Frontiers has been released!

Yes. I have encountered this as well. And not just on the main ramp. Seems to be some sort of collision near the corners of the doorways and railings.


I had that problem in my Freighter for some time. I had to hop over an invisible obstacle to get down the stairs to the landing bay. I hoped maybe it was a stubborn invisible cat, or leopard, or tiger pet. :sweat_smile: But no pets ever appeared, darn it. And I completely forgot to report it.


I’ve found that I can no longer access other players/friends bases via the teleporter or by normal fly-in anymore (PS4 Legacy Save).
They don’t load or show or even hint they exist.

(I attempted to access old friends bases & the teleporter menu simply refused to acknowledge me. Flying in resulted in nothing showing like if I was offline)


Huh, same here. Many landing platforms in the Anomaly suddenly force a walking character to jetpack over the outer edges to get to the ramps. And the stairwell out of the freighter upstairs had an invisible obstacle once, but not always. And once I went too fast through the exit doors and got stuck between two closed doors and had to quit without saving (but I reported that years ago already as hard-to-reproduce).

I actually gave up filing such small bugs. (Maybe if I got a game breaking bug I‘d invest that effort again…) I‘m no longer doing their basic QA for them in a report system that gives no indication of status, they might as well have not read any of my (detailed) reports.


Just checking in…

This new update sounds both exciting and overwhelming!

I keep hoping to have the time (and the disk space) to re-install NMS, but with every update, the game seems to move farther away from my original reason for purchasing and playing it.
Remember the Lone Explorer" days?
On the other hand, I really miss this universe, and I miss being an active part of this community.
(I have been playing Warframe for quite some time now and recently started playing Boundless, both of which have high learning curves.
But I want my NMS back! lol I guess I’m pretty greedy. I want it all, and I still need to keep painting a few hours every day (about six months ago I switched to painting with oils–I found out you can paint with oils without using solvents! duh! Wish I had known that forty years ago…) :eyes:)

Maybe, once the “new release” bugs are sorted out, I can try to push something off my hdds and reinstall NMS.

In the meantime I will be lurking and liking ( :heart:) here.


We will keep your place for you! :wink:

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I still spend most of my time exploring alone… Every now and then, a mission makes you check into the Anomaly and some other players run past, but e.g. I have not yet seen a quicksilver mission that I could not solve solo. (well, maybe if you start a new save, some of them might be easier teaming up with someone.)


I too greatly prefer exploring an “infinite” universe as a lone traveler. So I have been mostly ignoring roles as Bob the Builder, Chef Emeril, Paul Pet Master, and Chas Co-Op Groupie. :smiley:

I deleted all Normal mode saves a while back and “retreated to” Creative Mode. I did start Expedition 1 but never had time to finish. :frowning:

I do like that many updates include something new for explorers and xenophotographers.


I stumbled onto water soluble oils twelve years ago and was delighted. But after a decade of unuse, a good portion of them have lost their emulsives and went oily, and the cheap ones smell like bad cooking oil. I finally broke down and shoved a thin brush handle into the tubes to mix them, and… it made little difference. I needed some goop remover to clean up, which the spray stuff our local Wal Mart sells makes me high. Gah, this universe is as mean as the one containing Euclid! :grimacing:

If you can afford it, Windsor & Newton is the boss of paints.

I need to buy some wax paper, because the stuff takes days to dry, and I keep making ugly little hand prints all over the place! Grah! So I keep switching to another to work on in acrylics, which is giving me fits for other reasons. It would save me money to get a few affordable replacement water oils, but the old stuff is just getting older. A new batch of slow drying Golden Open acrylics would be ideal, but would cost me more than $200… Oh well, first world problems… :sweat_smile:


@stryker99 I would love to chat with you about art supplies and stuff!

Lets take it to private chat so we don’t clutter this thread. ;`)
Or should we open a new OT thread so other real media painters can join in?


Why not make an offtopic thread for creative art?


Use the ‘General Discussion’ category instead (Off Topic is not used) if you decide to continue public discussion