Expedition 15 Aquarius

I’ve been playing on PC, with everything multiplayer-related turned off. In the past, that didn’t stop the damned bandwidth gobbling bases from appearing - it just meant they weren’t inhabited.

Now I’m seeing the base markers and beacons, but the bases themselves are absent. It’s a blessed relief.


I’ve noticed you can fish in water through walls etc if the water is within range, so even if HG didn’t find a way to stop people filling in or covering up the water at RV spots, we’d still have our fun.

Thankfully it wasn’t an issue but hey, if anyone wants to build a cell to protect you while you fish in deep ocean storms, you can fish through it’s walls :muscle:




I have a question! How did you get those traps out into deep water? I can only deploy mine near the shore, otherwise it says it must be underwater…when I’m underwater trying to deploy them…


They’re not that far out. Maybe at a depth of 17u? I built a shack and kept adding on to it so that I could fish in slightly deeper water and still be in the shade. Launched the traps from there.

And that’s normal erosion.


Every time at one fishing spot, this is called “sticking the landing”.


Try being above water on your skiff, you should be able to just place them.

Then again I’m not sure how deep the waters been in places I place mine either and I’m questioning everyhing I know right now ’ ^ _ ^


I placed my traps from both my ship and my skiff in all depths.


I’d like to know why I’m being penalized for selling fish through my own Galactic Trade Terminal?

Regardless of which system I went to, it was around a negative 40% Demand. The GTTs at the Space Stations weren’t this way.


Thanks for the giggle.


Your company is getting penalised because you are bypassing the galactic trade tariff’s put on fishing and trawling exports by not bringing your goods in through Customs & Port Authority :wink: They’re VERY quick at tracking down and fining people these days.


I am finding a negative demand across the fishing industry. I guess we Travellers are the only ones who eat fish…
Did some comparison shopping
Gotta brag about my legendary catch… :sweat_smile:
Space Station

Base GTT

Trade Rocket

None of this makes sense to me
Edit: forgot the GTT on my Freighter


Maybe we should try selling it in a three star system with no water?


I’ve been selling my fish in bulk solely through the trade rocket and coming away with 300,000-500,000 each time selling mostly C and B Class, stacks are usually between 3-6 fish.

I can’t really tell because I get a bulk price but this seems better than the trade terminal prices you guys are showing for individual fish ;0;

I’ll double check I’m actually getting that amount on the next batch and it’s not just showing me the 100% trade price.

I’ll do a second lot where I wont send the rocket, and I’ll go up with same fish and see what I get from a personal delivery too.

Will return with screens 07


I aint even coming back with screens, something is up with the trade rocket prices :slight_smile:

1 Star Economy // Mercantile // Sell: 69.6% // buy: -19.9% // Failing

Stack of 6 greenscale bloater at total cost of 18,000 at baseline market sale price from info on item hover.

Rocket reports this stack will sell for 27,861 by itself. Showing similar boost for all other fish stacks.

Player Base trade terminal is coming in at 15,199 for the 6 greenscale bloaters at -43.7% market value.

Space Station is showing 17,000 for the 6 greenscale bloaters

Planetside trade centre terminal the price was 15,929 for the 6.

I went back to the trade rocket to double check I actually get the amount shown and can confirm I recieved 27,861 units for the Greenscale Bloaters.

If this is intentional to steer players towards a floaty nomad fishing hermit lifestyle then I fully approve.

Blast your fish into orbit people <3

(I checked the previous system I was fishing in, also 1 star economy but I was still getting great prices from my RocketFish)


Odd but interesting. I wonder if it’s deliberate or if that will get patched. Time will tell.

Meanwhile, enjoy some chill fishing time!

It seems to me that the fishing angle :slightly_smiling_face: fits really well with the chill game of exploration that I like. But … Gotta find time to play. I’m doing work on weekend time today. :slightly_frowning_face:


I know it’s a typing error, and we all make them, but God, how appropriate a mistake -

“Fishing - marginally more fun than death!”


Thx. Fixed the typo. My phone’s view of the site has repositioned where I can type and covers up several lines while typing.

Editing a post is even worse UX. I have no idea what changed.


Shame. The typo was funny, and, from my point of view, very true. :smiley: