Wasn’t Big Brother from 1984 just a face on posters & on tv screens. A puppet head that nobody had seen for ages.
In the modern world of AI deep-fakes & rubbish media, that looks disturbingly possible in just a few more years
Ohh you beat me to it. Nevermind… point still stands.
It’s not a nice thought…
I am crying myself to sleep tonight
Guess someones getting government war contracts and has to make some changes for future legal reasons
Or more likely worried that someone could make a strong legal case right now that AI has already caused a lot of harm in a multitude of varying and nuanced ways.
Do no evil 2.0
Forget Trump. Let’s concentrate on the important political issues:
We have a village/housing estate in Dublin called PalmersTOWN, there’s also a few PalmersTONs littered around the country.
Few years back during some infrastructure maintenance, all the road signs, nationwide, were renewed and given fresh life
The production of the signs was outsourced to a British company as we don’t really have the industry or steel on hand over here for mass road sign production of that scale in that time frame.
Because of this, now all the road signs directing you to PalmersTOWN say PalmersTON. It’s a sore subject for the locals as it makes them sound more posh than they’d like to be when pronounced aloud it was also too expensive for the government to bother fixing so, guess it’ll have to wait for the next round of reinvesting in infrastructure. Sure Google’s directing everyones driving these days anyway, a misspelled sign isn’t going to get anyone lost or confused.
That… doesn’t actually sound bad, though?
Student loan debt is crushing but without a loan, most people would never go to any university.
I would imagine that grants and scholarships would also go away. Not sure how anyone will get further education.
Ok, now I am confused. Ignoring on why student depts are a thing (which is a very bad reason), they are, in the end, just a loan, not inherently different from other loans. Forbidding loans for specific purposes (as long as they are not illegal) sounds like something nobody can do just like that. So if he’s not trying to remove the cause of student loans (which I would be rather surprised if he did), what exactly is he planning to “stop the loans”? Declare money lending illegal? I don’t think the president has the power to do that…
Well it is just that student loans are managed under the Dept of Education.
There really ought to be another way though. Most people spend their adult life paying off the loans.
Ha. Elon Musk is a fierce defender of free speech on social media, no matter how hateful or damaging.
Except when he’s the target.
Universities in the US are very expensive compared to Germany or Switzerland, where your matriculation costs only 500-1500€ per year and you get a student dormitory room and a bus ticket for a reduced price. In Germany, half of it is paid by the state and for the rest you get a student loan without interest. It is humanly possible to get a job and simply pay that back.
For most Americans it isn’t. They loan like, what, 20’000 $ per year? Plus interest. And they still need to pay for a car to get anywhere.
Ironically, many studies do not even result in occupations where a person could ever make enough money to pay back such a loan + interest. I knew an American who was still paying back his student loans for an Anthropology degree at the age of 50 years.
Can students get any bank loan of that size? Without a loan, either you need rich parents or you simply don’t get a bachelors/masters.
PS: what exactly is Trump cancelling? Is it the possibility of having your student debt be reset to zero?
Ah… I wasn’t aware. Must be some weird arrangement, then.
I know two Americans currently hiding on my island from their student loans and they’re both in their forties now
I say they’re hiding, they’re still paying em back, we just like to joke they’re on the lam. Not as far as we are aware of anyway
Sure man. No nationalized educational standards is a great idea. States producing a whole generation of entrants to the work force that have been taught zero science because in their home state it’s considered ‘the work of the devil.’ Shoving people by the millions into a life they are completely unprepared for…what could go wrong? I mean, it’s not like those people will turn to crime or anything like that…they will probably just voluntarily throw themselves into bonfires somewhere…
Guess it’s back to caning people who write with their left hand and put dunce caps on the dyslexic kids while we’re at it
With increasing food prices? Surely not. How could someone stoop so low because they can’t get educated or a decent paying job? They wouldn’t steal from families struggling to feed themselves would they? Oh wait, they’re one and the same.
Sorry at times like this I need to be sarcastic and/or facetious
I mean, the statement was explicitly about student loans. And getting rid of the need for those would surely be a great thing, is what I meant.
Yeah, you aren’t even in the general vicinity of what “abolish the department of education” is about. It isn’t getting rid of the need for student loans, it’s just about getting rid of the student loans…along with removing any and all regulation of state and local school boards as they determine “what needs taught.” (bad grammar intentional, since many local school boards have majorities that are functional illiterates)
But… she wasn’t saying that in the post, though. She was talking about educational debt and student loans. Obviously abolishing the department of education would be a bad idea, but nobody mentioned that…?