NEXT before Xbox?

Hi there, I was just wondering about something.

The NEXT update will be included on the Xbox disk, so NEXT should be done quite a bit before NMS launches on Xbox.
My question is, would it make sense from a business perspective to drop the update on PS4 and PC before the Xbox? Or would it make more sense to drop the update for everyone at the same time?

I’m no expert, but I imagine having NEXT on PS4 and PC first would help them find bugs for a day one patch on the new platforms. It could also help manage the amount of players, you’d get a surge of players on PS4 and PC which could have calmed down a bit before the surge of new players on Xbox and Tencent WeGame. It might also help gain some positive media attention before it comes out on the new platforms.

Launching NEXT for everyone at the same time is also an option, but to me it would make more sense to launch it on PS4 and PC first.

Your thoughts?


AFAIK, they only put the base game on the disc. All the other stuff gets downloaded. So they can still be upgrading and improving NEXT right up to launch day (and beyond).


Yes, but it doesn’t say the software is actually on the disc. If NEXT were physically present on the disc, then yes, it would have to be finished some time before launch, to allow for manufacturing, shipping, etc.

If, however, the disc just allows you to download NEXT, then NEXT doesn’t have to be finished until launch day.

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Even though not 100% stated, the way I read it was that it would be on the disc that they release. Dont know how it’ll roll out.

I’m not sure it would be helpful to drop the update before the xbox release. HG have so much at stake with 2 new market places. If it gets panned before release it could be the end.

However they do it I’m really rooting for them to succeed and see nms as an ongoing franchise. :slight_smile:


This is true. I don’t think they’re willing to risk releasing NEXT on PS4 and PC early (before the XBOX release) because if there’s any negative reviews at all, it’ll hurt their XBOX release. I wouldn’t expect to see any NEXT content until the actual XBOX version release.

Also, regarding whether or not the NEXT content is actually going to be on the disc or not, it may, or may not. But I’m willing to bet it’ll have up to 1.38/Atlas Rises with the NEXT content being a download. It’s not uncommon for games to have a big “day 1 patch” or update upon install.


At the same time, positive reviews for NEXT and the media coverage could actually convince people to buy it on Xbox. It would be better for them to release the update a few weeks early on PC and PS4 to get the bugs ironed out, that way they can be patched before the Xbox release to make sure the first impression on Xbox is a good one, without all the problems we had right after Atlas Rises, you know?

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I’d guess the disks will come with updates up to 1.3, then NEXT will be a download. I’m not sure how long beforehand they need to provide the media to be put on the disks for manufacture, but it’s probably more than a few weeks.

Unless they already have NEXT done and are just waiting for the release date.

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It would be like USA 1st rest of the world 2nd, like on a lot of games all together at the same time rather than anyones spoilers getting out there too quick no pre game footage would suit for me, we know its going to be fantastic anyway

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In terms of release timing, there is some speculation on NMS Discord that promo for sales to Xbox owners may require advance publicity of some sort. That publicity might come a few weeks prior to actual update launch. So maybe we’ll get a glimpse of some coming enhancements. Of course, Hello Games could use trailers similar to existing ones and not even address NEXT features.