So on Twitch, I’m almost an affiliate (only 15 followers away!!). If you don’t know what that is, it means that people are allowed to donate bits and subscribe to my channel (paying a monthly price which goes directly to the streamer. Subscribing gives access to special emotes of the streamers choosing and other cool stuff). I have a few plans on what my emotes should be, but since my viewers consist of mostly you guys, I was wondering if you had any ideas. My idea was to make it Sean Murray’s face, one smiling, one frowning, and laughing.
I did it! Hit affiliate AND the amazing @damonnabru cropped out the 2 pictures! (I decided to cut out the third one) Also YES, I finally changed my username on the forums page. I went from Sentient_Falcon to Ospredox, this is because now it matches with all of the other sites and media I am on.
Congrats on your status upgrade!
Thanks! For a while I actually didn’t think I would get it, until something happened with Twitch and I randomly received the email saying I qualified. Strange, but I’m not complaining
Congrats on having become Twitch affiliate! All good things come at once
Congratulations @Ospredox!
Thank you @DevilinPixy @Mad-Hatter @BlackIris!
The Sean Murray spamming will be real in my chat soon…
Late to the party but you would’ve gotten my approval on the emote choices.
Congratulations on the affiliate, well deserved. (if your parents ask, those are soda glasses
@KRANG_MONSter Please take the time to understand what this group is about, and how it works.
You are posting random nonsense into archived subjects. You are opening threads that were closed many years ago, in many cases involving posts from people who are no longer members.
This is a group specifically dedicated to players of No Man’s Sky. It is not a Ninja Turtles group, and I doubt that many of our members are particularly interested in your Ninja Turtles material.
If you want to discuss No Man’s Sky related subjects, please do so -but under the appropriate headings.
look lil bro I’m a kid do u think I know anything about no mans sky like I’m litterally 9 yrs old I’m trying! to entertain and stuff and what should I use IM LITTLE I DONT KNOW WHAT A ARCHIVE IS OR ANY OF THIS STUFF IS!
This is a No Man’s Sky group. If you don’t know anything about No Man’s Sky, and you’re not going to post material relating to No Man’s Sky, then you shouldn’t be posting here.
It is unlikely that anyone here finds your posts entertaining. Perhaps you should find a Ninja Turtles group, where other 9 year olds will be amused by your efforts.
AHEM did it say anything about it being a no mans sky group:no. 2nd: there are plenty of posts that are not related to no mans sky 3rd: IDC 4th this was the only thing that excepted my account email so
5 th: dude I’m just saying I’m trying to get famous here at least get a reputation is see these successful YouTubers out there and I’m just a little pebble 6th: were am I gonna find a tmnt group.
Curious how your childish grammar and spelling seem to have disappeared. Very strange for a 9 year old.
were on fall break CUT ME SOME SLACK. also don’t try to change the subject and yes I’m a nine yr old do I need to send u a picture?
As I said earlier, this is a No Man’s Sky group. All the members here are owners and players of No Man’s Sky. It is not a general chat room. If you do not have an interest in No Man’s Sky, you should not be posting here.
I appreciate that you would like to raise your media profile and online popularity, but randomly posting irrelevant material into the wrong group is not the way to do it. You are just going to irritate people.
As I suggested, you would be better off finding discussion groups that deal with subjects you like.
Closing this topic. No need to dig up an old topic that has been dormant for years, especially when replying with off-topic discussion.