Glitches and Funny Pics

I am sure that this is not what they intend on doing but when redoing the Utopia expedition I thought it would be interesting if they actually fixed the space station in that system. The Foundation could create a new mission to improve a system, and when done, fly in a new space station. Missions could be to increase the economy, reduce the conflict, resettle the abandoned planets etc. There are so many mini-games that HG could add to NMS.


Early on they talked about allowing players to destroy space stations as a way to have long term effect on the universe.

This would be a great way to revisit that idea and since you are improving a space station, it doesn’t attract the same type of griefer that destroying one would.


My 2 cents (pence if in UK :grin:)…

If Hello Games were to do this, I’d hope that they would restrict the operation in some way so that we couldn’t fix all space stations.

We need to leave a goodly percentage around to add flavor to the universe as well as let new players experience them easily


More funny coincidence than haha funny but I felt this goes here.

I visited this system yesterday, first system I jumped to with the update. As you can see I haven’t uploaded the discovery, this is it’s generated name.

What’s so weird and coinkydink about Mogaki?

On the orbital update page, the gif of the custom ship cycling colours, the ship is called Mogakis Geometric Examiner :blush:

The system is in ECSD space not far from the starchain, it’s abandoned as that was the first thing I checked with orbital, checked a few just in case one of em was hiding the recently departed space station 2.0 interior.


There was a pretty funny code name for one of the options in the ship scrapper back when the text was bugged, it’s rather vulgar, so I will blur it so people can consent to seeing it UI_COST_SALVAGE_PRODS_COCK

Here is me reacting to it in my recent livestream:


Playing crossplay with myself on PC and PS5 to just trade some stuff and bang the QS missions out quickly for both.

Normally play on a mix of med/high settings but was on a smaller screen than usual, decided to play with all settings on their lowest or off to see how the two versions compare.

I was in photo mode marvelling at the render distance for the new space station interiors even on lowest PC settings, when my ship (not paused due to multiplayer) got sucked in and culled the rest of the space station.

Wasn’t sure if this should go here or in “What’s on the other side”


The game just gave me a taste of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. Couldn’t tell if they were just small in comparison next to the other big ships because of their part combinations or if the game had shrunk the ships arriving to the station


Who can guess what this is? :slight_smile:


Looks like parts of a traveler’s getup – sort of like when you are flying 1st person and open photo mode, pieces of the starship appear until you move the camera forward.


You mined some asteroids hoping to find platinum and instead, triggered a bomb planted by pirates and inadvertently opened a rift in time.
I could be wrong… :firecracker:


The Hazardous Flora with the bad burrito gas?


Is it the ‘inside’ view of the First Spawn monolith thingy that occasionally spawns as a point of interest while pulsing across a star system ?


It’s the inside of a sandworms stomach! :dragon:

I was jetpacking up a cliff (with the power of blue flower) and, behind me, the worm jumped into the cliff in the moment when I flew up. I heard it and turned around and saw its mouth come straight at me. I hit F12 but Steam is slow and the screenshots trigger 1 sec too late… so this is the inside of its geometry, surrounding me. :grimacing:


One of my favorite crew members.
Specialist Lament and his unrivaled storytelling.



I just figured out how “Coprite” got that name …

I know that this is a bit late, but it’s kind of humorous how Hello Games comes up with some of these names.


Thanks for posting this :joy: (after I ate lunch)
I have a very small, compulsive disorder dog. As she ages, she gets meaner to the other dogs with each passing day. She runs and ‘hunts’ non-stop. She would never take a break if I did not put her in a pen at night. And yes, she engages in this disgusting habit. She is so old now, I just ignore it. There is no way to stop her since she has nearly 4 acres to use and no way I have any inclination to try. It is what it is.


I do still remember Murrine:

Valuable commodity known for its charming qualities.



Interesting… World of Glass reference? Likely not, but it’s still fascinating.


No, that one was clearly a reference to Sean Murray…