Expedition 15 Aquarius

A topic for the new Expedition discussion which is currently available

I will update this topic with further info.


Countdown Timer :link: (JSFiddle)

Expedition Overview


Me, not paying attention, typing search terms, forgetting to add “no man’s sky”:

A fishing expedition is an informal, pejorative term for a non-specific search for information, especially incriminating information. It is most frequently organized by policing authorities.



For the Milestone in phase one, The One That Got Away…

What am I supposed to be doing here? I’ve tried all variants of failing but still no “thiong thats not a fish”.

I try just pulling my line when theres no fish, just as they’re about to grab, just before and after and during a nibble, and sometimes waiting a while during a catch until they break loose or I attempt a catch last second…

I’m catching lots of fish anyway and I’m trying not to :slight_smile:


The clue appears to be in the instruction “Locate a suitable body of water”, i.e. water that does not have fish, but objects.

This is difficult, because the game doesn’t create the fish until you cast the line - so you can’t tell just by looking which bodies of water are likely to contain fish. Without some other clue, it could be a long search.


Perhaps create your own puddle of water using the Terrain Manipulator, so you’re sure there was never any fish to begin with?


Ok I’m totally confused now. I went fishing in a small, shallow pool. I got a bite from a fish - I know it was a fish - I could see it. However, when I pulled it in, it was a message in a bottle. It may be random.


If you wade into the water (channeling a gospel song here) fish appear or not. … One way to tell, I guess.


I think it’s possible to fish in any body of water, I tried making a little fishing hole too after Polys suggestion. The fish seem to be projected from the fishing rod, or it’s pulling them from another iteration. As @sheralmyst ppointed out, there’s someting fishy going on with these fishing rods :slight_smile:

Has anyone tried visiting the portal address given on the first note from the Celeste?

I’m screenshoting everything for the lore thread but I haven’t looked ahead on the milestones (still on phase one, breaking for food and a movie), maybe its part of the expedition. If going to that Portal address isn’t part of the expedition I wonder what it could be? ;0;

Maybe we have to go fishing for ARG clues? Someone dash my expectations quick before they get out of hand!


I still haven’t fished up a bottle yet. I do have my fishing rig on a turbocharged slot so maybe that increases chance of fish so less chance of infectious lyrics from Sting and The Police?

Will take it off and report back.

Reporting back. I just caught Tangleweed Flotsam three times in a row after taking it off the turbocharged slot so it either has an effect or it was purely coincidental. Also this Flotsam counted for “the one that got away”, it doesn’t need to be a message in a bottle :wink:


Gettin back to it. Broke for food and found I had no bread…had to run to town.


So I heard what @Polyphemus said about a bottle in a small puddle of water and tried fishing in a small pond. Have not found a bottle yet but I did find this

I installed it. :sweat_smile:
Phase 1 completed

and now I found a bottled message

So maybe small body of water is key to these two items
Edit: it seems shallow water works. So fish close to shore for the bottles.


Is the expedition a good one to come across from an existing save or is it better to start anew for this one?
(I recently started a brand new (non-expedition) save & powered through much of the Atlas/Apollo/Null/BaseExpansion/Purge missions, all the way to landing in the next galaxy, where I paused expecting some sort of update).


If you have warp materials, and underwater base building materials to pass over to yourself, it could be helpful. Though, you have to warp before you can access the anomoly.
The expedition was not available for me in the anomoly so I started a new save. It may be available now though.
Just saw a player catch an old boot


Here to confirm @sheralmyst s observations.

It more or less gives you most things you need to get out of the system except fuel, but it does give you enough copper at some point to turn into enough chromatic metal to make 2 warpdrive cells at exactly the right time, (or I just happened to get exactly 100 copper from… somewhere) just enough to get you to the first rendezvous and gain access to anything you may have brought along via the Nexus.

Also the starship we get at the start has some items in its cargo that will actually help you get it repaired, it leaves you short one material but it also happens to have one repair kit on board so use that :wink: I didn’t notice it until after I repaired it by mining resources nearby.


It gave me NipNip buds from somewhere - not something I wanted, but enough to get me busted by the system authority. Beware.


I took a trip to the portal coordinates on my PC main since I’m not doing expedition with it yet, and I would have had my answer sooner if I paid more attention to the bottom left while taking photos on Dreato, the planet of the first fishing spot.

That’s where it leads. So the address on the note is the actual coordinates, that sentence wasn’t just fluff :slight_smile:


I started the expedition and I couldn’t interact with certain NPCs for some reason; some were frozen in place. E.g. I randomly picked up a “find a missing person” mission and couldn’t interact with the first target NPC. And neither with the NPC in the first building. But I could interact with a pilot in a space station, so the issue wasn’t consistent. Well, let’s see next time, maybe it was just a glitch. I haven’t even reached the first rendezvous yet. :innocent:


The cluster of Travellers I spawned with, our crashed ships were next to a habitat with a Korvax NPC inside. He was glitching/teleporting into several different positions and was impossible to interact with.

They’ve calmed down now in later systems though I haven’t talked to anyone outside of the Mission NPC :slight_smile:

For anyone looking for a Giant Sea Creature over 100kg, there is one in the waters near the Fishing Spot on Ietap Prime.

I didn’t realise it was a milestone (phase 5) I just happened to scan the creature while exploring.

I thought the reward might make a good lure as it was a frosty treat and my next milestone was to catch fish in a frozen biome. It’s size bonus was very high so I double checked the milestones in phase 5.

Hold on to your frozen treat if you get it early, it might be important for the milestone after finding a creature over 100kg in phase 5 :wink: (edit: nevermind I just got that milestone for a legendary by chance using spicy lure during phase 3)


Whilst looking for fishing spots, I came across a crashed ship. I always claim these - they’re often better than the expedition starter ship, and even if not, they’re worth money and resources.
However, in this case, I couldn’t interact with the ship in any way. I could see it, but I couldn’t touch it or enter it. I could walk right through it like it wasn’t there. It was more like the visual ghost of a ship.


My inventory is filling up with messages from bottles. Is it safe to delete them, or are they needed later on?


It mentions they’re procedural messages so I think it’s safe to get rid of any that aren’t from the Angler.

I’ve only gotten them while havign the angler quest active so I don’t know how they differentiate or if they all have messages with Portal Addresses but I’m assuming not.

The expedition ones also say “Angler Diary” but then again maybe they all do :man_shrugging:

Going in to finish this thing so I can post all the lore and see how the Void plays in to this one. I saw some sneaky milestones hinting at it, similar to Adrift.

I like how all these individual lone travellers are being called to the Void these past few expeditions.

Feels like it’s building up to something. I’m thinking of the Televised mini series of The Stand. Our ensemble cast is being gathered XD

@Polyphemus You missed out on some expeditions now that I think of it, were you able to catch up on any of the stories from it? One had us explore a completely abandoned universe, had us feeling like Artemis. Came out feeling like we may have gotten used by the Void to reclaim a lost piece of itself.

I hope they rerun that one because it was a lot of fun <3