Are you joining us in Guildford on SATURDAY August 17th for our epic community meet-up?
Can’t go? Fear not!
I’m going to bring a TRAVELLERS’ BOOK for everyone at the pub to sign and (somehow) deliver it to Hello Games as a Thank You for 3 unforgettable years of No Man’s Sky.
I want to feature contributions from all of you!
I want you to dig out your best and most memorable shots and send to me and include a short personal message to HG (no more than 200 words) about why No Man’s Sky is so special to you.
I don’t think we should stalk HG, that’s not the idea. If they want to drop into the pub and say hello, they’ll be so welcome, of course. But I wouldn’t hold my breath for it.
We do plan to make a trek to the community’s billboard and get a photo taken there with everyone. Still not sure how exactly we’ll get the book to them, but I will make sure we do, in a safe and secure manner that HG can agree with.
Do you have a portal address because I googled it and it estimates 10 hours of conventional flight time for me.
I’ll get my ducks in a row and send my contribution asap, great idea! Any chance you can scan the finished product into an electronic version for those of us far far away?
A small update: We are now up to 85 participants, and steadily growing. You’re all still more than welcome to join!
To clarify a bit, I will only be making the one copy to give to Hello Games, but I am planning to share the PDF of the book for free download afterwards, so everyone can see it. This will also make it possible for you to print a copy.
If you have any reservations regarding this, let me know when you submit (or later) and I will make sure to omit you in the download version.
We’ll also make sure to share video of the finished book, and from the meet-up in Guildford.
Last day for submissions on this so giving it a bump.
I’ll have my email constructed and sent later when I get home, hopefully it’s not too late or troublesome for you to get it on the day of Yr set deadline.
I’ll share my most memorable moment here in the meantime while I gather stuff for the email.
After the hate at launch I felt like a Jedi in hiding, like I couldn’t reveal my love for the game. The reddit page had gone rogue and become Mr robot. No mans high was the only safe refuge but I wasn’t a big reddit user and was more a casual observer of friendly people making friendly no mans sky posts.
Then waking titan happened, and I found etarc, and together we helped Emily and for me that is my most memorable moment. Hello Games came back with force and it finally brought a fractured community together. It culminated with me taking a trip to an observatory in Dublin and taking photos and I realised, I can take a comedic stab against the toxic community using their own rhetoric against them. So I made this photo and posted it on reddit. It was recognised by HG and transmitted during the final stream of waking titan season one. Fellow Irish folk and father ted fans contacted me when they saw my name, said they literally cheered to see that name show up knowing there were fellow Irish travellers out there somewhere.
This was the photo and also a link to the original post.
Some of you may know that I have organised a UK No Man’s Sky Meet-Up in Guildford on Saturday 17th August at the Three Pigeons (Pub). We have the entire upstairs booked out for the day/night (starting at 12:00). It would be awesome to meet some fellow travellers, enjoy a drink, some food and share our love for the game together in general!
So far there will be:
PS4 Pro + VR setup on a big screen so we can all play BEYOND throughout the day.
We have started to pull together a few cool items that can be used as prizes, perhaps for a quiz etc. (ideas welcome!)… One of the prizes is a special unique Atlas V4 Pass unlike any sent out during Waking Titan (from HG so 100% real).
Drinks Food etc. all available (I will try to see if I can sort a batch and cover the cost to begin with but generally it will be buy whatever you want yourself when you are there).
We’re hoping to head over to the Thank You Hello Games Billboard during the day for a big group photo.
We even have some folks flying over from other countries which is pretty crazy haha!
Plan to take lots of pictures etc. on the day too
Ground Rules: (only 2)
Nobody tries to go and find Hello Games staff or hassle them in any way.
Be respectful to each other and don’t cause any trouble (especially if you are planning on having a few drinks).
Here’s a Discord Link to a little channel we set up for those coming: Discord
The book has been finalised and sent off to the printers. In the end, I received entries from 206 proud Interlopers, for a total of 240 pages (the max allowed). It should be arriving to me on Aug 13th, so a couple of days to spare before I set off for the UK for the Guildford meet-up.
I want to thank everyone who participated, and I’m now going to take a few days well earned rest