It’s meant to be ETARCIANS.
It’s a spelling error that can hopefully be fixed, along with the couple of other mistakes.
At the time these were being submitted, there were server issues & evidentally in the repeated typings & attempts to upload, some grammar was battered.
I see it as an ironic example of the many issues all Etarcians have faced throughout universal resets & bugged NMS experiences.
It may not be pretty but we eventually get there.
I has my suspension, how summited this.
Deep breath. Exhale. Grammar and spelling, my bane, my kryptonite!
Anywho, It really should be “My CDO”!
Wish they would have used Poly’s, Still good news.
Derp, for some reason I uploaded the wrong screen grabs I was meant to share ECSD and leave frontier division for your good self to share, sorry @Sir_oops
It was the “live there days” that killed me haha, der die oder das!!! (I resort to my old German teachers favourite scolding phrase to correct people on their there/their/they’re s but also confuse them further by using unrelated German grammar.
It would be nice to correct a few spelling errors eventually.
More importantly we ought to lobby Hello Games to re-name the System and planets as they originally were discussed and decide upon in these forums. @Polyphemus’ names became so familiar during Atlas Rises and suddenly everything has all changed.
We could simply relocate and rename I guess but some names have remained the same. So maybe we should lobby to do the opposite and ask to remove the last familiar names of old. Then find another chain and rename as before. The problem though the ECSD found an original star chain, which is an amazing find then built a reputation and even a logo based on it. Can another chain be found like it?
It would be difficult, the best thing is to try to sort out the names. At least the capital ones and maybe contact the players who probably innocently didn’t know they had landed on Hub proposed planets then ask if lobbying HG would be okay. Then again should we bother at all about this and find somewhere new?
It’s great we got anything there at all with all that was going on up participating in the ARG and the release of NEXT. The Atlas is a great addition. I hope it can be a little more integrated into the game some day. Not plonked on but kind of seamlessly called up maybe through the galactic map if we choose. Running a browser and the game though potentially can slow things down, runnning two applications.
I like though opening the Atlas up on a tablet or phone it’s fun to check it while playing NMS.
Whether they delete the old information or keep it, I don’t particularly care. Having to rename things would not be a big issue. I just wish they would do one or the other. The star information does seem to be pre-NEXT, although server issues sometimes prevent it from displaying properly. But planetary information is terribly inconsistent.
The Firefly Star Chain is a unique structure even among star chains. It appears to be where two chains happened to meet. I can’t say there isn’t another one out there, but finding it could be impossibly time consuming. Until someone finds another, or something equally interesting, I doubt anyone will want to move elsewhere.
As I said above, I reported some of these issues to HG. I encourage everyone to do the same.
@johnnycloud if you have an idea of how we might “lobby” HG to make these changes, please let me know. These issues are very upsetting to me.
Etarica and Edison names have become consistent for me in discoveries, ship hud, and helmet hud with the new patch. The banner when you teleport still says the other names.
I have only ever seen one other dual region starchain & unfortunately I lost it out of my waypoint assignment due to ‘pilot error’.
Finding it again is 99.9% unlikely.
I think our current hub location holds history & at some point the disruption will settle & we will know where we stand. I see no point in relocating.
Simply explore, add ECSD on the end & carry on as usual.
Hold on, back up. You found a second double chain?
Yeah, but I lost it.
Was surfing the Gal.Map looking for chains & I found a double. In my excitement I accidentally reset to home instead of locking it in the waypoint.
I have done that too. Go to set waypoint, blink, Home base, what just happened.
I think Ill go build something at the Etracia, anyone want to join?
I’ll be home in an hour or four depending, will join ya if you’re on when I’m back
I gathered some carbon, need to get some pure Fe. alas I have poor time management skills, I’ll be back to biuld in 4 or 5 hours myself.
Come build with us, Etarcains.
Should we build on the island by the space comms, or the mainland?
PS4? I’m in the system, but on PC.
Hi guys! Thought I’d barge in here with my question… so I used a portal to the Edison ECSD planet on PC (discovered by @Polyphemus) just to say hi, leave a shelter to come back to later on, or whatever.
To my dismay however, once exiting the portal, I find that due to “Portal Interference” I cannot build a base computer, not use the teleporter in the space station, and not call my freighter in. Has this mechanic been overhauled so that they only way for long-distance travel is now by the old fashioned way?
I’d be grateful for any insights into this! See you around!
That’s interesting news. When I last visited Edison (admittedly, some weeks ago), the portal had disappeared, (as had the planet). There was a planet in approximately the right place - but different name, different size, different geography, and no portal. The comm balls from the old capital base were floating in space.
It seems like one of the patches may have fixed something.
I have been staying away from the ETARC chain. It’s been very unstable, and visiting there has corrupted my saves several times. I won’t be going back until I’m reasonably sure it’s safe.
And yes, they’ve changed the way portals work. It looks like we’ll have to find a new way to fast travel, and still be able to build a base.
Yea I saw many comm balls drifting outside the atmosphere (in space) of the planet. So they are def there, but not quite where they were…
The fauna was discovered 10/13 (so not fully discovered) even though the discoveries list had 18 discovered creatures in it - and I saw the same creature being “discovered” several times over by different people (you among them). It was a gorgeous planet though - green grass and rusty trees, lots of water… definitely a keeper if you ask me!
Oh , and no storms!!
I hope you backed up your save. In my experience, the place is dangerous to your game.
Good luck