Almost straight out of Ice Age…
Oh… They’re green with envy!
Huh , I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of the “water snakes” do something like that. They always seemed very stiff to me…
SingularGleam, is that a worm with a new animation that loops its backhalf, or is that loop a plant?
That is all snake/worm/eel
Ah. The fabled flying Sunflower! Nice catch.
Maybe the QuickSilver Store will eventually offer a vase.
(Responding to a picture of a spherical rolled-up armadillo creature with an uneven surface)
Has anyone ever seen such a rolled-up armadillo that glows? It was on the Anomaly, where pets look shiny transparent, so maybe the blinding glow was a side-effect of that, and it was just a normal* armadillo?
(* normal for MMS, not for the real world.)
Was just surveying my activated indium system for a uranium / oxygen plant when this handsome fellow appeared.
Pretty cool as my main base system just next door had loads of diplos and giant fauna that went extinct last major update.
Moved to the new Frontiers category