New xo suit for xbox pre-orders

Whaere did you see that info?

only what Sean said its a totally new experience that was from the inside xbox interview

the rest i added is common sense, its the game out of the sim that’s what this whole ARG has been about, you dont think you will be playing what we are now in the Next version do you / not in MP anyway

To be honest I don’t think it will be out of the sim as the game itself is the sim…I think it will either be a new game mode/s since it likely will require PS+/XBL-Gold for proper multiplayer now, or it may be something like a sim within the sim like going to the Anomaly and using the sim they created for Artemis or using the boundary failures to enter multiplayer space or some such.

I wonder if it was always the plan to do a pre-order bonus or if they decided to do this because they weren’t getting many Xbox pre-orders?

I’d imagine they were going to do it anyway but took time to coordinate with Xbox and the retailers to make sure codes would be generated and distributed for these things. Still…anything to generate more NMS discussion is a good thing.

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Anyone seen the pre order bonuses for xbox

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Eek, spoilerish. Would you mind blurring the image with [spoiler ] and [/ spoiler] without the spaces? I don’t mind but that image could spoil someone trying to keep things a surprise outside of stuff delivered via ARG.

I guess that first pre order bonus confirms quite a bit anyway :slight_smile:

Personally I’d rather have a better starter ship than 10,000 units like with ps4 pre order.

I wonder if original ps4 owners will get a nice console themed visor to find or unlock etc since we can’t preorder a free update :thinking:

Everyone who read the top of this thread, yes.

I mean it’s openly displayed on store pages…you can’t really consider this spoilers…it would be silly to try to hide preorder bonuses from people buying the game…they’ll have to know about and redeem Xbox Live codes and then know to claim them in game. They’re incentives to preorder…they don’t work as intended when hidden…they are INTENDED to be seen and make people go “Wow, that looks REALLY cool, I really want that, I’m going to preorder the game!!”

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These comments were brought in from a previous thread made same time as this so they’re kind of irrelevant now, pay them no mind :stuck_out_tongue:

I meant more so for people currently playing who are trying to avoid anything not delivered by the ARG, only one or two on here, a niche crowd nonetheless but the less pitfalls for them the easier they can navigate etc.


The 10K in units makes me VERY nervous…considering ships sell for millions, it’s a joke at how little that amount is pre-NEXT. That all changes if Hello Games, reworks the economy and monetizes the game with an in-game store or loot boxes when NEXT drops.

They’re not likely reworking the economy…pretty sure that’s 10k because that’s what PS4 and PC got as preorder bonuses…and 10k was always nothing…ship prices haven’t changed drastically since the game first released…a 48 slot hauler still costs 120+ million units.

Hello games wouldn’t dare, they’re not marketing ghouls nor vampiric executives :joy:

Dont confuse AAA rat maze schemes from shills for real gameplay from passionate developers, you’re in safe hands here.

I think the measly unit count you get for ps4 pre order and now xbox order is some weird in joke at HG.

It’s the only way I can explain the measly credits gifted to you from stock market or NPC encounters in game. Oh boy, 1,773 units, what should I spend it on? :joy:

I do however expect HG to introduce cosmetic purchases at some point to further support free content and universe updates similar to warframe or other games that do this model fairly.

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There will definitely never be any loot-boxes for NMS. This preoder bonus is almost identical to the PS4 and PC preorder bonus except you get an exosuit skin rather than a ship skin but practically the same thing.

That’s reassuring. I’m not sure what PC version I bought. I pre-ordered on steam and received an upgraded starter ship. I don’t recall the 10k in units.

Here’s the preorder bonus the PS4 had back in the day:


I looked into it. The 10k unit bonus (Rezosu Z65 & Alpha Vector) was only given to PS4 pre-orders. PC pre-order only came with the Horizon Omega ship (no multitool or 10k units).

Well to be fair it’s not like the 10k made any tangible difference whatsoever…and the two ships were identical…looked identical in game too.

I think they didn’t want to give away too much too early. At this point in the ARG, the reveal of that suit isn’t really any new information.