Found this door to no where in a space station NMS

Found this door to no where in a space station NMS. Think this is anything related? Could they be adding something and that’s where it would go? This waking Titian is making me see stuff everywhere lol.

Better picture,
It’s a placeholder door in a space station.

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Yes, I tweeted about this as well. The symbol in the space station is most likely an A for “Atlas” since 1. A’s in NMS coordinates have no horizontal line 2. This symbol is found in that spot in all Korvax space stations, and Korvax worship the Atlas.

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Here is the part in my video when I actually noticed that symbol as I was heading back to my base… I was like wait a minute!! I’ve seen that somewhere lol.

oh another thing I thought was funny is that I died during that video and of all the quotes to pop up it was this one. I thought that was a big hint that the two might be linked?

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