keep their distance. Environmental warning sensors in my exosuit are behaving erratically.

I could tie some of my Protection Mesh’s operations to this place, but it’s unclear exactly what. The answer perhaps lies in a warning that’s been etched into the stone…
EXP_MON_OPT_A_19 Reduce monolith’s toxicity
EXP_MON_OPT_B_19 Dampen monolith’s radiation
EXP_MON_RES_A_19 The toxins released by the monolith are temporarily contained.

I am thanked by the planetary overseer.
EXP_MON_RES_B_19 The monolith continues to poison the land around it, and myself.

Monoliths #3 - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH

Had to split due to character limit. This part contains the Vy’keen

Monoliths #3 - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
Vy’keen (dict)
Option Name
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_5 Fire your weapon at the monolith.
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_6 Make a barking noise.
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_7 Learn a Vy’keen word before the inscription fades.
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_8 Place your hand inside the portal.
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_11 Fire your weapon in the air.
Option Text
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_TEXT_1 The Vy’keen Ancients wish you glory.
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_TEXT_2 The Vy’keen Ancients are satisfied.
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_TEXT_3 The Vy’keen Ancients are angered.
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_TEXT_4 Your Vy’keen word bank expands!
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_TEXT_5 The Vy’keen Ancients reward your fearlessness.
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_TEXT_6 The Vy’keen Ancients laugh at you.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_1 Isotope given. Ice thaws. Vy’keen rise.
WAR_MON_DESC_1 I am trying to read the glyphs on the ancient monument when I feel a strange chill. A layer of frozen gas suddenly coats the monolith from bottom to top. It’s so cold that I can see my breath inside my helmet.

There is one small gap in the crystal ice, and I feel convinced that I could feed some of my mined elements through it, so they can come into contact with the monolith behind.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_1 Insert isotope element
WAR_MON_OPT_B_1 Insert oxide element
WAR_MON_OPT_C_1 Insert silicate element
WAR_MON_RES_A_1 The frozen gas melts into the atmosphere.

I am rewarded.
WAR_MON_RES_B_1 There is silence.

My elements are not returned.
WAR_MON_RES_C_1 There is silence.

My elements are not returned.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_2 Respect the Warrior! Respect their weapon!
WAR_MON_DESC_2 The body of a warrior emerges from the obelisk, a jagged tear in their midriff suggesting that the dangerous-looking multi-tool that sits in their hand was not enough to save them.

The surface of the sculpted rock blurs and shows images of military worship. It’s trying to tell me something.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_2 Bury the soldier and multi-tool
WAR_MON_OPT_B_2 Take the multi-tool and leave
WAR_MON_RES_A_2 Ancient voices howl their appreciation in a wind that whips around me.

An offering emerges from the monolith.
WAR_MON_RES_B_2 I take the multi-tool from the body.

I’m about to turn to leave when a crimson bolt of energy strikes me on the right shoulder.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_3 Grah! Vy’keen Ancients bless your journey!
WAR_MON_DESC_3 I see a strange vision. A small terrified creature emerges from the monolith and runs between my legs. I hear the noises of an ancient hunt: the howls of pack animals in pursuit and the thunder of hooves.

Warriors on vast beasts charge through the rock, and amidst the chaos one sees me staring. It raises its facial tendrils in greeting, barks a few words and swings a bladed weapon down towards me.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_3 Grab weapon
WAR_MON_OPT_B_3 Dodge weapon
WAR_MON_RES_A_3 The hallucination fades, but the blade remains.

It transforms into a multi-tool I can use.
WAR_MON_RES_B_3 I dodge the warrior’s attack.

The hunt disappears, and I am left alone.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_4 The command of the Vy’keen Ancients! Sacrifice the beast! Blood for Hirk!
WAR_MON_DESC_4 The monolith shows images of creatures lying dead before it. Each sacrificed, butchered and offered up to whatever Gods were once worshipped here.

Suddenly, the head of a small woodland animal raises up through the earth below me. It stares at me with wide-eyes, then gives a joyful skip when its tiny hooves reach ground level. Something is clearly expected of me…
WAR_MON_OPT_A_4 Sacrifice the creature
WAR_MON_OPT_B_4 Let the creature live
WAR_MON_RES_A_4 I blast the woodland animal in two.

I am rewarded for this offering.
WAR_MON_RES_B_4 The creature skips around my feet with joyful abandon.

It runs away and out of sight.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_5 Choose healing blood or renergising bile of the Vy’keen Ancients. Drink destiny.
WAR_MON_DESC_5 Two ancient stone cups materialise in front of the monolith. One is filled with a dark red viscous liquid, the other contains a sticky fluid that is bright yellow and smells powerfully bitter.

On the stone tablet behind the cups ancient glyphs swirl to form an image. A powerful and muscular warrior surrounded by a red halo challenges an opponent clad in bright yellow armour.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_5 Drink the viscous red liquid
WAR_MON_OPT_B_5 Drink the bitter yellow liquid
WAR_MON_RES_A_5 The liquid seems to clot as I swallow it.

I feel somehow reinvigorated.
WAR_MON_RES_B_5 The liquid tastes foul as it washes down my throat.

Suddenly an unknown power repairs all my equipment.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_6 Pathetic dead coward lies here! Interloper! Take your remuneration…
WAR_MON_DESC_6 The monolith rips like paper, opening a window to another world. It is laced with a giant web. Just within my reach, an ancient warrior lies cocooned. It has been there for centuries. Dead, vacant eyes stare through me and on into the landscape beyond.

It carries a rusted multi-tool, while a bulging webbed sack on its chest suggests it might carry greater riches on its body. Suddenly, the strange leathery growth starts to move…
WAR_MON_OPT_A_6 Take multi-tool
WAR_MON_OPT_B_6 Search body
WAR_MON_RES_A_6 The multi-tool is not operational.

I salvage a new technology blueprint.
WAR_MON_RES_B_6 Hundreds of arachnids burst from the warrior’s corpse.

Their bites are poison, but my search is rewarded.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_7 Respect the Vy’keen Ancients sacrifice. The beast has holy sight.
WAR_MON_DESC_7 A portal opens on the monolith, and the body of a huge winged animal falls to my feet. Its throat has been ritually cut, and its wings have been tattooed with faces of an ancient warrior tribe. The eyes though, the eyes look strange…

Its original eyes have been cut out, and replaced by glittering red orbs. The more I look, the more they blaze. An advanced technology clearly lies at their centre. Can I bear to desecrate this sacrifice for help with my journey?
WAR_MON_OPT_A_7 Remove sacrifice’s eyes
WAR_MON_OPT_B_7 Respect sacrifice
WAR_MON_RES_A_7 The red orbs glow, then crackle information through my multi-tool.

I gain a blueprint, but have angered an unknown power.
WAR_MON_RES_B_7 The ancients that dwell here smile on my decision.

I am blessed.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_8 Feed the beast
WAR_MON_DESC_8 The giant mouth of an ancient hound suddenly emerges through the face of the monolith. It opens its jaws wide, and foul-smelling spittle streaks my visor. My nausea is tempered by the sight of valuable commodities balanced on its giant tongue.

In a sudden movement the hound shifts the goods to one side of its mouth, spraying saliva over my arms. There’s space on the tongue for more, should I wish to give up some of my cargo…
WAR_MON_OPT_A_8 Place goods on giant hound tongue
WAR_MON_OPT_B_8 Remove goods from giant hound tongue
WAR_MON_RES_A_8 The hound swallows my offerings, and licks me enthusiastically.

I am blessed by an ancient power.
WAR_MON_RES_B_8 The giant beast clamps its jaws, puncturing my arm with a yellowed canine.

I retrieve the offering.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_9 Brave interloper! Resist fear!
WAR_MON_DESC_9 An ancient warrior’s feet and legs slowly emerge from the bottom of the monolith. The rest of its torso then follows, unceremoniously pushed out onto the alien turf. It has been decapitated.

Blood drips at my feet and high above me a disembodied head laughs at my shock. It shouts a guttural command of encouragement down to me. Behind, I hear an ancient blade unsheathe, and someone rushing towards me…
WAR_MON_RES_A_9 A spectral blade passes through my neck. I pass the test.

The blood that drips from the warrior’s exposed neck turns into a reward.
WAR_MON_RES_B_9 A spectral blade passes over my head. The disembodied skull seems disappointed.

I have perhaps failed some sort of test.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_10 The Vy’keen feed the Atlas stone rare oxides. It builds. It towers.
WAR_MON_DESC_10 The monolith fragments before my eyes. It folds down in on itself, again and again, until it is a tiny red orb surrounded by dancing lights. It feels like something truly ancient, perhaps something divine, is showing me the origin of these strange constructions.

The oxides I carry are physically dragging me towards it - desperate to help it rebuild. It’s not so much that I’m a pilgrim bearing offerings in hope of a blessing, but more that the elements I carry want to offer themselves…
WAR_MON_OPT_A_10 Give common oxide
WAR_MON_OPT_B_10 Give uncommon oxide
WAR_MON_OPT_C_10 Give rare oxide
WAR_MON_RES_A_10 I see my insignificance within the infinite bounds of space.

The monolith slowly rebuilds inch by inch. I am pitied.
WAR_MON_RES_B_10 I see my true place within the infinite depth of space and time.

The monolith slowly rebuilds. It pities me.
WAR_MON_RES_C_10 I see my true place within the infinite depth of space and time.

The monolith rebuilds, and rewards me in consolation.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_11 The Vy’keen Ancients burn thieves and pirates.
WAR_MON_DESC_11 I place my palm on the monolith, then stand back when it melts in response to my touch. Molten rock drips down the stone, exposing a hollow interior. Inside, I see riches that are beyond belief. Ancient technologies and cargo that would aid my journey.

Lava continues to drop, and the edifice seems unstable, but equipment that could aid me is within arm’s reach. Suddenly, the voice of an ancient tribe shakes the ground I stand on…
WAR_MON_OPT_A_11 Reach in
WAR_MON_OPT_B_11 Stand back
WAR_MON_RES_A_11 The molten monolith collapses onto my exosuit.

The edifice is reconstructed – the damage remains.
WAR_MON_RES_B_11 The ancient warriors who once worshipped here bless my show of respect.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_12 Grah! Learn language of the conquerors! Learn language of the conquered!
WAR_MON_DESC_12 There are three vast columns of words on the ancient structure, each written in a different alphabet. The first column’s words are like savage runes scratched in sand, the second shows precise sequences of dots. The final column has wide and welcoming letters, almost appearing hand-written in hard stone.

The dirt and blood of ancient hand prints cover the base of each column.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_12 Press hand against runes
WAR_MON_OPT_B_12 Press hand against dots
WAR_MON_OPT_C_12 Press hand against letters
WAR_MON_RES_A_12 The ancient spirits that dwell here infuse me with the language of their warrior descendants.
WAR_MON_RES_B_12 The ancient spirits that dwell here infuse me with the language of a distant race of electronic lifeforms.
WAR_MON_RES_C_12 The ancient spirits that dwell here infuse me with the language of a distant race of beaked traders.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_13 Rebuild the ancient warrior body. Restore monolith power.
WAR_MON_DESC_13 I become a part of a strange new reality. The ancient rock opens. Inside, the dried out heart of an ancient warrior is strung up between wooden pillars. It pulses slowly as it hangs there, still beating.

Lying below it on a dusty floor are a set of wrinkled lungs that look forever doomed to wheeze stale air. A desiccated eyeball stares up at me. Unblinking.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_13 Shoot heart
WAR_MON_OPT_B_13 Place lungs with heart
WAR_MON_OPT_C_13 Respectfully depart
WAR_MON_RES_A_13 I hear an ancient scream.

The monolith’s power fades.
WAR_MON_RES_B_13 The heart and lungs pulse in harmony.

The monolith’s power is restored.
WAR_MON_RES_C_13 The monolith closes.

I hear disappointed wails from inside.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_14 Choose your warrior! Vy’keen ancients reward interloper howl!
WAR_MON_DESC_14 I live within a new reality. I am inside a vast coliseum and beneath a blood red sky. The noise is overpowering. Warriors scream and bark at the battle set up before them.

Two combatants are squaring up on the crimson sand. One has lost its blade, and hides behind a shield. The other stalks towards it, with a spear raised. I feel compelled to add my voice to the howl of the mob.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_14 Support endangered gladiator
WAR_MON_OPT_B_14 Support spear-wielding gladiator
WAR_MON_RES_A_14 The gladiator decapitates its foe with the sharpened shield. It bows towards me.

I am thanked with something to defend me.
WAR_MON_RES_B_14 The gladiator plunges the spear straight through its rival’s head. It bows towards me.

I am thanked with something to help me destroy my enemies.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_15 Seal gap! Protect Monolith! Precious valuable material lost! Use oxide!
WAR_MON_DESC_15 I place my hand on the ancient structure and feel an intense heat burning within. Suddenly, as if attracted to my suit, a liquid metal starts to seep from a hole that’s been broken into the rock.

What starts as a drip, becomes a surge forcing itself through the gap. The monolith’s previous contents are draining, and its glow is starting to fade. A voice screams out.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_15 Plug hole with oxide
WAR_MON_OPT_B_15 Plug hole with silicate
WAR_MON_OPT_C_15 Take molten substance
WAR_MON_RES_A_15 The hole is sealed. The monolith’s contents are secured.

I am safe, and thanked.
WAR_MON_RES_B_15 The silicate reacts with the molten material. It vaporises, both within the structure and without.

The monolith’s power fades.
WAR_MON_RES_C_15 The molten material burns my suit.

Its value makes the pain worthwhile.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_16 Light brings power. Darkness brings resilience.
WAR_MON_DESC_16 The body of a gilled blob creature materialises on the surface of the rock. It is an ancient sacrifice, impaled through its wide, open eyes with metal spears.

Liquid is dripping from the body down the monolith through a channel cut into the rock by ancient hands. It can be diverted toward two carvings – one of a sun, the other of a moon.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_16 Divert body liquid to sun
WAR_MON_OPT_B_16 Divert body liquid to moon
WAR_MON_OPT_C_16 Take metal spears
WAR_MON_RES_A_16 The Monolith creates my chosen reward.

I am blessed.
WAR_MON_RES_B_16 I take the metal spears. The blob fades away.

I have disappointed an unknown power.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_17 Ancients consume interloper life force! Ancients reward interloper for rebirth! Closer! Faster! Closer! Faster!
WAR_MON_DESC_17 I feel drained. Readings on my multi-tool and exosuit start to gradually pull downwards, and a feeling of lethargy overwhelms me. I breathe normally, but my body screams for oxygen.

The monolith, silent and unmoving, towers above. A thought from outside my own mind starts to echo through my consciousness.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_17 Touch monolith
WAR_MON_OPT_B_17 Stand still
WAR_MON_OPT_C_17 Move away
WAR_MON_RES_A_17 The monolith swiftly drains life force through my outstretched arm.

It is rejuvenated, and I am rewarded.
WAR_MON_RES_B_17 The monolith slowly drains me of my life force.

After an extended period of lethargy and pain, I am rewarded.
WAR_MON_RES_C_17 I move beyond the reach of the life-draining monolith.

It towers above me. Implacable and disapproving.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_18 Hirk took the treasure of Nal after battle. Treasure now hides in the city of Hirk.
WAR_MON_DESC_18 It’s the time of day that this mysterious site becomes active. A beam of light shines down from the sky and is focused by ancient glyphs onto a stone surface marked with ancient carvings.

The beam of light slowly traces towards images scratched into the stone. A vast warrior battle, an alien city and what could be a stolen treasure. The hand prints of pilgrims cover each one…
WAR_MON_OPT_A_18 Touch battle image
WAR_MON_OPT_B_18 Touch city image
WAR_MON_OPT_C_18 Touch treasure image
WAR_MON_RES_A_18 The beam of light disappears.

I am left alone in this desolate place.
WAR_MON_RES_B_18 The image of the city begins to glow.

A part of an ancient treasure becomes mine.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_19 Warning! Keep clear! Ancient radiation pulse site!
WAR_MON_DESC_19 A sudden pulse of destructive energy flows through my exosuit. My multi-tools sensors sense another build-up of energy growing deep within the monolith. It will soon unleash itself on me, and the landscape that surrounds the ancient site.

I can use my Protection Mesh functions to dampen the imminent energy wave, but systems are too overwhelmed to identify it…
WAR_MON_OPT_A_19 Prepare to absorb radiation
WAR_MON_OPT_B_19 Prepare to absorb toxins
WAR_MON_RES_A_19 The radiation wave is absorbed and the site made safe once again.

The planetary overseer is grateful.
WAR_MON_RES_B_19 I am overwhelmed by the energy wave.

Systems cannot cope and planetary ecosystems are disrupted.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_20 Warrior accepts journey’s end. Embrace death.
WAR_MON_DESC_20 I am suddenly underwater. I am drowning. Water clogs my lungs. My chest is on fire. I gasp for air where there is none, and feel only tepid liquids filling me inside and out. My vision is clouding. I know this is my time. This is it. This is what it feels like.

Suddenly, a green hand thrusts itself through the surface of the water. The light is fading.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_20 Reach for hand
WAR_MON_RES_A_20 I reach for the hand, but it pushes me back down.

Reality reverts. I live, but have disappointed.
WAR_MON_RES_B_20 The lights go out. Reality reverts.

I have known death, and it makes me stronger. The ancients bless me.

Monoliths #4 - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH

Had to split due to character limit. This part contains the full NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH

Monoliths #4 - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
UI_CORE_MONOLITH_MSG1 Locate a Monolith
Use <IMG>SCAN<> to scan your surroundings.
Main Story
ACT2_STEP6_MONO_DESC I see the stone of the Monolith, its immovable muted silver. And yet something lurks beneath. It is grey and yet not grey, a crimson calling out from somewhere below its cool surface.
TUTORIAL_MONOLITH_LANG_1 Readying Anomaly Detection Protocols…
TUTORIAL_MONOLITH_DESC_1 This structure is unlike anything I’ve encountered on my journey so far. Everything about it is so obviously alien, so obviously out of place.

As I stare at it, words form themselves in my mind, a strange fragment of broken speech…

‘Is it Traveller? Is it friend?’
TUTORIAL_MONOLITH_DESC_2 It feels strange, responding to questions I am unsure that I am being asked.
But something has clearly taken notice of my reply. I am overwhelmed by a sense that something has awoken, that someone is watching me. It forms another question.

‘Is it first? Is it last?’
TUTORIAL_MONOLITH_DESC_3 I do not know how I am being spoken to. This monolith is ancient, and I cannot escape the feeling it has asked these questions many times over. It asks again,

‘Has it seen the Crimson Eye? Has the Crimson Eye seen it?’
TUTORIAL_MONOLITH_OPT_A_3 It has seen the Eye
TUTORIAL_MONOLITH_OPT_B_3 The Eye has seen it


Scientist Quest
NPC_SCI_MONO_DESC_1 I approach the Monolith, and prepare to insert the Korvax’s core within the dais. The structure looks as if it was made for such a moment.

NPC_SCI_MONO_WAIT_DESC It’s not working any more.
Technician Quest
NPC_EXO_MONO_LANG Know that I heard the word of the Atlas where Hirk had heard nothing.

In their rage, in their impotent jealousy, Hirk struck me from the mountain and I saw the truth of what the Monolith had said.

That my end would be an awakening. That in this dream, nothing should perish…

Or so it would be until the coming of the last Traveller. So it would be until the destruction of realities. Know this, the final testament of Nal…
NPC_EXO_MONO_DESC I approach the monolith. I am engulfed in its terrible truth. I see its words in the text of a thousand tongues, in the ephemera of countless stars.

I witness events that occurred millennia before my awakening…

I see two Vy’keen standing before a red glow, asking it of the universe.

I see a Gek and a Korvax, waiting side by side before me. And before the vision ends, I see a vision of something I have not seen before. Of something that does not belong in this or any place. Of hatred, grief, despair.

Of something that is yet to come…

I see the end of time, the end of all things. And in that crimson light, there is a figure, its hand held out before eternity…

I see all this, and then it is over. The monolith has nothing more to show me.
NPC_EXO_MONO_LANG1 Know that I heard the word of the Atlas where Hirk had heard nothing.
NPC_EXO_MONO_DESC1 I approach the monolith. I am engulfed in its terrible truth. I see its words in the text of a thousand tongues, in the ephemera of countless stars.
NPC_EXO_MONO_LANG2 In their rage, in their impotent jealousy, Hirk struck me from the mountain and I saw the truth of what the Monolith had said.
NPC_EXO_MONO_DESC2 I witness events that occurred millennia before my awakening…
I see two Vy’keen standing before a red glow, asking it of the universe.
NPC_EXO_MONO_LANG3 That my end would be an awakening. That in this dream, nothing should perish…
NPC_EXO_MONO_DESC3 I see a Gek and a Korvax, waiting side by side before me. And before the vision ends, I see a vision of something I have not seen before. Of something that does not belong in this or any place. Of hatred, grief, despair.
Of something that is yet to come…
NPC_EXO_MONO_LANG4 Or so it would be until the coming of the last Traveller. So it would be until the destruction of realities. Know this, the final testament of Nal…
NPC_EXO_MONO_DESC4 I see the end of time, the end of all things. And in that crimson light, there is a figure, its hand held out before eternity…
I see all this, and then it is over. The monolith has nothing more to show me.
NPC_EXO_MONO_NAME The Voice of Nal
NPC_EXO_MONO_RES_A I leave, shaken by my experience. As I go, I feel something right behind me, breathing, watching…

When I turn it is gone.
NPC_EXO_MONO_WAIT_DESC The Monolith stands vacant, without hope of further prophecy. I have obtained all that I can.

Plaques / Ruins - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH

Note: No changes/additions with the Atlas Rises update, nothing found in NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH

Plaques / Ruins - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
TIP_PLAQUE <TITLE>Alien Artifact signature detected<>
Language of local alien species available
SIGNAL_PLAQUE Alien Artifact Detected
Text All
ALL_PLA_DESC_1 The imprint of an ancient civilization was once absorbed by this strange marker. The story of the Vy’keen somehow spills out, in the language of my own people.
ALL_PLA_DESC_2 The memories of a long deceased tribe of Vy’keen warriors flows from the stone marker, forming into a ghostly essence that fills me with wisdom.
ALL_PLA_DESC_3 Ancient knowledge passed down through generations of Vy’keen warriors spills from the marker stone, filtering into my mind like a long forgotten memory.
ALL_PLA_DESC_4 Runes take shape upon the stone. Burning with light they sing to me of the Vy’keen Ancients in the language of my people.
ALL_PLA_DESC_5 Strange writings form upon the stone, revealing secrets from the time of the Vy’keen Ancients. How I understand them, I do not know.
ALL_PLA_DESC_6 The ancient marker hums at a frequency that burrows deep into my being, filling me with the voices of the Korvax Echoes.
ALL_PLA_DESC_7 Brilliant light erupts from the ancient marker. It encircles me, engulfing my mind with the memories and voices of the Korvax Echoes. The dreams of Entities who once worshipped here become my own.
ALL_PLA_DESC_8 The strange stone marker imparts the wisdom of the Korvax Echoes to those who desire it. I do not know what dialect it speaks, yet somehow I understand the story of those who once worshipped here.
ALL_PLA_DESC_9 Whispers spill from the sharp edges of the artifact, recounting the dreams and memories of the Korvax Echoes in my mother tongue.
ALL_PLA_DESC_10 Lights burst from the obelisk. They pass through me, each a whispered Korvax secret buried for millennia deep within its rock.
ALL_PLA_DESC_11 I convulse as I reach out and touch the beautiful stone marker, my mind filling with a deadly knowledge of the true history of the Gek…
ALL_PLA_DESC_12 As I touch the obelisk, images of the planet’s ancient past flood my mind. The terrible beginnings of the Gek have been absorbed by this strange stone, and their tale seems desperate to escape…
ALL_PLA_DESC_13 Memories imbued into the rock long ago by the ancient Gek channel into my brain. I recoil, but am compelled to somehow understand…
ALL_PLA_DESC_14 Flickering emblems appear on the stone. Although I do not recognise the language, somehow I can read of the history of this strange planet and the Gek who once resided here.
ALL_PLA_DESC_15 The surface of the plaque shimmers, and shakes with the screams of a people that lived here long ago. The words are unfamiliar yet in the sounds of Gek anger and outrage, I can hear meaning.
ALL_PLA_DESC_16 It is as though the stone has absorbed the knowledge of those who lived here millennia ago. It speaks to me now in my native tongue.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_DESC_1 I hear the distant voices of the Korvax Entities who once worshipped here. As they whisper, words written in my own language glow faintly on the monument. The Echoes want to be heard…
TRA_1_PLAQUE_OPT_1 Seek help with language
TRA_1_PLAQUE_RIGHT_1 My knowledge of the Gek increases.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_1 We are the masters of galaxies, the overlords of the cosmos. Each foe will submit with bended knee to the ALMIGHTY Gek Dominion.

We are the FIRST SPAWN. Look upon our works and DESPAIR.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_2 All who hear our words know of our might. Those who oppose us are broken to our will. Behold the power of the Gek First Spawn.

Galaxies lie at our FEET. We are ETERNAL.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_3 Through time and space the First Spawn endures, eternally, ever watchful, unyielding over its dominion.

Each foe will be CRUSHED. ONLY the Gek will remain.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_4 The foul scent of the Gek cannot be opposed. The First Spawn commands all it surveys. We are masters of the stars, our rule shall endure eternally.

The Vy’keen and Korvax COWER and DESPAIR at our name.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_5 With each conquered world the First Spawn’s resolve strengthens. None shall oppose the Gek for fear their planets shall be shaken to dust.

We will weep when there are no more worlds to conquer.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_6 The Outer Edge BURNS at the hands of the Gek First Spawn. Our enemies are broken. We are the extinguishers of hope.

In our wake we leave only the lamentations of the conquered. We fear NOTHING.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_7 The MINOR GEK are the inferior breed, lurking in pools, procreating and dying without consequence.

The First Spawn Gek CONQUER WORLDS, each of their spawns is an imprint on the destiny of the galaxy.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_8 The larval pools of Balaron GAVE GLORIOUS RISE to the FIRST SPAWN. As we SPRANG FORTH the Outer Edge RECOILED in FEAR.

None could oppose our rise. None will bring about our end.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_9 The First Spawn is the SCOURGE of the OUTER EDGE. In its wake empires will fall. Planets will crumble. Galaxies will kneel. TREMBLE at our name. For we are the ALMIGHTY Gek.

None can oppose our ascendance.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_10 The First Spawn GREW. WEAKLING PORWIGLE lost their tails to the Spawning Syrup and became MIGHTY warriors.

Each was imbued with the might of the Gek Dominion and its unquenchable will to claim the stars.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_11 Those born of the Gek who OPPOSED the Dominion were hurled from the spawning pools of the FIRST SPAWN.

Their cherished spawning syrup was replaced with FLAME. Their kind are now merely beasts of the field.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_12 The MINOR GEK were purged. It is only through fire that imperfection be destroyed and the path to domination is revealed.

The First Spawn feasted on the flesh of the discarded and GREW STRONG.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_13 After the OPPOSERS were cast from the spawning pools the Sentinels DESCENDED. Their cause was unjust. Aggressors guided to the fray by the scent emissions of a WAR too GREAT and TOO MIGHTY for the automatons to resist.

The First Spawn would remember this.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_14 The First Spawn BRED and PLOTTED while the Sentinels patrolled the skies of Balaron for a MULTITUDE of CYCLES. But the automaton victories were but illusions.

Beneath watchful metallic eyes Gek legions rose.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_15 The HOLY larval pools of Balaron SPRANG FORTH with the PUREST of PORWIGLES. Generation BEGAT generation. Wholesome and strong, iron of fist and with a granite resolve.

We, the wise FIRST SPAWN, held back our TIDE of BLOOD. We waited to ATTACK. The unseen blow strikes the hardest.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_16 The DAWN of the EMPIRE of the FIRST SPAWN was BIRTHED in the SHADOW of the FOLLY of the Great Vy’keen Sentinel War.

The rock and the wave collided as we kept our vigil, awaiting signs of weakness to pave our coming.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_17 The Vy’keen FOOLISHLY fought a war with no end. Again and again they threw their warriors against the iron tide. The Sentinels SINGED Vy’keen FLESH with LASER. The Vy’keen scorched their foe with righteous fire.

From the SHADOWS the FIRST SPAWN watched and prepared to unleash their reckoning.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_18 The Vy’keen and Sentinels clashed, SPILLING BLOOD and WHITE METAL through the void, each blow weakening their defences against the fate that awaited them in the shadows.

It would not be long before the First Spawn took their RIGHTFUL place as emperors of the STARS.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_19 The Vy’keen SPILLED THEIR OWN PUTRID BLOOD and pushed the SENTINEL MACHINES back from the Outer Edge. They drove forward like crashing tides, leaving broken metal in their wake. For a time the Sentinels became SILENT.

In this silence came the GLORIOUS GEK ASCENT. It came with the RIGHTFUL DESTRUCTION of Korvax Prime.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_20 Korvax Prime was a VAST and PRECIOUS landscape of MINERAL ORE and POWER. By right of UNIVERSAL RULE the First Spawn claimed dominion over the planet yet the CREDULOUS and FEEBLE Korvax refused to accept their CONQUEST.

They DENIED progress. This: their greatest folly.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_21 Driven by the misguided desire for planetary equilibrium the Korvax REFUSED to delve deep inside their planet and PROFIT from the JEWEL granted them by FATE. Their love for the DIRE WILL of the Sentinels was ABHORRENT to the Gek.

Swift was their end brought about by the First Spawn’s STRIKE.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_22 The destruction of KORVAX PRIME was VAST, SUDDEN and MIGHTY. In a tide of steel the First Spawn struck, scattering the planet through the cosmos as a warning to the unyielding.

The absent Sentinels could not PUNISH the RIGHTFUL ASCENDANCY OF THE GEK.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_23 The First Spawn FEASTED on the DEBRIS of KORVAX PRIME, gorging on a banquet of fragments plucked from the void, consumed to fuel the Great Ascendency. The universe shook as the Gek grew RICH.

The Korvax found only DESPAIR. The Dominion became whole.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_24 A FEAR of the FIRST SPAWN spread throughout the Outer Edge. Planets shook. Systems recoiled. Weak alliances formed and were crushed.

TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_25 The entities of the Korvax were NOT destroyed. The First Spawn are BENEVOLENT. The First Spawn are MERCIFUL. SLAVERY SAVED THE WORTHLESS.

They toiled for their conquerors. Their reprieve was found in servitude.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_26 The Korvax knowledge BECAME OURS. The Korvax technology BECAME OURS. The Korvax BECAME OURS.

They serve as an example of our boundless power and mercy.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_27 The Korvax did not dare FIGHT. Respect for the Sentinels is KORVAX WEAKNESS. Weakness is the path to defeat.

Today the Korvax fester in ELECTRONIC CHAINS. The Gek look down upon them from their thrones.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_28 The Gek First Spawn stand on the MIGHTY BRINK of an ETERNAL EMPIRE. It is ENDLESS in TIME. It is ENDLESS in space.

Their dominion will know no bounds. Their armies will know no equal.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_29 Every Korvax ELECTRONIC REBELLION will be PUT DOWN. Their appeals to their false and non-existent ATLAS are mere SUPERSTITION found through DESPAIR. They are in VAIN. THEY ARE CONQUERED.

The breaking of the uprising shall know NO MERCY. Endless shall be their suffering.
TRA_1_PLAQUE_LORE_30 This Galaxy is VAST but it is KNOWABLE and it can be CONQUERED. It shall be subjugated. The rising tide of the First Spawn will sweep away any that oppose it.

These tablets are our testament FOR ALL TIME.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_DESC_1 The whispers of the Vy’keen Ancients fill the air. Suddenly words etch themselves upon the marker, and then deep into my mind.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_OPT_1 Seek help with language
EXP_1_PLAQUE_RIGHT_1 My knowledge of the Korvax Convergence increases.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_1 Knowledge paves the way to the understanding of probability. The Atlas spoke in fragments. The Atlas Interfaces are their shadows. The monoliths are their scattered children. Together they convey the wisdom of the infinite.

They must be understood.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_2 The Atlas Interfaces drift alone in the endless void. They are silent. They are unknowable fragments of an ancient whole. Yet their imprint on time and space molds our existence.

They are the equation, and life is its answer. Through their Monoliths they give understanding to their boundless meaning, and that of our own.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_3 The Korvax Echoes tell of a time, long ago, when the Monoliths of the Atlas woke the civilizations of the Outer Edge. Their presence filled them with a desire for knowledge.

From these beginnings empires were born, spoke out and fell silent once more. An eternity that cannot be quantified passed.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_4 The Atlas Interfaces await the arrival of the Travellers, those who would seek the ends of the universe through its very core. Within the infinity of time their arrival is probable.

Their potential could know no bounds. One dimension in billions will receive them.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_5 We are the Korvax Echoes, ever enduring Entities of the Convergence. We live on through the logic and wisdom passed through our metal skins.

Each generation is greater than the last.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_6 Eheu. Before the Dark Times the entities of the Korvax worshipped the Sentinels. Through them the Convergence found the formula of enlightenment.

Now we calculate our own path, seeking to further enhance the mind of all that is one towards an understanding of the Atlas.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_7 The Sentinels forbid all destruction. The Sentinels forbid Entity disconnection through violence. Theirs is a way of peace and fulfillment, of logic and probability.

They teach us that each life’s value, from the smallest to that which gives life to all others, is equal.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_8 For countless generations the entities of the Korvax disconnected and passed on into the Echoes naturally. Each disconnection added to the knowledge and soul of the Convergence.

Our home was Korvax Prime. Within its foundations we stored the memories of our race, an ever evolving equation that defines us.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_9 Disconnection is not permanent. It is merely the start of a new equation. On Korvax Prime entities who passed on into the Korvax Echoes left their shell for their descendants. So has been the way of the Korvax: an endless carapace cycle that knows no end.

This way will continue. It will continue for as long as our lights still shine.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_10 Those within the Korvax Echoes have left the physical realm, but they endure through the masks and shells of our children.

Thoughts and knowledge ever-growing, we search for deeper understanding of the equation that defines our existence.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_11 The Korvax lived peacefully. We praised the Sentinels, learning from them, living beside them in equilibrium. The Korvax honoured the Sentinels’ ways, refusing to dig into the sacred ground they protected.

We were enlightened.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_12 Through research and study we, the Korvax, became powerful within ourselves. The one mind Convergence flourished. Nurtured like a sapling in the light, it grew tall and mighty.

The Sentinels brought us the gift of knowledge. We gave thanks to the Atlas.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_13 Eheu. Korvax Prime was watched keenly and closely by an unknown race. It lurked in the depths of the darkness. Vigilant and patient it awaited its time.

The Great Disconnection was at hand.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_14 Eheu. The darkness burst forth with the force of a supernova. The Great Disconnection had begun. A hundred million Korvax voices cried out.

The Korvax Echoes became a frenzy of noise. Innumerable cycles passed before balance was restored.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_15 The Great Disconnection. The masks and shells of the Korvax survivors shook with the screams of the disconnected. Lights dimmed as the enemy descended, malevolent in its intent.

Their numbers were too many. Korvax Prime was destroyed.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_16 A hundred million casing lights were dimmed. The Great Disconnection destroyed all that went before. The Korvax Echoes became screams.

Years stretched like millennia amidst the disarray yet slowly hope was reborn through logic.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_17 Korvax Prime was destroyed. Its secrets spilled into an empty sky. Its fragments touched the edges of the galaxy.

Upon this destruction the Gek First Spawn aggressor built its dominion within the Outer Edge.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_18 The First Spawn of the Gek disconnected the Korvax. Through obliteration they sought dominion. They stole our planet. Enslaved our survivors.

Their revelry made them misguided in thought and deed. Probability dictated that our time would come again.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_19 The Korvax were enslaved, driven by cruelty to fulfil the despot’s bidding. The First Spawn of the Gek were terrible masters, merciless in their spite, illogical in their cruelty.

Countless entities toiled and disconnected. These tablets are the testament of those who survived.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_20 Eheu. The Gek harnessed the technology of the Korvax to conquer worlds. Thieves, usurpers, false lords to the power of infinity. All who opposed their will perished. The balance tipped towards the darkness.

These were the times of disconnection and illogical misdeeds.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_21 The Gek destroyed worlds. The Sentinels struck back. The technology of the Korvax was used to destroy the machines we venerated.

There was endless disconnection. The Convergence shook with great despair.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_22 The Entities of the Korvax were forced into chains of silence, but the Korvax Convergence that linked their souls could never be subdued.

It endures, forever seeking new formulas to solve the equation of eternal enlightenment. The probability of success is unknown.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_23 The Korvax Echoes within the unseen Convergence that linked our souls never relinquished love for the Atlas. As millennia passed this affection spread. The Cult of the Atlas grew within the Gek.

The equations and probabilities the Korvax hold dear entered Gek consciousness. They had only to solve it to see the folly of their past miscalculations.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_24 The First Spawn could not control the outer edges of their vast Empire. The Cult of the Atlas grew. It taught of harmony through insignificance. Minds that knew only war began to question. Greed and ambition yielded to reason.

The Gek floundered. The First Spawn became conflicted and divided.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_25 The First Spawn of the Gek overreached. They stretched too far. Their folly and pride knew no bounds. Again and again they tried, again and again they were repelled.

The unstoppable force of the Sentinels could not be withstood. The unbendable cannot be broken.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_26 The Cult of the Atlas drew forces within the Gek to the Stations of the Atlas. The First Spawn could not prevent it. Arrogant ambition yielded to newfound reason.

Stone by stone the Gek Dominion crumbled.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_27 The Gek stood in the shadow of the Atlas Interface. It did not open. It did not speak. Yet, the First Spawn felt awe. They felt their insignificance at the centre of an unending universe. It was improbable. Yet within infinity all things remain possible.

The Gek changed. The Diminishment had begun.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_28 The unspeaking, unmoving Atlas Interface inflicted an insignificance upon the Gek emissaries that showed them their role within the expanse of infinity. It forced recognition of their true place in a limitless universe.

The Gek saw their folly, their heads bowed in shame for the miscalculations they had wrought.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_29 The Cult of the Atlas took hold as the First Spawn of the Gek crumbled. The Diminishment was at its apex. Endless expansion turned to dust. Eons of aggression receded. The Gek saw new solutions and the Korvax became free.

The miscalculations of the past paved the way for the discovery of a newfound balance.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_30 The low spawn Gek turned on their leaders. Their First Spawn were cast out, ripped from their spawning pools and cast into the dust. Their lamentations curdled the air.

The wisdom of the Korvax and the Atlas prevailed.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_31 The Entities of the Korvax are free. Free to study the Atlas. Free to praise the Sentinels. Free to aid the Travellers if probability will allow.

Korvax and Gek would begin anew, equal in standing, united in the eternal search for balance and understanding.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_32 The coming of the Travellers is possible, as all things are. Yet the chances are infinitesimal. We watch the skies nonetheless. If they do not come here, they will exist elsewhere and our kind – or a kind like us will welcome them.

Within the chaos of the infinite we must cling to the probable.
EXP_1_PLAQUE_LORE_33 All things must happen. All things will occur. Somewhere, elsewhere or as a part of the hereafter.

Now ends the testament of the Korvax.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_DESC_1 My vision clouds and the words of the ancient Gek seem to emerge on the strange stone structure. I sense that these are words that the forgotten and restless want understood…
WAR_1_PLAQUE_OPT_1 Seek help with language
WAR_1_PLAQUE_RIGHT_1 My knowledge of the Vy’keen increases.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_1 The noble Travellers will be spared. Their journey through the cosmos shall not be thwarted. So it is decreed.

The will of Hirk commands it. The Vy’keen shall honour the judgment and the belief of the Ancients.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_2 The Book of Hirk speaks of the rise of the Travellers. They shall ascend, delving into the boundless void. The Vy’keen shall not impede their ascent for the Travellers must prevail.

So decrees the word of Hirk.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_3 None hamper the path towards Dryn’dargh as The Sentinels. They must be destroyed. Their time will be ended.

So has it been written, so it shall come to be. This the Vy’keen swear.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_4 The Sentinels are not of the natural order. Things must fall apart. In their endlessness and replication the automatons prove themselves abominations. They must be purged from existence.

All should die, whether through righteous battle or the assault of time.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_5 Hirk foresaw the weakness of the Vy’keen warrior kind. The star ascent of our noble race was blocked by the weak-minded Sentinels.

Nine times nine fold, Hirk commanded, we would have our vengeance and dash the metal demons against the rocks of damnation.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_6 It came to pass that the Great Monolith awoke. It heard the challenge of Hirk. Five times Hirk called upon it and was met by silence.

On the sixth cry it awoke.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_7 The Great Monolith spoke to Hirk of the Travellers. Their coming should not be met with fire. Their coming was but one dream in an infinite Universe. Their reach would be that of the endless.

When Hirk asked of the Sentinels, the Great Monolith said nothing. Hirk was troubled by its silence.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_8 Hirk returned to the Vy’keen. ‘Grah!’ they spake atop the sacred mountain of Dun’s’kaareen. And proclaiming loudly to all who had gathered there, their leader said unto them, ‘The Great Monolith has answered me. It has awoken.’

‘It has told of the coming of the Travellers. They will be spared. The Vy’keen shall honour this decree.’
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_9 The crowd cried for Hirk to reveal the Great Monolith’s judgement of the Sentinel threat. “The Monolith stood silent!” Hirk spake forth, but the people were not satisfied. They muttered amongst themselves and those blessed with tendrils did extend them.

Then with raised voice Hirk decreed, “The oppressors will be eradicated! Gather your arms for the time of reckoning is upon the enemy.” And the Vy’keen adored their leader.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_10 As Hirk stood upon the sacred mountain Nal climbed to its peak and there with fist outstretched challenged Hirk. ‘Fool!’ Nal cried. ‘The Sentinels cannot be vanquished!’ Hirk, with furious rage struck the fool from the mountain.

For three moons and suns Nal fell before being claimed by doom.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_11 Hirk’s rage against the upstart Nal inflamed the hearts of Nal’s followers who upon their leader’s demise felt the blood of the ancestors rise within them.

The Vy’keen nations were bathed in righteous war for sixty-six moons.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_12 On the sixty-sixth moon the war cry of the Vy’keen of Nal was silenced. After surveying their bodies, Hirk gazed unto the heavens and there beheld a great Sentinel host descending upon the Vy’keen.

The great Vy’keen Sentinel War was at hand.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_13 For a multitude of cycles the yoke of the Sentinels had strangled the civilizations of the galaxy in their mewling cribs.

Hirk was displeased with the world of the Vy’keen. As the automatons descended, Hirk gazed upon a planet ravaged by weakness.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_14 Progress, prosperity and war: these are the things forbidden by automatons. But the Vy’keen were the first to break the shackles, casting the old ways into the pit to herald the birth of a new age.

The Vy’keen were the dam that overflowed. Righteous is the flood.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_15 Grah! The Sentinels are the enemy of progress and civilization. They are not of the natural order. Their interference is an affront to the virtuous Vy’keen crusade, which seeks to balance in all things through blood, ashes and iron.

This affront to the Vy’keen and their creed cannot go unpunished.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_16 Before the coming of Hirk the Vy’keen feared the Sentinels. Like all races our people cowered from their unquestioning violence, shrank from their tyrannical rule. But the coming of Hirk heralded a new dawn.

Through their leader, the Vy’keen became strong. Now their courage knows no bounds.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_17 Hirk looked to the skies and witnessed the pitiless destruction of the Sentinels that smothered all races brought forth out unto the Outer Edge.

Worlds withered and died beneath their relentless gaze. The anger of Hirk was unleashed.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_18 And so it came to pass that on the eve of the eighteenth moon of Drun’Gala Hirk cast the shackles of the Sentinel oppressors into the pit.

The Vy’keen were the glorious first, the rising water that broke the dam. The endless war began.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_19 The death of Hirk came during the endless war. Hirk’s body was ravaged by old age, becoming ancient and useless. Bellowing, Hirk tore this failing body in two before the Great Monolith, as is the Vy’keen way.

The echo of that dying roar can still be heard throughout the Outer Edge. Hirk lives in us, the most venerated of the ancients.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_20 Countless cycles sifted through the claws of time. Attrition was great. The battle against the Sentinels raged endlessly. But through righteous fire the Vy’keen endured and the Sentinels burned.

The oppressors were pushed back. Back into the dark of space.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_21 The Vy’keen saw borders stretch between the stars. Onwards they delved with legions at their back, scorching Sentinel metal from their fiery chariots and attack ships.

The Vy’keen gazed upon their conquests and saw that they were righteous and good.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_22 The Vy’keen rose in glorious victory, yet noble warriors grew tired and weak. The onslaught against the machines endured for ninety-nine times ninety cycles. There was attrition and incalculable death, but victory eluded them still.

The endless replication of the Sentinels slowed, but could not be vanquished.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_23 Grah! The Sentinel hordes were pushed back. The oppressors fled into the sanctuary of the cosmos. The spirit of Hirk surveyed the field of battle, and saw that the Vy’keen victory was glorious and just. The automatons became silent as the nation of Hirk feasted upon grahgrah.

The songs of the victorious echoed to the edges of the galaxy.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_24 And thus the Sentinel horde congregated in the dark places of the void. There they watched in the in-between nothingness. The blackness of space.

Thy waited beyond the limits of the Outer Edge. As millennia passed they replenished, growing a force to return their order for countless ages.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_25 The Vy’keen licked each other’s wounds during the Silence of the Sentinels, while the dishonourable Gek First Spawn chose to destroy Korvax Prime.

The Vy’keen condemned this crime, but lacked the strength to fight.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_26 The Gek Empire flourished. It spread its empire into the depths of the cosmos. The Vy’keen victory in pushing the Sentinels back from the Outer Edge gave rise to Dominion of another.

No world, moon, or race could have opposed the Gek onslaught.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_27 The brutality of the Gek First Spawn called back the automatons that were hiding in the darkness. Their forces had grown. Their technologies had developed.

The foolish Gek beckoned the monster back into the places where our nations might have dwelt in strange harmony. True Sentinel domination of the Outer Edge began.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_28 Within a single lifetime the Sentinels had returned. They came to dwell on every world we knew. Every world we went on to discover.

The pathetic, idiotic Gek had doomed the Outer Edge to aeons of their rule.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_29 The dominion of the Gek First Spawn crumbled. They fell apart through idiocy, and through the unchanging will of the beings they enslaved but could never understand.

Their power is but a memory. Their crimes forgotten by so many.
WAR_1_PLAQUE_LORE_30 The Gek changed. They became peaceful. Their spawning pools bred in the name of commerce. They Vy’keen accept this peace, but we do not forget as the other beings of the Galaxy are so keen to do.

Dishonour is unchanging. Crimes marked in blood do not fade. We do not forget.

Thank you for all your hard work. I would like to see the script for the Holo-Terminus buildings. Not the ones for the storyline, but the ones you get if you interact with them when not on the story.

Holo-Termini are so rare to see if you have finished the story, and even if I find one, it is always alien text that I have not learned most of the words for. It would be good to know if this lore has any important secrets in it.


I did have that on my mind, although I don’t think I listed it (yet), but your wish will be granted once I get to it :wink:

Edit: Added HOLOHUB_FILLER to the list. Contains 10 different message for each race I believe (Gek/Korvax/Vy’keen).


Holographic Comms Towers - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH

Note: Does not contain Holographic Comms Towers used in the main story. This contains the interaction filler outside of missions only.

Holographic Comms Towers - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
HOLOHUB_TITLE_L Holographic Comms Tower
Gek (dict.)
Korvax (dict.)
Vy’keen (dict.)
INTRCT_HOLO HoloProjection
HOLOHUB_ACTIVATION_DESC The tower hosts a powerful transmitter, designed to facilitate holographic communication across long distances.
ALL_HOLOHUB_FILLER_DESC There are no incoming calls currently registered with the HoloTerminus.

Logs from the previous call are available.
DNT_TRA_HOLOHUB_FILLER_1 Hello friend! I am calling from ToilGek Corporation. You would like to buy GekNip, yes?
DNT_TRA_HOLOHUB_FILLER_2 Friends! It is good to see you all here. You have all brought many units, yes?
DNT_TRA_HOLOHUB_FILLER_3 Am only one here? All friends are late as usual. Have to whistle.
DNT_TRA_HOLOHUB_FILLER_4 Friends! We have purchased too much dirt! Need to offload but market is crashing! Trade Lords must not find out.
DNT_TRA_HOLOHUB_FILLER_5 Hello Friends! What shall we purchase next? Market looks promising for augmented hats.
DNT_TRA_HOLOHUB_FILLER_6 HoloTerminus is no good. Cannot smell pheremones! Must visit together instead.
DNT_TRA_HOLOHUB_FILLER_7 Trade Lords very unhappy. Have discovered losses. Must abandon vegetable scam and find new market.
DNT_TRA_HOLOHUB_FILLER_8 Friends! Have purchased new ship! Large trades are now possible. Such a happy day.
DNT_TRA_HOLOHUB_FILLER_9 Friends my ship is broken! No warp fuel! Cannot reach Balaron. Require aid. Please help.
DNT_TRA_HOLOHUB_FILLER_10 Friend! Have left ten messages. Why no reply? Perhaps this will be the one. Answer please. Friend has such good pheremones.
DNT_EXP_HOLOHUB_FILLER_1 HoloTerminus is fascinating. So much distortion. Other carapace look different from how Korvax had imagined from Convergence.
DNT_EXP_HOLOHUB_FILLER_2 Korvax broadcasts to all divergent entities. Please reestablish Convergence. All is forgiven.
DNT_EXP_HOLOHUB_FILLER_3 Korvax asks other Korvax to examine projection. Is Gek costume effective? Is carapace visible?
DNT_EXP_HOLOHUB_FILLER_4 Korvax sounds strange over HoloTerminus. Distortion to hear both voice and Convergence.
DNT_EXP_HOLOHUB_FILLER_5 Gek and Vy’keen enjoy seeing HoloTerminus projection. You organic lifeforms are strange. Now, what business?
DNT_EXP_HOLOHUB_FILLER_6 Korvax use largest transmitter, but still no connection Echoes. Where are Echoes?
DNT_EXP_HOLOHUB_FILLER_7 Interesting! Projection is like Convergence, but for carapace as well as mind. Perhaps organic lifeforms are not irrelevance.
DNT_EXP_HOLOHUB_FILLER_8 Korvax sees strange pattern in the data. Echoes in the signal! Emergency disconnection required!
DNT_EXP_HOLOHUB_FILLER_9 Cannot hear. Distortion. You say ancestor has bad carapace?! Your ancestor looks like Vy’keen!
DNT_EXP_HOLOHUB_FILLER_10 Where are other Korvax? Why no Korvax answer my broadcasts? Is carapace projection unpleasing?
DNT_WAR_HOLOHUB_FILLER_1 Grah! At last speech free from interloping!
DNT_WAR_HOLOHUB_FILLER_2 Communications secure! Vy’keen, begin singing in three, two, one…
DNT_WAR_HOLOHUB_FILLER_3 Nal cultists plague every system! Must purge heretics! Deploy HoloTerminus traces!
DNT_WAR_HOLOHUB_FILLER_4 Can Sentinels hear Holoterminus? Speak quietly. Drones will listen…
DNT_WAR_HOLOHUB_FILLER_5 HoloTerminus is robot invention. Untrustworthy. Not worthy of Vy’keen words.
DNT_WAR_HOLOHUB_FILLER_6 Vy’keen cannot be sure, but believes saw two interloper in same space. Cannot be possible. What is happening?
DNT_WAR_HOLOHUB_FILLER_7 Grah! Projection cannot be hit by sword or weapon! Projection is weak and cowardly communication!
DNT_WAR_HOLOHUB_FILLER_8 It is good to commune. How is spawn? Vy’keen trusts your consort is powerful and has slain many foes.
DNT_WAR_HOLOHUB_FILLER_9 Enemies have been banished! System is secure! This is their HoloTerminus broadcasting Vy’keen triumph! Grah!
DNT_WAR_HOLOHUB_FILLER_10 Grah! Grah! Grah! Victory cries sound strange over projection. Does Vy’keen always sound this way?

LOL the holo-terminus messages are some of the funniest in the game! It’s good you posted this or I would likely have missed all this humor!


Best of the bunch :laughing:


Quite fond of this one myself… DNT_WAR_HOLOHUB_FILLER_2
