Understood. I was actually going to add a few things to some of the game detectives pages, but it doesn’t appear like it’s the same as most wiki’s.
For example, reading through Tariq’s dreamer page and the doc assembled by the CSD neither has any mention that he tried to kill himself linked to REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) issues that appear to be linked to their headsets, and that there was a policy enacted to prevent leaving sharp objects within arms-reach of the dreamers because of it.
Not sure if the reference to RBD is connected to another sleep disorder that was referenced in one of the twitch streams that had the message “DSM 307”, or if that connection had ever been pointed out.
I’m sure this is because I must have not gotten deep enough into the seemingly infinite amount of conversation about Waking Titan or not, but this is the first time I’ve seen this idea mentioned. Once again, this may be a stretch, but I get the vibe from this aspect of the story that perhaps the dreams/what’s happening in the simulations/something else is reaching out from inside of the simulation into the “real world” in a more direct, physical way, as opposed to (something I’ve seen alluded to multiple times but don’t have specifics on just yet) attempting to effect the real world indirectly by influencing or manipulating people to do their bidding.