May 22-26 New WT Commands and Cont'd Dev Kit Arrivals

Yeah man, my Team won a DevKit, but it was not being delivered to me. @violace was our designated source. Probably for the better right now anyway as I’m caught up in a bunch of other life/work activities as of recent. You will definitely hear from her if/when the device is delivered :wink:

I’ve been trying to piece together the next episodes in the recap series, but I’ve been so incredibly tired when getting home that I’ve had to re-record my voice over several times just to get a good reading. Not much extra time to really dive into the edit. Maybe soon. I’m putting together a last minute video right now to address all of this before I get on a plane tonight.

Believe me, I really want to share everything! But I refuse to compromise the quality of the work for the sake of getting it out as quickly as possible. You’ll see more eventually, I promise :slight_smile:
Thanks for sticking it out with me Mac. Means a lot.


Sorry I couldn’t be of too much help guys! At least now we know my dev kit doesn’t contain anything and that the hologram thingy was not meant for this phase … yet


At least you now know how to turn on location so when this is all figured out, you will be ready! :smiley: We also seem to be way ahead of everyone else with the solving of the pastebins.


Just wait for another dev kit.

I synced my device but

what does it mean?

yeah… the master switch for location overall was turned off… now it’s on and hopefully it’ll stay on :smiley:

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It means that they’re not ready to release the next section yet. They’ll probably wait a while, for the rest of the world to catch up.

I think we’re all seeing the same thing.

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I guess the next question is when to sync the app. Use the real NORAD satcom or the Myriad dashboard? Does it matter? Myriad dashboard moves much faster than the actual satellite. Or I could be wrong. They may actually be in sync.

You could try both…

It will be over my location at 10:13 pm according to the NORAD tracker. I will try tonight and see what happens. Or should I not try and leave it to those with Dev Kits?

Trying wouldn’t hurt anybody.

Then I shall try. :sunglasses: Until then, I have shopping to do. See ya’ll later.


What’s the NORAD website to track that? Sorry if I’m asking a noob question!:roll_eyes: search for norad 41634

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So the satellite is about to get close to my location, is there anything I should do? :grinning:

Signal strength: 0.963

Duck, probably.



0.97 :thinking:

Edit: And now it is going down

If you have an ASAT lying around, it would be a good time to launch it, I guess. :smile:

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The coordinates are yours, so don’t share 'em if you don’t want everyone to know your location. :wink: Sync code may just be randomly generated, it changes if you relog. Signal strength is based on your distance to the satellite. Myriad SatCom dashboard does appear to be in sync with the actual satellite.

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