Latest Space Missions (& Other Science Stuff)

In all likelihood there is no doubt a gargantuan crab spider thing waeving at the centre of every black hole. The universe has proven this to be the ultimate evolutionary form and I bet it loves foreshadowing as much as we do XD

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A fellow carcinisationist, I see. Preach the gospel, brother! :stuck_out_tongue:


I was raised on a Pastafarian compound, so the transition in beliefs was actually not too difficult College really opened my eyes up to a lot of things.


You’re all a bunch of meatballs. :spaghetti:


Ah yes, swedish meatballs. Another thing that, at least according to ambassador G’Kar, seems to co-evolve all over the universe…


I recently found out what gives Swedish meatballs and the gravy their unique taste: nutmeg


Wasn’t this the plot to a movie in the 90’s? Aptly called Twister? I wanna say it was Dennis Quaid… I just remember there being cows. Two of them. Or the same one, twice.

My 90s child mind assumed this was a thing tornado chasers did but this video leads me to believe this has never been done before and I’m stunned. Bravo!! How many cows were involved? Thats what I wanna know.

While googling for a cow gif I’ve discovered it was Bill Paxton and not Dennis Quaid. I may have face blindness.

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It was the same cow twice and such a ridiculous movie but I watch it every time it runs. :tornado: Helen Hunt. One of my favorite actresses.
Ummm, @toddumptious lookie what just previewed at Super Bowl

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The name of the cow was Helen Hunt? :thinking:


:joy:…no no no. The actress who starred in the movie. She also stars in the sequel Twisters. I did not realize she is now deaf.

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I wasn’t aware either, had to google to find out the deets there.

My first two results kinda spelled the story out for me.

Someone named Helen Hunt went deaf, and that story somehow kept getting falsely equated and pushed by Google as being about Helen Hunt the actor, filed away incorrectly I guess.

Which lead to the story being spread by people and word of mouth as the actor Helen Hunt has gone deaf.

I’m disappointed to find out she’s not deaf and still kicking ass in roles, but I’m relieved to find she’s not deaf and still kicking ass in roles.

Now I’m curious, are google searches in America more likely to push rumours and misinformation to the top of the results? I wouldn’t put it past them considering the last couple of years :joy:


I am finding this to be the truth more and more and it has started with Google using AI for search results. Guess I will be dropping Google searches. The last month has been infuriating to say the least


It’s becoming more and more apparent that we should’ve all dropped google as soon as they dropped “do no evil” as their company motto ’ ^ _ ^


Hmmm… I can see a logical side-effect here. If the goal of the AI is to maximise engagement, it may indeed deliberately mislead people, because it will inevitably learn that if you give somebody the information they want, they’ll bother you no more, while if you send them down a confusing rabbit hole, they’ll come back to ask for directions.
The AI wouldn’t know the moral difference between the two (or even what true and false information actually is). It would merely learn that information with certain properties has a higher chance of keeping people “engaged”, and preferably hand out that information…


This is pretty much how these algorithms operate, they try make them sound super powerful and smart to investors and boomers whose “nephew is pretty good at computers” and what we’ve ended up with is a moron who doesnt understand context. Nor will it ever if we keep going this way.

What we’ve ended up with is a system that Radicalises people unfortunately. I watched that putin/carlson interview because of fuckin course I did, feels like something from a Bizarro timeline.

My youtube is still recommending I now check out Tim Pool, Bill Maher, Jordan Peterson and the latest shill to join the grifting cause, Russell Brand (obi wan screaming “you were supposed to defeat the sith, not join them” heard somewhere in the distance)


The recommendation algorithms, yes. I’ve always thought the actual search engine was treated somewhat differently, though. I hope it is…

I expected a disaster, and somehow managed to get worse. Carlson askingPutin whether he was afraid of the US in his first question was so unbelievably stupid that I didn’t really know what the hell to make of it. It reveals an abyss of cultural ignorance that I didn’t expect. I mean, I expected Carlson to be a lying bastard without an ounce of good faith, I did not expect him to be honest to god oblivious about how to conduct an interview with a man like Putin. I thought he’d at least have had some counceling, there’s enough money involved in all of this, after all. As such, yeah, pretty bizarre…


So the interview went about as expected…there is a huge difference between a journalist and a sensationalist

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That’s looking closer to science fiction, are we finally in THE FUTURE?!